Far Cry 6

All Error Codes and How to Fix

This is an explanation of all the error codes which Ubisoft has addressed for Far Cry 6. Learn the meaning of each error code, all solutions available, and how to fix errors.

All Error Codes and How to Fix

The source for the following error codes and solutions is via Ubisoft's official help page.


“This message means that the game has failed to matchmake during a co-op session or a Special Operation. You can resolve this by restarting the game.”


“This message occurs when there has been an issue matchmaking while hosting a co-op session. You can resolve this by restarting the game.”


“This message occurs when there has been an issue starting a Special Operation mission. You can resolve this by restarting the game.”


“This message occurs when there has been an issue connecting to a co-op session. You can resolve this by restarting the game.”


“This message occurs when there has been an issue loading a Special Operation. You can resolve this by restarting the game.”


“This message occurs when there has been an issue connecting to a Special Operation. If you still cannot connect after trying again, you can resolve this issue by restarting the game.”


“This message occurs when there has been an issue accepting a co-op session invite from another player. You can resolve this by restarting the game.”


“This message occurs when there has been an issue accepting invites from other players. You can resolve this by restarting the game.”


“This message occurs when the co-op menu fails to open after starting a new game. You can resolve this by restarting the game.”


“This message means that the game has failed to connect while joining someone else's Special Operation. To resolve the issue, please try connecting again.”


“This message occurs when there has been an issue connecting to a co-op session. If you still cannot connect after trying again, you can resolve this issue by restarting the game.”

Other Errors and How to Fix

Warm Up PSO Cache

Although this has not been officially addressed by Ubisoft, it appears to be a normal loading feature of the game and not an error. Waiting for 5-10 minutes should allow the process to complete, after which the player can start the game.

How to Fix Warm Up PSO Cache Error

How to Fix Errors

Restart the Game

Generally, the classic solution as advised by Ubisoft is the good old-fashioned kill-process. Restarting the game will allow it to reload and hopefully resolve the error it encountered.

Restart And Update Your System

If simply restarting the software doesn't fix the issue, the problem may be on the system level. Restarting the console, as well as allowing it to install any new updates will ensure that it is in the best possible condition to run the game.

Wait for Software Updates

It's possible that the error is caused by a bug which will be addressed in a future patch. To ensure you receive updates as soon as possible, following Far Cry and Ubisoft's official twitter accounts will let you know as soon as a patch is on the way.

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13 Anonymousover 1 year

I got Trapper-91221573

8 Anonymousabout 2 years

i need help i cant place relics in the cave even tho i have all of thempls help


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