Far Cry 6

How to Farm Supremo-Bonds and How to Use

Far Cry 6 How to Farm Supremo-Bond

Supremo-Bond is a hard-to-find material used for Supremo weapon upgrades in Far Cry 6. Find out our recommended methods to farming Supremo-Bond.

Supremo-Bond Basic Information

Far Cry 6 - Supremo-Bond
Category Resolver Materials
Subcategory Printing Materials
How to Get ABS filament that can be found in Libertad Crates on guerrilla paths or stolen from military Supply Drops by following the yellow smoke.
Uses Used to build Gadgets and improve Supremos at the Workbench.

How to Farm Supremo-Bond

Take Military Targets

Some Military Targets reward (1) Supremo-Bond along with XP, gunpowder, and other materials used in crafting.

List of Military Targets with Supremo-Bond Reward

Location Info
Codename: Ibis
Operation Type: Ambush
Location: Aguas Lindas - Oasis Plains
Codename: Bananaquit
Operation Type: Ambush
Location: Sierra Perdida - Robustas Hills
Codename: Quetzal
Operation Type: Ambush
Location: Esperanza - Old Pueblo
Codename: Cotinga
Operation Type: Ambush
Location: Noventarmas - Del Toro Port
Codename: Guacharo
Operation Type: Ambush
Location: Sierra Perdida - Robustas Hills
Codename: Macaw
Operation Type: Ambush
Location: Noventarmas - Bandido Escarpment
Codename: Parrot
Operation Type: Ambush
Location: Sierra Perdida - Nueva Vida
Codename: Hoatzin
Operation Type: Ambush
Location: Esperanza - West Lado
Codename: Hornbill
Operation Type: Ambush
Location: Lozania - Palma Forest
Codename: Aracari
Operation Type: Ambush
Location: Conuco - Fernando Valley
Codename: Toucan
Operation Type: Ambush
Location: La Joya - Catalina Ridge
Codename: Cassowary
Operation Type: Ambush
Location: Barrial - Ventosa Peninsula
Codename: Motmot
Operation Type: Ambush
Location: Sierra Perdida - Lapida Mogote
Codename: Coquette
Operation Type: Ambush
Location: La Joya - Mirador Cape
Cache on the Coast
Operation Type: Recon Point
Location: Costa Del Mar - Mogote Foothills
Beachward Bound
Operation Type: Recon Point
Location: Costa Del Mar - Colinas Plains
Oceanview Real Estate
Operation Type: Recon Point
Location: Aguas Lindas - Ida's Refuge
Leap of Guerrilla Faith
Operation Type: Recon Point
Location: Lozania - Fuego Valley
Mogote Mystery Drop
Operation Type: Recon Point
Location: Lozania - Monjas Valley
Buenavista Valley Run
Operation Type: Recon Point
Location: Lozania - Monjas Valley
Go With the Flow
Operation Type: Recon Point
Location: Balaceras - Diamante Lakes
Seaside Supply Snatch
Operation Type: Recon Point
Location: Noventarmas - Bandido Escarpment
Caught Stealing Second
Operation Type: Recon Point
Location: Cruz Del Salvador - Cape Santa Maria
The Long Shortcut
Operation Type: Recon Point
Location: Cruz Del Salvador - Arroz Flatlands
Across the Tracks
Operation Type: Recon Point
Location: Noventarmas - Bandido Escarpment
Pillbox Picnic
Operation Type: Recon Point
Location: Noventarmas - Cielo Gardens
Peril at the Pentagram
Operation Type: Recon Point
Location: Barrial - Ventosa Peninsula
Lighthouse Liberties
Operation Type: Recon Point
Location: Barrial - Oku Creek
Mining The Gap
Operation Type: Recon Point
Location: La Joya - Catalina Ridge
I Spy Pipeline Supplies
Operation Type: Recon Point
Location: La Joya - Mirador Cape
Never Been Kissed
Operation Type: Recon Point
Location: Sierra Perdida - Savannah Fields
Downhill Dino Dive
Operation Type: Recon Point
Location: Conuco - Isabel Steppes
Tree Cover Theft
Operation Type: Recon Point
Location: Sierra Perdida - Promise Peaks
Operation Type: Recon Point
Location: Sierra Perdida - Robustas Hills
Codename: Pelican
Operation Type: Ambush
Location: Sierra Perdida - Savannah Fields

Complete Bandidos Operations

Far Cry 6 - Bandido Operations Boards.png

The Bandido Operations minigame has a chance of rewarding Supremo-Bond. Since Bandido Operations also reward Yaran Pesos, weapons, and other rare materials, it's a good idea to do these every time they are available.

How to Get All Bandido Leaders

Loot FND Caches

FND Caches can sometimes contain Supremo-Bonds or another rare material. FND Caches can mostly be found in military territory, which can make collecting FND Cache items a tough task, unless you're a stealthy one. Locate them on the map by following the white, rectangular icon with a circular ensemble.

All Military Target Locations and Maps

Loot Libertad Crates

Far Cry 6 - Libertad Crate Supremo-Bond

Libertad Crates are one of the best places to gather Supremo-Bond. You can find these inside military targets and towns all over Yara. You can also free fellow guerrillas, giving you more Libertad Crate locations on your map.

Loot Supply Drops

Looting supply drops is a sure-fire way to acquire Supremo-Bond. You can locate supply drops as indicated as red vehicle icons on the map or marked in-game with yellow smoke.

How to Use Supremo-Bond

Used for Upgrading Supremo Mods

Far Cry 6 How to Farm Supremo-Bond

Supremo-Bond is specifically needed in upgrading your Supremo weapons and crafting mods and gadget mods.

Best Gadget Mods (Throwables) to Use

Far Cry 6 Related Guides

Far Cry 6 Items Banner.jpg

List of Items

List of Resolver Materials

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List of Item Types

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Resolver Materials Camp Resources
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