Far Cry 6

Fantasma Location: Supremo Effects and Info

Fantasma is one of the Supremos available in Far Cry 6. Learn about the effects of Fantasma, other useful info, as well as how to get Fantasma!

Fantasma Basic Information

Far Cry 6 - Fantasma
Rank 4
Type Saboteur Supremo
Ability Venom Salvo
Create chaos by launching poison gas onto the battlefield that can turn enemies against one another

Fantasma Mods

Gadget Mods

Mods Description
Baseball Distract nearby enemies
Poison Grenade Disperses a poison cloud after a short delay
Could cause poisoned enemies to turn on each other

Supremo Mods

Mods Description
Venom Shot Deals improved damage to poisoned enemies after Supremo use

How to Get Fantasma

Acquire from Juan or His Arms Dealers


After reaching Rank 3 - Exploradora, you can purchase Fantasma from Juan or his Arms Dealers found on captured FND Bases for 100 Depleted Uranium.

How to Get Depleted Uranium

How to Use Fantasma

Use to Stun Enemies

Far Cry 6 - Use to Stun Enemies.png
The Fantasma is most effective when used during in the transition between periods of stealth and direct combat against enemies, where enemies will group together to try and rush the player.

Specifically, the Fantasma is paritcularly effective when used against a crowd, where the poison will cause enemies to be disoriented for a time, allowing you to come in and perform sweeping kills against an enemy. This is a good way to defeat entire enemy camps easily with little risk of getting killed in turn.

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List of Supremos

List of Supremos

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Currently UnavailableTriador


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