Far Cry 6

Undercover Stud Mission Walkthrough and Rewards

Far Cry 6 - Undercover Stud Walkthrough.png
This is a walkthrough for Undercover Stud, a mission in Far Cry 6. Learn more about the objectives of this Yaran Story, available rewards, as well as tips for completing the mission!

Undercover Stud Basic Information

Mission Type
Quest Giver Gilberto Rosario
Location Conuco - Concepcion
Rewards 100 XP
High Heel Charm
Reach and Escort Gilberto's Informant
Rendezvous with one of my people who is currently working undercover at a a military horse training ground. Keep your eyes open. Like all covert missions, you will either be stepping in manure or getting a fancy trophy.

How to Unlock Undercover Stud

Undercover Stud will only unlock after completing the Operation Bullet Points. You can find the starting area for this Yaran Story in the underground base of La Mural in Concepcion.

Bullet Points Mission Walkthrough and Rewards

Undercover Stud Mission Walkthrough

Free the Informant

1 Far Cry 6 - Informant Location.png
Head to Lapida Mogote
After accepting the mission from Gilberto, head to the northwestern coast of El Esta, to the hills of Lapida Mogote.
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Eliminate the Enemies
At the area, there will be several soldiers on patrol. Eliminate them in whatever way you wish and open the door to the main building to get the informant.
3 Far Cry 6 - Escort the Informant.png
Escort the Informant
Simply escort the informant and the captured enemy soldier to the river – eliminate any enemy patrols you come across or simply avoid them using stealth.

The mission will end when you successfully reach the river with the captured soldier alive.

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