Far Cry 6

How to Open the Locked Door in Fort Quito: Is There a Key?

Far Cry 6 - How to Open the Locked Door in Fort Quito

The locked door in Fort Quito contains Yaran Contraband that gives you a strong early-game weapon, The Autocrat. Read on to find out how to unlock this door and get the contraband.

Fort Quito Guides
How to Open the Locked Door in Fort Quito Can You Capture Fort Quito?

How to Open the Locked Door in Fort Quito

Here are the steps that you can do to open the locked door in Fort Quito.

Go To The Underground Tunnel

Far Cry 6 - Fort Quito Underground Tunnel

The fastest way to access the locked door in Fort Quito is by going to the underground tunnel on the North side of the fort. From there, you can swim through a cave that leads to the basement area of the fort. Go up the ladder and walk towards the storage area where you can see a door.

Far Cry 6 - Fort Quito Door

After finding the door, you would notice that there are no keys that can be used to unlock it, and no padlocks to shoot. While you can obtain a Fort Quito key during the Du or Die mission, it does not work on this door, and is instead used on a different door containing the Depleted Uranium needed for the mission.

Destroy the Wooden Panel on the Right Side

Far Cry 6 - Fort Quito Door Wooden Panel

To unlock the door in Fort Quito, you need to go to the right side of the storage area. On that side, you will see a wooden panel that you can shoot or blow up (you can also use your machete). Destroy the wooden panel to get inside.

Obtain the Autocrat (Yaran Contraband)

Far Cry 6 - Fort Quito Autocrat

After breaking the wooden panel, you can now enter the storage area and get a Unique Weapon called the Autocrat. This is a pistol that deals high body damage to enemies, making it a very effective sidearm during the early part of the game.

The Autocrat: Weapon Stats and Info

Part of the Du or Die Mission

Fort Quito can be accessed during the Du or Die mission. While the main objective is to obtain Depleted Uranium to help build a Supremo, you can obtain the Autocrat while completing the main objective.

You Can Revisit Fort Quito After the Mission

If you missed getting the Autocrat during Du or Die, you can revisit Fort Quito again after the mission and get the weapon using the same steps.

Du or Die Mission Walkthrough

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1 Anonymousabout 3 years

Thanks for the information! It helped me get behind that locked door


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