Far Cry 6

Fuel the Revolution Mission Walkthrough and Rewards

Far Cry 6 Fuel the Revolution.pngThis is a walkthrough for Fuel the Revolution, a mission in Far Cry 6. Learn more about the objectives of this Operation, available rewards, as well as tips for completing the mission!

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Fire and Fury Fuel the Revolution Libertad Rises

Fuel the Revolution Basic Information

Mission Type
Quest Giver Benito Menguez
Location Quito - Clara's Camp
Rewards 100 XP
Fishing Rod
Secure gasoline for Benito and his fishers from the Cabeza Fuel Depot and assassinate Comandante Rosario at a military site in Prado Meadows.
Clara has tasked you with meeting ex-guerrilla Benito in hopes that you can befriend him thus allowing Libertad the use of his boats. In order to do so, you must kill the guards and the commander at the fuel depot.

How to Unlock Fuel the Revolution

Upon completing the Fire and Fuel mission, Clara will call you asking for your help.

Fuel the Revolution Mission Walkthrough

Secure the FND Base

Talk to Benito
Head to the marker on your map to meet Benito.

After the talk with Benito, he will give you 2 missions. You will also rerceive the Repair Tool, which lets you repair damaged vehicles.

On the side of Benito's house there is a blue chest.
Secure the FND Base
Open the map to find the easternmost marker to locate the Cabeza Fuel Depot. Head there. Once at the depot, it is recommended to go in unnoticed and get some high ground to scout the area. To the south of the area, their are 2 massive fuel tanks you can do this from.

Take out all of the guards as you see fit to capture the area and complete this objective. Upon completion, you will be rewarded with the Storage Room Keycard. There is another Storage Room Keycard in the building that the alarm is connected to if you would like to take a more sneaky approach. This key opens the door to an office in the north western part of the depot. Inside this room there is a black chest.

Also inside this room is a note that will give you the exact location of Comandante Rosario.

Before leaving, there are a lot of materials scattered across the depot so it is recommended to explore the area.

Assassinate Comandante Rosario

Find Comandante Rosario
There are 2 possible locations she can be at. If you found the note at the Cabeza Fuel Depot you will have her exact location.
Kill Comandante Rosario
Once at the base, you will find 2 tanks stationed there. Use your Supremo to destroy them or take the stealthy approach and commandeer a tank for yourself.

To steal the tank, jump on top of it and push the correct button to "enter as driver". If you do this, your first target should be the other enemy tank as it will be the only real threat to you once inside a tank of your own. Use the main cannon to attack the enemy tank and after a few hits it will be no more. Once it is taken care of, mow down the enemy soldiers.

You only need to kill Rosario and everyone else is optional. By any means necessary, take out Comandante Rosario.

After successfully killing her, you will be rewarded with the Munitions Armory Keycard which will grant you access to the bases armory.

Under a green tent in the the depot there is a black chest.
Once you have killed Rosario, get out of combat and escape the restricted area to finish the mission and get Juan's 1956 Beaumont Valentina.

Obtainable Items

Rewards from chests are highly randomized so your rewards may differ.

Item Description
Juan's 1956 Beaumont Valentina (Ride) Location: Casa Benito
After speaking with Benito, you will get a call from Juan. After the call is over, you will receive this ride.
Repair Tool Location: Casa Benito
After speaking with Benito, you will get a call from Juan. After the call is over, you will receive this ride.
RPD ImageRPD Location: Cabeza Tank Depot
In a chest in the back room.
Skorpion ImageSkorpion Location: Cabeza Fuel Depot
In the north westernmost garage, there is an office in the back. Use the Storage Room Keycard you received for capturing the depot to get inside. Once inside, open the chest on the floor.

Tips and Strategies

Tanks Are Your Friends

When going to assassinate Comandante Rosario, there will be an unguarded tank just outside depot. Sneak up and commandeer it to make this mission a piece of cake.

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1 La Noche De La Muerte
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2 The Lucky One
3 Juan of a Kind
4 Du or Die
5 Fire and Fury
6 Fuel the Revolution
7 Libertad Rises
8 The Guerrilla
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23 - Angel De La Muerte The Deported
24 Paradise Lost
25 Dead Drop
26 Against The Wall
27 The Lion's Den
28 The Battle of Esperanza

List of Operations (Main Quests)


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