Far Cry 6

Best Weapons (Best Guns)

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Many different weapons and guns can be found or bought in shops across different regions in Far Cry 6. Find out what the Best Weapons are to look out for to use in the early, mid, and end game!

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Best Weapons (Best Guns)

La Varita (Resolver)

La Varita.jpg
The La Varita may not look like anything special but this gun packs a punch. It has limited choices for optics but if you can hit your shots, you will only need a few to take down the enemies.

When partnered with the Triador Supremo's ability Truesight, the combination makes this the most powerful weapon in the game.

Best Mods for La Varita

Mod Effect
Triada Mode Triada Mode can be used in combination with the Triador Supremo
Killer's Covenant Landing a headshot in Triada Mode refunds the round.
Falcon's Eye Increases the Triada optic zoom level.
Scorched Earth Disintegrated enemies leave a pool of sticky fire on the ground.

La Varita

El Pequeno (Resolver)

El Pequeno.jpg
This all powerful minigun will destroy everything it aims around. Infantry and vehicles alike, this weapon is sure to leave nothing alive in its path. It has a massive magazine and blast rounds that rip everything to shreds.

Now this weapon has the option of adding incendiary ammo to its arsenal, but it lowers the overall weapon damage which we just can not have.

Best Mods for El Pequeno

Mod Effect
Blast Rounds Deals blast damage in an area
Greatly effective against vehicles
Can break bulletproof windshields
Impairs weapon damage
Compensator Handles Reduces weapon recoil.
Standard Barrels Rounds do not apply an incendiary effect.

El Pequeno

Compound Bow

Compound Bow.jpg
The Compound Bow makes our list of weapons for its versatility. With carefully aimed shots to the head, this is one if, if not the, best stealth weapon in the game. If you whiff the headshot, the bow should take out most enemies in 2 body shots.

It is virtually silent so it will not alert unaware enemies to your location.

Best Mods for Compound Bow

Mod Effect
Headshot Supremo Headshot kills reward bonus Supremo charge
Precision Arrows Arrows fly straighter for longer distances
Gunslinger (Bow) Improves draw and holster speed
High Ground (Bow) Improves weapon damage to enemies below you
Crosshair Sight Equips a crosshair bow sight
More of the target is visible

Compound Bow

One Ping Only (Unique Rifle)

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The One Ping Only is a silent and powerful rifle that does not just have a clever name. The gun will take out most enemies with a well placed headshot. For stronger foes, it may take a few shots but this weapon comes with a nice scope to make shooting mid-range enemies a breeze.

With its 3 different modes of fire and good handling, this weapon is great for fighting from the shadows or for rushing in from the front lines.

Because this is a unique weapon, the mods are set and can not be changed.

Mod Effect
Armor Piercing Rounds Round that hold straight lines
Penetrates helmets and body armor
Gut-Wrencher (Rifle) Improves body shot weapon damage
Specter Sight 2x mid-range sight
Press Your Advantage (Rifle) Improves weapon damage to enemies at low health

One Ping Only

Hi-Fi (Unique Rifle)


While this explosive rifle may not have the highest rate of fire, it more than makes up for it with its power and magazine size of 40 rounds.

Paired with its equipped mods, this rifle is great for taking out multiple enemies, and vehicles, without having to be so accurate. A long as your bullet lands close to the mark, you will do damage.
Because this is a unique weapon, the mods are set and can not be changed.

Mod Effect
Gut-Wrencher (Rifle) Improves body shot weapon damage
Blast Rounds Deals blast damage in an area
Greatly effective against vehicles
Can break bulletproof windshields
Impairs weapon damage
Canted Sight Side-mounted iron sight
Tactical Sight 3x mid-range scope
Preloader Improves the speed of replacing a partially used mag


Vaya Con Dios (Unique Rifle)

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This unique rifle makes quick of non-armored enemies. With the high power, hight rate of fire, and nice sized magazine, it does not matter where on your target you hit, they will die in a few shots.

Because this is a unique weapon, the mods are set and can not be changed.

Mod Effect
Soft-Target Rounds Deals heavy damage against unarmored targets
Impairs damage against armored targets
Gunslinger (Rifle) Improves draw and holster speed
Press Your Advantage (Rifle) Improves weapon damage to enemies at low health

Vaya Con Dios


The SKS is the most powerful of the semi-auto rifles. With the right attachments, this weapon can kill almost all enemies with a precise headshot. The small magazine size is no problem since all you will need is one bullet.

