Far Cry 6

Gladiador Location: Supremo Effects and Info

Gladiador is one of the Supremos available in Far Cry 6. Learn about the effects of Gladiador, other useful info, as well as how to get Gladiador!

Gladiador Basic Information

Far Cry 6 - Gladiador
Rank 4
Type Assaulter Supremo
Ability Juice Injector
Fly into a rage by boosting your speed and health, and unleashing your Machete Kills on any enemy

Gladiador Mods

Gadget Mods

Mods Description
Baseball Distract nearby enemies
Flash Grenade Emits a bright flash of light that blinds nearby enemies

Supremo Mods

Mods Description
Supremo Extender Improves Supremo duration

How to Get Gladiador

Acquire from Juan or His Arms Dealers


After reaching Rank 5 - Cabo, you can purchase Gladiador from Juan or his Arms Dealers found on captured FND Bases for 100 Depleted Uranium.

How to Get Depleted Uranium

How to Use Gladiador

Use Machete Attacks Against Enemies

Far Cry 6 - Use Machete Attacks Against Enemies.png
Unlike other Supremos, the Gladiator will require some player input for it to be effectively use. Once you activate the Supremo, to exploit its power, you will have to go close to enemies and use your Machete for a one-hit kill. Players can easily shrug off enemy fire due to the increase in speed and health the Gladiator provides you, allowing you pick off enemies one by one up close.

Use Alongside Launchers

Far Cry 6 - Use Alongside Launchers.png
Unfortunately, while the Gladiator allows you to eliminate foot soldiers in one hit, it will not do much against vehicles. You can use the Gladiator's boost to Machete kills with Launchers to cover the one small weakness it has when fighting against groups of enemies with vehicles at their disposal.

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List of Supremos

List of Supremos

Currently UnavailableExterminador Far Cry 6 - FantasmaFantasma Far Cry 6 - VoltaVolta
Far Cry 6 - FuriosoFurioso Far Cry 6 - MedicoMedico Far Cry 6 - GladiadorGladiador
Currently UnavailableTriador


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