Far Cry 6

Gasolina Guide: Where to Get and How to Use

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Gasolina is one of the Camp Resources in Far Cry 6. Read on to learn how to use this item and our recommended methods to farm Gasolina!

Gasolina Basic Information

Far Cry 6 - Gasolina
Category Camp Resources
How to Get Can be found at FND Bases, exploring Yara, or recovered from FND Convoys.
Uses Used to build and upgrade Camp Facilities at the Construction Desk in Guerrilla Camps

How to Farm Gasolina

Found in Oil Drums

Gas can be found all around Yara, hidden inside of gas drums. These gas drums come in eithe singular drums or a collection of four that you can interact with to pickup gas. Collective sets of gas drums will yield more gas, while singular ones will give you smaller yields.

MIlitary Targets

List of Military Targets with Gasolina Rewards

Location Info
Cabeza Fuel Depot
Operation Type: FND Bases
Location: Quito - Sagrado
GDP Oil Platform
Operation Type: FND Bases
Location: Aguas Lindas - Cobre Shores
Castillo Señorial Tobacco Factory
Operation Type: FND Bases
Location: Costa Del Mar - Tobacco Valley
Fort Santa Maria
Operation Type: FND Bases
Location: Cruz Del Salvador - Cape Santa Maria
Dulce Sugar Mill
Operation Type: FND Bases
Location: Cruz Del Salvador - Sabiduria Valley
CCE Electrical Station 31
Operation Type: FND Bases
Location: La Joya - Catalina Ridge
Santo Gusto Coffee Factory
Operation Type: FND Bases
Location: Sierra Perdida - Robustas Hills
Fort Esperanza
Operation Type: FND Bases
Location: Esperanza - West Lado

Gas can also be found in smaller containers, often found in checkpoints of FND Bases.

All Outposts (FND Bases) Locations and Full Map | All Military Targets

Intercept FND Convoys

FND Convoys are great sources of Gasolina, since one truck would give you a large amount. Keep an eye out for FND Convoy Icons on the Map and capture their resources. Be careful not to damage or destroy the truck, since you would not be able to retrieve resources if you do that.

How to Use Gasolina

Used to Build or Upgrade Guerrilla Camp Facilities

Far Cry 6 - Used to Build or Upgrade Camp Facilities.png
The primary use of Gasolina is as a material used for the construction of facilities in the various Guerrilla Facilities you uncover around Yara. These facilities require plenty of gasolina to be used, often measuring in the hundreds to build or upgrade a facility, so farming them from oil drums and smaller containers around Yara is a must.

Best Camp Facilities to Build and Upgrade

Far Cry 6 Related Guides

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List of Items

List of Camp Resources

Far Cry 6 - MedicineMedicine Far Cry 6 - MetalMetal Far Cry 6 - GasolinaGasolina

List of Item Types

All Item Types
Resolver Materials Camp Resources
Tradables Miscellaneous


1 Anonymous8 months

Scrounger Coat can be acquired VERY EARLY in the game. It gives you more crafting materials on pickup. More Gasolina, Metal, Medicine, etc. Keep this on the entire time and you can quickly upgrade all 6 Camp Facilities. This means major upgrades at the beginning of the game.


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