Far Cry 6

Cast List: All Confirmed Voice Actors

Far Cry 6 List of Voice Actors

This is a page about the characters of Far Cry 6 and the voice actors that played them. Read on to learn each character in the game and find out who voices them.

Character Guides
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List of Voice Actors

Character Voice Actor
Dani Rojas Male - Sean Rey
Female - Nisa Gunduz
Antón Castillo Giancarlo Esposito
Diego Castillo Anthony Gonzalez
Clara Garcia Jess Salgueiro
Juan Cortez Alex Fernandez

List of Characters

Giancarlo Esposito - Antón Castillo

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Voicing the main antagonist and dictator, Antón Castillo, is 12 time emmy winner and Breaking Bad's very own Giancarlo Esposito. Esposito has been acting since 1968 at the young age of 8 years old where he first performed the broadway show, Maggie Flynn.

Since then his career has skyrocketed with impressive and spectacular performances such as his role as Gus Fring in the 16 time Primetime Emmy Award winning drama Breaking Bad and the show's prequel series Better Call Saul. Esposito is also highly regarded for his performances in multiple Spike Lee films and in his role as Jack Baer in the 1995 crime-thriller the Unusual Suspects.

Nisa Gunduz - Dani Rojas (Female)

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Voicing the female version of our main character, Dani Rojas, is the Canadian actress Nisa Gunduz. Gunduz is most known for her role as Erica Delgadillo in the TV series, Good Witch, her lead role as Esi in the drama, Bordello, and for her role as Kayla in the Netflix series: Designated Survivor.

Sean Rey - Dani Rojas (Male)

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Voicing the male version of our main character, Dani Rojas, is the actor and producer Sean Rey. Mr. Rey has been acting since 2015 where he was featured in the short film, Zap. Since then he has been in numerous films and TV shows. He is most known for his role as Frizz, in the horror-thriller TV series: Hemlock Grove and for his role as Charlie in the 2020 action-drama: Rev.

Anthony Gonzalez - Diego Castillo

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Voicing the son of the main antagonist, Antón Castillo, is 17 year old American actor Anthony Gonzalez. Best known for his performance as Miguel in the Disney - Pixar Animated film Coco, Gonzalez has done other voice acting performances, including one in the hit American TV series: American Dad.

Gonzalez has starred in numerous films and TV series and will most likely have many more to come.

Jess Salgueiro - Clara Garcia

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Voicing the leader of the revolution against Castillo, is Canadian actress Jess Salgueiro. She is best known for her roles as Chandra Wei in the multi-award winning TV series The Expanse and as Mean Nanny in the hit Canadian (and now on Netflix) TV series Workin' Moms. Now she gets to play the role of a young and wild revolutionary leader in Far Cry 6.

Alex Fernandez - Juan Cortez

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Voicing the military backgrounded now revolutionary scientist Juan Cortez is the greatly experienced Alex Fernandez. Fernandez has appeared in over an impressive 100 features but he is best known for his roles as Commander and Chief, Rafael Alvarez on Golden Globe winning American police drama Without A Trace and Roy Vickers on American soap opera Dallas.

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