Far Cry 6

List of Amigos (Animal Companions) and Locations: How to Get All Amigos

Far Cry 6 List of Amigos (Animal Companions) and Locations: How to Get All Amigos

This is a guide on all available Amigos (Animal Companions) in Far Cry 6. Read on to know more about Fangs for Hire, what they do in-game, and how to get all amigos with our detailed location info and map, as well as their abilities, how to use them in battle, and their available skins.

All Amigo Locations and Full Map

Amigo Locations Full Map
List of Amigos
Guapo Amigo Icon.pngGuapo Chorizo Amigo Icon.pngChorizo Chicharron Amigo Icon.pngChicharron
Boom Boom Amigo Icon.pngBoom Boom Oluso Amigo Icon.pngOluso K-9000 Amigo Icon.pngK-9000
Champagne Amigo Icon.pngChampagne

List of All Amigos


Have you ever seen a crocodile with a golden tooth and denim vest? The last person who answered "Yes" is not around to testify anymore...
Type Combat

How to Get Guapo

Obtained during Juan of a Kind Operation in Armonia. After completing the mission, Juan will initiate a new mission, Du or Die, granting Guapo as your Amigo.

Operations Walkthroughs
Juan of a Kind Du or Die

Guapo: Abilities and Skins


Do not let his little wheels fool you. even though Chorizo is probably the most adorable sausage dog you have ever seen, he's a furious terror on the battlefield.
Type Stealth

How to Get Chorizo

From the moment you set foot in Montero Farm, you can acquire Chorizo by completing the Yaran Stories "Who's a Good Boy?" and "Fetch Quest" after petting him.

Yaran Story Walkthroughs
1. Who's a Good Boy? 2. Fetch Quest

Chorizo: Abilities and Skins


Is there anything more punk than a rooster with several spiked bracelets? Probably not. This punk rooster's talons will claw out any enemy on the battlefield.
Type Combat

How to Get Chicharron

You can acquire Chicharron by speaking to Reinaldo at the Alvarez Farm in Vacia Coast. This will then start a series of Yaran Stories wherein you will accompany Chicharron in eliminating various targets.

Yaran Story Walkthroughs
1. Man's Best Enemy 2. Pecking Orders 3. Wingman

Chicharron: Abilities and Skins

Boom Boom

Far Cry 6 - Boom Boom.jpg
Type Stealth

How to Get Boom Boom

You can acquire Boom Boom after completing the "Boom or Bust" Yaran Story in the town of Feroza. During that mission, you can unlock him after finding a container with a note to the side. Open that container to complete the mission and get Boom Boom.

Yaran Story Walkthrough
Boom or Bust

Boom Boom: Abilities and Skins


Have a supernatural jaguar. Why? Well why not? This mean big kitty packs quite the bite from the shadows.
Type Stealth

How to Get Oluso

Find and return the three Triada relics to the Oluwa Cave in Ventura Summmit.

Treasure Hunts and Yaran Story Walkthroughs
1. Ida's Triada Relic 2. Mimo Abosi's Triada Relic
3. Oku's Triada Relic 4. Triada Blessings

Oluso: Abilities and Skins


Far Cry 6 - K-9000.jpg
Type Combat
How to Obtain Purchase the Gold or Ultimate edition of the game, or simply purchase the Season Pass.

K-9000: Abilities and Skins


Far Cry 6 - Champagne.jpg
Type Stealth
How to Obtain Purchase the Ultimate Edition of Far Cry 6.

Champagne: Abilities and Skins

What Are Amigos?

Amigos are your companions in Far Cry 6 and when unlocked can join you in your adventures, akin to Fangs for Hire from previous Far Cry games. While ranging from the lovable dog Chorizo to the scary croc Guapo, these companions are far from just moral support.

Battle Companions

Far Cry 6 Amigos 01.png
Amigos can actually attack your opponents and assist you during missions so having them by your side is pretty useful. Further, they have skills which can be unlocked by performing specific objectives.

Amigo Abilities

Unique Combat and Stealth Skills

Far Cry 6 - Amigo Abilities.png
Each Amigo that can be used have their own unique abilities that they can bring into combat or stealth situations. These abilities range from a greater resistance to damage taken from enemies, improved health regeneration, and greater stealth capabilities amongst others.

Some abilities are passive, requiring no input from a player, while others will need players to give "Direct Amigo" commands while targeting enemies to trigger their abilities.

Unlocking Amigo Abilities

An Amigo's abilities can be unlocked by satisfying its unlock requirements. These can be seen in the Amigos tab of the menu and moving to the Details page of a chosen amigo. Hover over the ability you wish to unlock to see its unlock conditions.

Amigos Not Showing Up?

In-Game Bug

A common issue that can be found in-game in relation to Amigos is that oftentimes they will not show up or spawn at all as you trek across Yara. This problem can commonly come after Fast Traveling or when entering or exiting cutscenes, causing any Amigos to not be available even if you call for them.

Be Sure to Dismiss Current Amigos When Switching

Amigos not showing up can also be triggered when trying to switch between Amigos. This often occurs when you do not "dimiss" the currently summoned Amigo you have and instead opting to directly summon a different one.

No Fixes Yet

Far Cry 6 - Dismiss Amigos.png
Unfortunately, Amigos not showing up during gameplay has no official fixes yet – players can, however, try to reload a save or restart their game entirely to try and get Amigos to show up once again. This is not a guaranteed fix however, and there will be varying levels of success to restarting/reloading the game.

In the case of an Amigo not summoning when you don't dismiss a previously summoned Amigo, the simple fix is to head into the Amigos tab of the menu and dismiss any summoned Amigo you may have. From there, wait for the desired Amigo to become available after a short cooldown before summoning them.

Amigo Controls and Commands

Simple Controls

Command Effect
Direct Amigo Commands the Amigo towards wherever you are aiming. When aiming at enemies, this command will cause the Amigo to interact with the targeted enemy.
Call Back Amigo Recalls the Amigo back to your position.

While Amigos can independently perform acts without any input from the player, players can still direct them towards performing actions in and out of combat. When aiming down the sight, two commands and their equivalent button inputs will present itself near the bottom right hand corner of the screen's center.

The way Amigos will interact with targeted enemies when using the "Direct Amigo" command will vary between each AmigoGuapo, for instance, will attack immediately, while stealthier Amigos such as Chorizo will distract that enemy, allowing you to maneuver around them.

Can You Ride in a Car With Amigos?

Only Available for Boom Boom on Certain Vehicles

Far Cry 6 - Boom Boom Ride.png
While riding in vehicles alongside your pet companions is possible, the ability only really works with Boom Boom, who will sit beside you in any four-wheel cars. Simply hop into any vehicle that has a passenger side to it with Boom Boom, and you'll see the friendly dog sitting right beside you.

List of Vehicles: All Vehicle Locations

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1 Anonymousalmost 3 years

Chorizo will ride in a car with you so will k9000, and no boom boom does not ride in ALL four wheel vehicles. The info on this page is incorrect. However, for a good time throw a few mines on your dog before he jumps in the car.


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