Far Cry 6

How to Get Boom Boom (Boomer): Abilities and Skins

Far Cry 6 - How to Get Boom Boom

Boomer from Far Cry 5 returns as Boomer, a Stealth Amigo obtainable in Far Cry 6. Find out how to get Boom Boom with our detailed location info and map, as well as Boom Boom's abilities, how to unlock this Amigo, how to use it in battle, and its available skins.

Boom Boom (Boomer) Overview

Boom Boom Basic Information

Boom Boom
Boom Boom Image
Type Stealth Amigo
Passive Fetch, Boy
The first trick every pup learns in Montana: retrieving resources from dead enemies' bodies

How to Get Boom Boom

You can acquire Boom Boom after completing the Boom or Bust Yaran Story in the town of Feroza. During that mission, you can unlock him after finding a container with a note to the side. Open that container to complete the mission and get Boom Boom.

Boom or Bust Mission Walkthrough and Rewards

Boomer Returns in Far Cry 6 as Boom Boom

Boom Boom fka Boomer, who appeared in Far Cry 5, makes a return in Far Cry 6. Based on the note on the shipping container where you meet him, he was shipped from Montana to Yara. He also has the same appearance and abilities, helping you out in the same way that he did in the previous game.

Boom Boom Abilities

Abilities Description

Tap into your fuzzy friend's animal instincts: mark the locations of enemy troops and animals to plan a sneak attack.
Unlock Condition: Have Boom Boom collect resources from 10 dead bodies.

Expert Tracker
A life of tracking gives Boom Boom an extra edge, allowing him to tag targets from further away and help you plan better for stealth.
Unlock Condition: Have Boom Boom tag 24 animals.

Thick Coat
This rough and tumble boy can withstand more damage with his thicker seasonal coat. Good luck washing him, though.
Unlock Condition: Have Boom Boom tag 50 enemies.

How to Unlock Boom Boom Abilities

Gather Resources While Sniping Enemies

The best way to unlock the Pointer ability is by having Boom Boom collect resources, while you snipe enemies from long distance. This prevents you from being detected, while keeping your ammo and resources refreshed constantly.

Bring Boom Boom to Hunting Locations and Military Targets

Boom Boom can track animals and enemies very quick, which is why he is a great Amigo to have when hunting. This makes unlocking Expert Tracker easier, which makes him track much faster than before. You can also let Boom Boom scout ahead in FND Checkpoints and Military Targets. This helps unlock Thick Coat, along with giving you important information you can use to capture areas and take down enemies quietly.

How to Use Boom Boom

Use Him to Scout Enemies

Boom Boom is very effective at scouting enemies and tagging them. This will help you plan out your attack more carefully, and identify which targets to take down first.

Gather Resources from a Distance

Boom boom can also gather resources from dead enemies. This means that you can snipe enemies from a distance, and point Boom Boom to their location and gather different kinds of items. This enables you to move more carefully when sneaking around.

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