Far Cry 6

All Collectible Locations and Interactive Map

Collectibles are all types of items you can find throughout the Yaran archipelago in Far Cry 6. While some contain rare gear and weapons, others contain items you can use in the minigames!

All Collectible Locations and Maps

Interactive Map of Collectibles

Click on the links to check the detailed locations for each collectible. More maps and locations are on the way!

Collectible Description
Far Cry 6 - Treasure Hunt.pngTreasure Hunts A type of Mission which results in a rare reward.
Far Cry 6 - Yaran Story.pngYaran Stories A type of optional Side Mission.
Far Cry 6 - Yaran Contraband Icon.pngUnique Weapons (Yaran Contraband) These crates contain one-of-a-kind weapons hidden around the map.
Far Cry 6 - Criptograma Chest Icon.pngCriptograma Chests and Charts Chest-and-key hidden collectibles which reward the player with rare items.
Far Cry 6 - Rooster Crate Icon.pngRoosters A collectible which can be used for the Cockfighting minigame.
Far Cry 6 - USB Stick Icons.pngUSB Sticks A collectible which allows new songs to be played in vehicles.
Far Cry 6 - FND Cache Icon.pngFND Caches Labeled military chests which contain rare items or materials.
Far Cry 6 - Libertad Crate Icon.pngLibertad Crates Chest hidden collectibles which reward the player with supplies and weapons
Bandido Leaders Freeing these characters will recruit them for the Los Bandidos Operations minigame. Bandido Leaders do not appear on the map directly.
Far Cry 6 - Gran Premio Icon.pngGran Premio Races Locations where the Gran Premio racing minigame is held.

All Treasure Hunt Locations

There are a total of 21 Treasure Hunt Missions to find in the game.

All Treasure Hunt Locations and Map

All Yaran Stories Locations

There are a total of 29 Yaran Stories to find in the world of Far Cry 6.

List of Yaran Stories (Side Quests)

All Criptograma Chest Locations

There are a total of 15 groups of Criptograma Chests and Charts in the game.

Criptograma Chests and Charts Locations and Map

All Rooster Locations

There are a total of 13 Roosters to find in the game, along with 6 extra Roosters via the Ubisoft Connect Store!

All Rooster Locations and Map

All USB Stick Locations

There are a total of 15 USB Sticks to find in the game.

All USB Stick Locations and Map

All Gran Premio Race Locations

There are a total of 12 Gran Premio Races around the world of Far Cry 6.

All Gran Premio Race Locations and Map

Far Cry 6 Related Guides

Far Cry 6 Maps and Locations Partial Banner.png

Far Cry 6 Map: Full World Map of Yara

All Maps and Locations

Map Feature Types
Collectibles Military Targets
Treasure Hunts Yaran Stories
Criptograma Chests & Charts Unique Weapons
Amigos Roosters
USB Sticks (Songs) Gran Premio Races
Bandido Leaders Hidden Histories
FND Caches and Libertad Crates Vehicle Props
Military Targets
FND Bases Anti-Aircraft Sites
Military Checkpoints Ambush Locations
Supply Drops (Recon Points) FND Convoys
Animal Maps
Hunting Spots Fishing Spots


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