Far Cry 6

Alpha Animal Locations

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Alpha Animals are special wild animals found in Far Cry 6. Find out where they can be commonly found and what items they drop.

Alpha Animal Locations

There are 3 confirmed Alpha Animals: Alpha Coyote, Alpha Crocodile, and Alpha Jaguar.

Alpha Animals can be found randomly across the island of Yara. However, they can be more reliably (although still rare) found on the hunting spots of their respective regular animal variants. Check the list below.

Coyote Hunting Spots

Hunting Spot Locations

Location: Mogote Foothills - Costa Del Mar

Location: Ida's Refuge - Aguas Lindas

Location: Bandido Escarpment - Noventarmas

Location: Almendras Hills - Esperanza

Location: Catalina Ridge - La Joya

Crocodile Hunting Spots

This list includes the two variants of crocodiles found in Yara - the Yaran Crocodile and the American Crocodile.

Hunting Spot Locations

Location: Serpentino Park - Costa Del Mar

Location: Cielo Gardens - Noventarmas

Location: Fernando Valley - Conuco

Jaguar Hunting Spots

Hunting Spot Locations

Location: Lapida Mogote - Sierra Perdida

How to Hunt Alpha Animals

What makes Alpha Animals good to hunt is that they drop Alpha Meat which can be exchanged later on for Industrial Circuits. Industrial Circuits are extremely useful as they can in turn be exchanged for some of the higher ranking equipment.

Construct and Upgrade the Hunter's Lodge

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The Hunter's Lodge is a Camp Facility that is in charge of supplying you with information with regards to hunting spots for all animals in Yara, including mythical ones. They are also the only known sellers of the Animal Set which will make hunting regular animals way more efficient.

Further, if you upgrade the Hunter's Lodge to the maximum, you can hunt down animals using guns without damaging their meat, making it far easier to hunt down these animals.
All Camp Facilities and How to Unlock

Equip the Animal Set

Gear Effect
Primal Mask
Head Gear
Predator Sense
Automatically tag nearby animals
Primal Vest
Chest Gear
Animal Detection Reduction
Get closer to animals before they attack.
Primal Bracer
Wrist Gear
Big-Game Carver
Improves amount of animal meat scavenged.
Primal Pants
Leg Gear
Big Quiver
Improves arrow reserve.
Primal Boots
Foot Gear
Swift Predator
Greatly improves move speed after killing an animal.

Of the entire set, the Primal Bracers is a must before hunting down Alpha Animals. Equipping the Primal Bracer improves the amount of the animal meat dropped making it extremely useful when hunting down the Alpha Animals.

However, to acquire them you will need to defeat the Mythical Animals which are some of the hardest animals to beat in the game.

Go to Hunting Spots

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Locate the hunting spots for jaguars, coyotes, and crocodiles and run around. Once you find the alpha animals, you will notice that they are different than regular Yaran animals due to their difference in color.

Defeat Mythical Animals

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Defeating certain Mythical Animals will cause them to disappear permanently. Rarely, in their stead, the alpha versions of these animals will appear which you can hunt for Alpha Meat as well.

Equip Bows

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If you haven't upgraded your Hunter's Lodge at the highest level, then, using guns will just damage the meat you will be hunting down. To be on the safe side, equip bows which deal relatively high damage without damaging the meat.

The best bow to equip is the El Capirote, which is designed to deal more damage to animals, making hunting easier.

How to Get El Capirote

What are Alpha Animals?

Alpha Animals are special versions of common animals found in the wilderness of Yara. They are a bit stronger than most animals and drop different items. They are not to be confused with Mythical Animals which are far stronger and far rarer versions.

Far Cry Related Guides

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List of Animals and Wildlife

Animals and Wildlife Guides

All Animals and Wildlife
Mythical Animals Alpha Animals


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