Far Cry 6

Secrets, Easter Eggs, Cameos, and References

Far Cry 6 features a variety of references to popular media hidden within the game for fans to enjoy. Learn about all the secrets and easter eggs in Far Cry 6 here.

All Secrets and Easter Eggs

Secret Ending

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An alternate ending to the game is actually available quite early in the story. One of the Trophies for the game is exclusive to this secret ending, so don't miss it!

Shortly after completing the Operation Libertad Rises, you'll be given a boat by Clara as part of your deal with the La Libertad. To unlock the secret ending, do not start the next Operation The Guerrilla and instead turn around immediately and board the boat.

In your map, place a waypoint on the western edges of the map, right on the water. With your boat, ride your way out of Libertad Island and head towards the waypoint. After about a minute or so of this, Dani will comment that it is not his fight, right before the screen fades to black and the cutscene is triggered.

The secret ending of Far Cry 6 will see Dani having accomplished his or her goal of making their way to America, far away from the chaos in Yara. A news broadcast on the radio will remark that Anton Castillo has managed to successfully defeat the guerrillas, executing Clara.

Other news on the radio will remark about an ongoing worldwide pandemic, all while Dani sits enjoying the sun.

How to Get the Secret Ending

All Cameos and References

Breaking Bad Reference

“That old engine for 10 chickens and a paquete (package) with every season of the American tv show with the bald meth dealer”

In a nod to two of the game's actors, Giancarlo Esposito (Anton Castillo) and Danny Trejo (slated for a future crossover appearance) hailing from the popular drama Breaking Bad, Far Cry 6 couldn't go without slipping a reference to Breaking Bad in an in-game letter.

This letter is found at a small encampment known as Abascal Farm, located southwest of the Patriotas Peak Guerrilla Camp in El Este.

“Can You Pet the Dog” References

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The game features numerous references to the popular twitter account Can You Pet the Dog?. This popular account shares details on whether in-game animals can be pet by the player.

One of the in-game trophies, @CanYouPetTheCroc, is rewarded to the player for petting Guapo the Crocodile.

In addition, one of Chorizo's abilities, Yes, You Can, references the twitter account's confirmation that an in-game animal can be pet. This ability has the player pet Chorizo to regain some health.

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