Far Cry 6

How to Get Chicharron: Abilities and Skins

Far Cry 6 Chicharron Top Banner.png

Chicharron is a Combat Amigo obtainable in Far Cry 6. Find out how to get Chicharron with our detailed location info and map, as well as Chicharron's abilities, how to unlock this Amigo, how to use it in battle, and its available skins.

Chicharron Overview

Chicharron Basic Information

Chicharron Image
Type Combat Amigo
Passive Angry Bird
Chicharron's lust for battle cannot be sted. He slingshots himself to the enemy from a distance.

How to Get Chicharron

You can acquire Chicharron by speaking to Reinaldo at the Alvarez Farm in Vacia Coast. This will then start a series of Yaran Stories wherein you will accompany Chicharron in eliminating various targets.

Reinaldo Alvarez - Yaran Stories Walkthroughs
1. Man's Best Enemy 2. Pecking Orders 3. Wingman

Chicharron Abilities

Abilities Description

Roid Rage
Nobody puts Chicharron in a corner. He attacks faster and deals double damage when his health is below 70%.
Unlock Condition: Have Chicharron kill 12 enemies.

Angrier Bird
Hurling his weight through the air allows Chicharron's Angry Bird to knock enemies flat to the ground.
Unlock Condition: Kill 24 enemies while Chicharron is in Roid Rage mode.

Chicken Feet
Years of cockfighting have sharpened Chicharron's senses. During Roid Rage, he is more likely to dodge enemy attacks.
Unlock Condition: Knock 50 enemies down using the Angrier Bird Attack.

How to Unlock Chicharron Abilities

Keep Fighting and Pushing Enemies

Chicharron is an Amigo that focuses focus on taking down as many enemies as possible. Unlocking Chicharron's Roid Rage is simple, as you only need to get into fights consistently. If you want to speed this up and unlock Angrier Bird and Chicken Feet quickly, then letting alarms get triggered by FND soldiers in Military Targets is the best solution. This will send more enemy reinforcements, allowing Chicharron to attack more enemies.

How to Use Chicharron

Leave him to wreak havoc

Once Chicharron unlocks its Roid Rage ability, it's best to leave it alone and deal damage since it basically becomes a killing machine when its health drops to less than 70%.

Revive it quickly when it's downed

Unlike Guapo, Chicharron has no auto-revive ability. And with its useful skills, you'd want to revive it quickly to make fights all the more easier.

Chicharron Skins


Chicharron Appearance




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