Far Cry 6

Los Bandidos Recruits Guide: Where to Get and How to Use

Los Bandidos Recruits is one of the Others in Far Cry 6. Read on to learn how to use this item and our recommended methods to farm Los Bandidos Recruits!

Los Bandidos Recruits Basic Information

Los Bandidos Recruits
Far Cry 6 - Los Bandidos Recruits
Category Others
How to Get Acquired by saving hostages, defacing posters, destroying FND Convoys, and completing Yaran Stories.
Uses Recruits can be send on operations at Los Bandidos Boards in Guerrilla Camps.

How to Farm Los Bandidos Recruits

Rescue Hostages

All across Yara, you will often find people being held at gunpoint by the military, where they will eventually be executed. Stopping these executiions by wiping out the military in that location will allow you to free the hostages – doing so will give you a number of Bandido Recruits for you to use.

How to Use Los Bandidos Recruits

Use for Bandido Missions

Far Cry 6 - Bandidos Operations Board.png
Bandido Recruits are often used for doing Bandido Missions, which are timed missions that you can trigger using Bandido Operations boards in Guerilla Camps around Yara. Each mission will require a certain number of Bandido Recruits, so be sure to save as many people as you can!

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