Far Cry 6

List of New Features

Far Cry 6 New Features
This is a guide to all the new features in Far Cry 6. Read on to learn about all the new items and mechanics in the game, including Amigos, Supremo backpacks, and Resolver weapons!

New Features

Largest Far Cry Map Ever

Far Cry 6 Open World.png

Far Cry 6 features the vastest map in the entire Far Cry series. The developers have confirmed that you will be able to traverse the entirety of Yara, which boasts a variety of diverse biomes and locations.

Companions and Vehicles

Amigos - Animal Companions

Animal Companions

Amigos are new animal companions in Far Cry 6 that can join you along your journey throughout Yara. As far as human companions go, some fellow guerillas will join you on specific missions, but permanent human companions are not present in Far Cry 6.

Customizable Vehicles

Far Cry 6 Customizable Vehicles 2

Similar to previous Far Cry games, you will have access to a wide array of vehicles in Far Cry 6, which are now upgradeable and customizable. Equip each vehicle how you see fit for the most enjoyable travel and combat experience.

Rideable Horses

Far Cry 6 Horses

Though other Far Cry games have featured various rideable mounts, horses are a new addition to Far Cry 6. Not only will you be able to ride them, but you can also fire guns while mounted on horseback.

Items and Customizations

Player Gear and Perks

Far Cry 6 Equipment and Gear

Some gear and clothing items will give the player certain perks and stat boosts that enhance stealth, weapon control, and other combat skills. Plan your equipment carefully before a big mission as it could make all the difference.

Resolver Weapons

Far Cry 6 Resolver Weapons
Many aspects of Far Cry 6 took inspiration from the "resolver" philosophy in Cuba, which encompasses the concepts of resourcefulness, improvisation, and tenacity.

Resolvers Weapons are one element of Far Cry 6 that make use of this mindset. They are specially crafted weapons made from resources scrounged from the islands, such as the El Pequeño, a minigun made from an old motorbike engine.

Supremo Backpacks

Supremo Backpacks

Supremos are backpacks with unique abilities that can give the player an advantage on the battlefield by damaging enemies in the vicinity with jetpack fire boosters, launching missiles at nearby targets, enhancing stealth, and other unique features.

Stealth and Combat

Hide in Plain Sight

Far Cry 6 Hide Your Weapons
By holstering your weapon, you can travel through certain areas and checkpoints without being targeted by Antón Castillo's guards. During these moments, you are disguising yourself as a regular citizen of Yara rather than a revolutionary.

Wanted System

Far Cry 6 also introduces a new notoriety mechanic similar to other games in the genre. The more notoriety you obtain, the more difficult it will be to remain undetected by Antón's forces. However, there will be ways to reduce your notoriety if you wish to maintain a low profile.

Flak Cannon and Checkpoints

Aerial vehicles will make a return in Far Cry 6, but this does not mean you will be able to fly freely around the map. Flak cannons will be placed in certain areas of Yara to restrict your movements. Before you can fly in that area, you will have to first take out the flak cannons on foot.

Checkpoints also exist around Yara to limit your movement on the ground. There will be several ways to get through a military checkpoint, which include lying, bribery, or simply mowing down your enemies.

Arcade Mode and Map Editor

No Arcade Mode

Unfortunately, the Arcade Mode from Far Cry 5 will not make a return in Far Cry 6 as there will be a greater focus on the campaign mode portion of the game.

No Map Editor

The Map Editor included in the previous Arcade Mode will also not make a return to Far Cry 6, so there will be no way to edit the current map of the game or create your own.

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