Far Cry 6

Juan Cortez: Actor and Profile

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Juan Cortez is one of the main characters in Far Cry 6. Find out more about this character, their affiliations, and how this character affects the story.

Juan Cortez Profile

Juan Cortez.jpg
Full Name Juan Cortez
Job Guerilla Fighter
Gender Male
Affiliation Libertad
Voice Actor Alex Fernandez
A member of Libertad, Juan Cortez supplies Dani Rojas with what she needs - even if that means, lending Dani his pet crocodile, Guapo.

Cast List: All Confirmed Voice Actors

Juan Cortez's Role

Guerilla Supplier

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Juan Cortez provides the guerilla forces with some items that can be used in your adventure - from equipment and to self-made molotov cocktail.

Guapo's Owner

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Juan Cortez is Guapo's owner - the incredible croc who is willing to help Dani in her adventures. Just be careful when you whistle.

Far Cry 6 Related Guides

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List of Main Characters

Main Character
Far Cry 6 Dani Rojas (Female, Square).pngDani Rojas
Far Cry 6 Anton Castillo (Square).pngAnton Castillo Far Cry 6 Diego Castillo (Square).pngDiego Castillo Far Cry 6 - Jose Castillo.pngJose Castillo
Far Cry 6 - Admiral Benitez.pngAdmiral Benitez Far Cry 6 - Maria Marquessa.pngMaria Marquessa Far Cry 6 - Sean McKay.pngSean McKay
Far Cry 6 - Edgar Reyes.pngDr. Edgar Reyes Far Cry 6 - Alejandro Montero.pngAlejandro Montero Far Cry 6 - Bembe Alvarez.pngBembe Alvarez
Far Cry 6 Clara Garcia (Square).pngClara Garcia Far Cry 6 Juan Cortez (Square).pngJuan Cortez -
Montero Clan
Far Cry 6 - Carlos Montero.pngCarlos Montero Far Cry 6 - Camila Montero.pngEspada Far Cry 6 - Philly Barzaga.pngPhilly Barzaga
Maximas Matanzas
Far Cry 6 - Talia Benavidez.pngTalia Benavidez Far Cry 6 - Paolo De la Vega.pngPaolo de la Vega Far Cry 6 - Bicho.pngBicho
The Legends of '67
Far Cry 6 - El Tigre.pngEl Tigre Far Cry 6 - Lorenzo Canseco.pngLorenzo Canseco Far Cry 6 - Lucky Mama.pngLucky Mama
La Moral
Far Cry 6 - Yelena Morales.pngYelena Morales Far Cry 6 - Jonron.pngJonron -


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