Far Cry 6

Everything to Lose Mission Walkthrough and Rewards

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This is a walkthrough for Everything to Lose, a mission in Far Cry 6. Learn more about the objectives of this Yaran Story, available rewards, as well as tips for completing the mission!

Everything to Lose Basic Information

Mission Type
Quest Giver Petra Toca
Location Conuco - Toca Farm
Rewards 100 XP
Help the Fernando Valley Farmers.
The farmers in Fernando Valley are on Libertad's side for now, but they have been ignored for far too long. Pressure is building, and they can't take being caught in the middle.

How to Unlock Everything to Lose

You will be able to unlock Everything to Lose in one of two ways: by either driving around the farm in Conuco, or by talking to fellow Guerrillas in areas you've liberated to get the assignment.

Everything to Lose Mission Walkthrough

Meet With Petra

Travel to Toca Farm
You will be able to get to the area where you can accept this mission by travelling to Toca Farm, just south of the Military Target Roca Pequeña SAT Station.

You will be tasked with helping out farmers in the Fernando Valley region in Casa Rivera, Arrese Farm, Hinojosa Farm, and Duarte Farm.

Casa Rivera

Unplug the Wires
At the first farmer's location you go to, west of Toca Farm, you will be tasked with unplugging the wires feeding the generator.
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Disable the Generator
There is a water tank to the left of the generator where the water comes from. Break the wood hiding the valve on it and turn it. Once done, climb up the tank and jump down to the cement blocks in front of the generator to pull the cables.

Arrese Farm

4 Far Cry 6 - Arrese Farm.png
Take the Rooster
Arrese Farm is just southeast of Toca Farm. Once you get there, speak to the man at the back of the house, who will tell you to take his chicken. Go inside of the house and take the Shed Key from the dining table with a carrot on top, and open the door to the shed. Take the rooster inside.

Hinojosa Farm

5 Head to Hinojosa Farm
Travelling south from Arrese Farm will see you land in Hinojosa Farm. There is nothing left for you to do here except to let the scene play out.

Duarte Farm

4 Far Cry 6 - Take Out the Soldier.png
Take Out the Soldier
East from Hinojosa Farm is the Duarte Farm. Eliminate the soldier holding Señor Duarte hostage to complete the mission.

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