Far Cry 6

Perros Demoniacos (Black and White) Location: How to Perro Demoniaco Pelt

Far Cry 6 Perros Demoniacos Top Banner.png
Perros Demoniacos are a pair of Mythical Animals found in Far Cry 6. Find out where to find these mythical animals, which item can be exchanged for the Perros Demoniaco Pelts, and learn which strategies and weapons are best to defeat them.

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Perros Demoniacos Basic Information

Perros (White) Demoniaco
Far Cry 6 - Perros (White) Demoniaco
Type Mythical Animal
Loot White Demoniacos Pelt
Perros (Black) Demoniaco
Far Cry 6 - Perros (Black) Demoniaco
Type Mythical Animal
Loot Black Demoniacos Pelt

Perros Demoniacos Location

Here's where you can find Perros Demoniacos. Be careful as you venture into this area as it is filled with difficult enemies.

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How to Defeat Perros Demoniacos

Take them out one by one

Far Cry 6 Demoniacos 02.jpg
One Mythical Animal is manageable - two can be difficult. Take out either one to make things easier but be warned. Making one of the Demoniacos fall won't be enough. Its partner can revive it so finish it off as soon as possible.

Back away when they howl

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The Demoniacos have a radial, howling attack that is more often used when one of them falls. It knocks you down which further opens you up to attacks from the other coyotes if you didn't take care of them first.

Clear the coyotes and close the distance

Far Cry 6 Demoniacos 01.png
The Perros Demoniacos are an agile pair and it doesn't help that there are coyotes with them. Defeat them first and don't allow the Demoniacos to gain distance.

Perros Demoniacos Rewards

Here are the rewards you can get from defeating the Perros Demoniacos:

Far Cry 6 Demoniaco Pelt.png Primal Bracer.png

Black Demoniaco PeltPrimal Bracer
This pelt can be exchanged to get the Primal Bracer, the Wrist Gear for the Animal Set. Exchange it at your Hunter's Lodge.
Far Cry 6 Demoniaco Pelt.png Primal Boots.png

White Demoniaco PeltPrimal Boots
This pelt can be exchanged to get the Primal Boots, the Foot Gear for the Animal Set. Exchange it at your Hunter's Lodge.

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