Best Mods for the SKS

Mod Effect
Headshot Supremo Headshot kills reward bonus Supremo charge
Trigger Discipline (Rifle) Improves aimed weapon damage
Armor Piercing Rounds Round that hold straight lines
Penetrates helmets and body armor
Resolver Suppressor MK.2 Greatly reduces weapon noise
Greatly impairs effective range
Slow to overheat
Tactical Sight 3x mid-range scope
Canted Reflex Sight Side-mounted short-range sight
Resolver Laser Pointer MK. 2 Greatly reduces bullet spread when firing from the hip


Supercharger (Unique Shotgun)

This unique shotgun is a perfect for the player who can not decide between stealth and action. The supercharger can take down most enemies in just a few pumps, while still remaining relatively quiet. Because of the mods attached to it,you will be able to get off quite a few shots before the suppressor temporarily gives out on you

Because this is a unique weapon, the mods are set and can not be changed.

Mod Effect
Buckshot Rounds High-damage close-range high spread pellets
Keep It Cool Improves suppressor cooling rate
X-Large Classic Suppressor Greatly reduces weapon noise
Greatly impairs effective range
Quick to overheat
Fast Reload (Shotgun) Improves reload speed


El Tirano (Unique Sniper)

El Triano.jpg

This unique sniper rifle is one of the strongest in the game packs quite a punch. It comes equipped with a nice scope and the hold breathe ability so lining up headshots with this weapon should be relatively easy. A nice shot to the head will take out all enemies in one shot so this is our go to sniper rifle.

Because this is a unique weapon, the mods are set and can not be changed.

Mod Effect
Armor Piercing Rounds Round that hold straight lines
Penetrates helmets and body armor
Small Advanced Sniper Scope Advanced 10x scope
Enables hold breath
Fresh Clip (Sniper) First shot after reloading deals improved damage
Extended Mag (Sniper) Improves magazine size
Large Muzzle Brake Improves horizontal recoil
Improves muzzle flash

El Tirano

Best Supremos


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The very first Exterminator that you get can carry you throughout the game. It can launch a volley of rockets towards enemy groups or vehicles, which can destroy them quickly. Helicopters can be also be targeted by these rockets as they are capable of homing in on a moving target.


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The Volta is what you bring out in cases where vehicles will swarm you. Use its EMP Pulse to leave vehicles vulnerable to hijacking.


The Triador is great for marking enemies when you are in an open space and you can not seem to find out where you are getting shot from.

While activated, enemies will be highlighted, making them easy to target. When paired with the La Varita, enemies can be shot through walls and they all die in one hit making this the most powerful combo in the game.

All Supremos and How to Unlock

Best Early Game Weapons

Yaran SR-A

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Weapon Stats
Yaran-SR-A ImageYaran-SR-A Damage Damage Stat Bar
Velocity Velocity Stat Bar
Accuracy Accuracy Stat Bar
Stealth Stealth Stat Bar
Handling Handling Stat Bar
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One of the first Sniper Rifles you'll find in-game, the Yaran SR-A also serves as one of Far Cry 6's best weapons. Although it has inadequate damage when hitting torsos or limbs, it is more than serviceable by providing you with one-hit headshots against enemies.


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Weapon Stats
FAL ImageFAL Damage Damage Stat Bar
Velocity Velocity Stat Bar
Accuracy Accuracy Stat Bar
Stealth Stealth Stat Bar
Handling Handling Stat Bar
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As the first service rifle, you can get in the game, the FAL is more than enough to see you through the first island you'll have to liberate in-game. It is replaceable later on with the AK-47, but is capable of contending with the likes of the AK-M with enough upgrades.

MS-16 S

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Weapon Stats
MS16 S ImageMS16 S Damage Damage Stat Bar
Velocity Velocity Stat Bar
Accuracy Accuracy Stat Bar
Stealth Stealth Stat Bar
Handling Handling Stat Bar
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The MS-16 S is comparable in performance to the SVD, albeit weaker. You can easily convert this rifle into a medium-range sniper with modifications, but it best serves the role of a marksman's rifle capable of dealing damage in close to medium-range.

List of All Weapons

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Yara is filled with weapons that you can earn as rewards from missions, buy in shops, or find in various caches found all throughout the country. Gathering all of them will grant you more flexibility in how you wish to approach encounters against your enemies!

List of Weapons

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