Far Cry 6

Harpoon Mission Walkthrough and Rewards

Far Cry 6 - Harpoon.pngThis is a walkthrough for Harpoon, a mission in Far Cry 6. Learn more about the objectives of this Operation, available rewards, as well as tips for completing the mission!

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Room Service Harpoon Our Right to Party

Harpoon Basic Information

Mission Type
Quest Giver Yelena Morales
Location Conuco - El Agujero
Rewards 300 XP
1944 Petrov HS-100 "Karlito" (Tank)
Assassinate Admiral Benitez.
The time has come for Admiral Benitez to be relieved of her position, and her life. Team up with La Moral and some of The Legends to launch an attack on Benitez's main base of operations and put an end to her once and for all.

How to Unlock Harpoon

This mission is unlocked after completing the National Treasure, Knuckleball, and Room Service missions. To accept it, talk to Yelena Morales who is in the La Moral HQ.

Harpoon Mission Walkthrough

Assassinate Admiral Benitez

Talk to El Tigre to Launch the Attack
Head to the location marked on your map to meet El Tigre near the ocean off of the Vacia Cost.

Talk to El Tigre to start the assault.
Escort Karlito
Help escort Karlito through the base, killing all enemy soldiers in your way.

Keep an eye on Karlito's health and use the Repair Tool to heal it when necessary.

Push through Benitez's defenses until you reach a courtyard. Kill the enemies there and a cutscene will play.
Find Admiral Benitez
As the enemy soldiers come through the doors, kill them and go through the broken door. Keep pushing through until you reach the room where a soldier has locked themself in a bullet proof room.

Shortly after entering the room, the doors behind you will lock and poison will fill start the room. Quickly kill the soldiers then turn the 4 valves in the room to shut off the poison.

The first can be found down the stairs, the second is located to the right of the locked rooms window, the third is up the ladder to the right of the second valve, and the fourth and final valve is to the right of the third valve.

Once you have turned all 4 valves, jump down and kill the soldier who was previously in the locked room. Go in the room to get the Northern Wing Keycard.

Go to back down the stairs and use the keycard to open the door with the red light on it. Progress on until you reach some guerrillas behind bars.

Go to the other side of the room to reach control room and push the red button to release the guerrillas. Shortly after, soldiers will storm the room. Take them out with your new teammates.

Killing one of the soldiers will reward you with the the Southern Wing Keycard.

Go through the newly opened door to the west and use the keycard to open the locked door in there. Continue up the stairs to regroup with Jonron and Yelena.

Keep moving until you are outside. Kill the soldiers and go up the stairs to the north. Move forward and you will be at Benitez's office door.

There is a chest to the right under the stairs containing the El Florecer unique pistol.
Defend Yelena While She Hacks the Cannons
You will need to blow up the door to get to Benitez. Defend Yelena and the cannon from the attacking soldiers while she gets the cannon ready.

You can enter the cannon on the south side to help fend off the huge waves of enemies that are attacking. Defend until the hacking meter reaches 100% then aim your cannon at Benitez's door and fire.
Kill Admiral Benitez
Kill the remaining soldiers then head towards Benitez's office. Interact with the door and you will be greeted with Benitez who has a hostage and you will need to shoot her in the head.

Be quick as she will kill you in just a few shots. Once she is dead, a cutscene will play and the mission will be complete.

Obtainable Items

Rewards from chests are highly randomized so your rewards may differ.

Item Description
El Florecer ImageEl Florecer Location: Fontana Fort
Under the stairs that lead to the cannon, south of Benitez's office door.

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