Far Cry 6

Who's a Good Boy? Mission Walkthrough and Rewards

Far Cry 6 - Who
This is a walkthrough for Who's a Good Boy?, a mission in Far Cry 6. Learn more about the objectives of this Yaran Story, available rewards, as well as tips for completing the mission!

Who's a Good Boy? Basic Information

Mission Type
Quest Giver Chorizo
Location Costa Del Mar - Montero Farm
Rewards 100 XP
Give Chorizo Crocodile Meat.
Look at this perfect little sausage! I've got to find him a yummy treat, a meal fit for a puppy prince on his special day.

How to Unlock Who's a Good Boy?

Who's a Good Boy can be unlocked by interacting with Chorizo in the Montero Farm Guerilla Camp after the Operation Meet the Monteros. Simply look for the legless dog and interact with him, which will bring up a prompt on whether or not you wish to accept the Mission.

Meet The Monteros Mission Walkthrough and Rewards

Who's a Good Boy? Mission Walkthrough

Read the Note Next to Chorizo

1 Far Cry 6 - Chorizo Note.png
Read the Note
Soon after completing the Operation Meet the Monteros and accepting the Who's a Good Boy Yaran Story, read the note that is posted on a small board beside Chorizo.

Collect Crocodile Meat

6 Far Cry 6 - Crocodile Hunting Spot.png
Find a Crocodile Hunting Spot
After reading the note, you'll be tasked with finding, hunting, and harvesting the meat off of a crocodile.

You'll be able to find a Hunting Spot for them just south of Montero Farm, and slighly east of Crotina River's marker, along the banks of the river.
Give Chorizo the Meat.
Once you have finished hunting for the meat, return to Montero Farm and simply place the meat onto Chorizo's tray.

Obtainable Items

Crocodile Meat

Far Cry 6 - Crocodile Meat.png
Depending on where you hunt for the Crocodile Meat, you'll be able to harvest plenty of them to not only complete the Yaran Story, but also have enough spares to sell of or make use of.

Tips and Strategies

Use A Bow

To avoid damaging any of the harvestable meat you can get from the Crocodiles, you can choose to either use or Machete or a Bow. It is recommended, however, that you use a Bow to allow you to attack Crocodiles from a distance.

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