Far Cry 6

Medico Location: Supremo Effects and Info

Medico is one of the Supremos available in Far Cry 6. Learn about the effects of Medico, other useful info, as well as how to get Medico!

Medico Basic Information

Far Cry 6 - Medico
Rank 4
Type Defender Supremo
Ability Zona Medicina
Fight smarter: Self-revive and rapidly heal yourself & nearby allies over time - great for Co-op.

Medico Mods

Gadget Mods

Mods Description
Baseball Distract nearby enemies
Healing Canister The Healing Canister will release health-restoring gas

Supremo Mods

Mods Description
Yaran Steel Greatly improves general defense after Supremo use

How to Get Medico

Acquire from Juan or His Arms Dealers


After reaching Rank 4 - Espia, you can purchase Medico from Juan or his Arms Dealers found on captured FND Bases for 100 Depleted Uranium.

How to Get Depleted Uranium

How to Use Medico

Use for Self Healing or Revival

Far Cry 6 - Use for Healing and Self Revival.png
During moments when enemies manage to get the advantage, causing you to go low on health or be knocked out, you can use Medico to revive to revive or heal yourself, bypassing the regular healing you can perform when low on health.

Far Cry 6 Related Guides

Far Cry 6 Weapons Banner.jpg

List of Supremos

List of Supremos

Currently UnavailableExterminador Far Cry 6 - FantasmaFantasma Far Cry 6 - VoltaVolta
Far Cry 6 - FuriosoFurioso Far Cry 6 - MedicoMedico Far Cry 6 - GladiadorGladiador
Currently UnavailableTriador


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