Far Cry 6

All Rooster Locations and Map

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Roosters are a collectible found across the Map in Far Cry 6. Collecting Roosters allows players to use them in the Cockfighting minigame and earn the Recrooster Trophy. Learn where to find all 19 Roosters, with location details and how to get each of them.

All Rooster Locations

Rooster Location Map
Rooster Location List
#01 #02 #03 #04
#05 #06 #07 #08
#09 #10 #11 #12
#13 - - -

Madrugada Rooster Locations

There are 4 Roosters found in the Madrugada Region.

El Rato

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1 Go to the location indicated in the map above. Head to the village there until you get to an archway.
From that archway, take a peek to the left of it to find, a partially hidden path. Take it to reach another village.
Find a woman spraying feeds on the ground. Just past her is El Rato.

El Aguila

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1 Head to the position from the south, encountering a military base. From there, head northeast.
Eventually, you will encounter a river with two tall peaks. El Aguila will be on the eastern one.
3 Pass through an stone archway and then head east. Hug the right wall until you find a path towards the peak.
Right there at the top of the peak, past some ziplines, you will be able to find El Aguila.

El Dorado

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1 Head towards the designated location in the map given above. Just place waypoint on it and follow the directions.
Take note that the location is bunker and El Dorado is inside. The only way to access the bunker is to finish the quest, Spur of the Moment.
3 Far Cry 6 El Dorado 03.png
Get inside the bunker and acquire El Dorado.


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1 Head to Verdera and go to the northeastern part of the town. If you're far away, place a waypoint and simply follow the directions.
Head to the small house to your left and get Acero.

Esperanza Rooster Locations

There is 1 Rooster found in the Esperanza Region.

La Bestia Blanca

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1 Head to the Casa del Lodo Residences, west of Esperanza. Place waypoint on based on the map above for easy reference.
Head to the first house on your left. Breakdown the door to find this rooster.

Valle De Oro Rooster Locations

There are 4 Roosters found in the Valle De Oro Region.


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1 Head to the Castillo National Zoo as marked in the map above and head inside.
There are two paths into the zoo. One straight down through the front door and another to the left over some walls. Either way, get into the facility.
Get into one of the enclosures on the left to find Papacito. Be careful as there are wolves in the enclosure as well.

El Pico

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1 Head to Noventarmas at the point indicated in the map above.
Go straight until you see a bluish house. At the back of the house, just beside a sink is El Pico.

El Fenix

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1 Head to Barrial at the point indicated in the map above.
The rooster is in an enclosure only accessible from above.

La Muerte Negra

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1 Head to Segunda at the point indicated in the map above.
On your right, you will see some bluish-green houses with several closed fences and a dead horse. Climb the fences.
As you reach the corpse of the dead horse, look to your left. In a fenced enclosure, you'll see La Muerte Negra.

El Este Rooster Locations

There are 4 Roosters found in the El Este Region.

El Huevo

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Coming soon
1 Head to the La Joya Local PDP Offices as indicated in the map above.
Enter the facility. Be warned that there will be enemies here. Head to the building on the right using the back door.
Climb the stairs and almost immediately, you'll notice a padlocked gate. Shoot the lock to gain access to the room and El Huevo.


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1 Head to Sierra Perdida as shown in the map above.
Keep going through the fields. As a fork comes up ahead, look to your right to see a small village.
Head to the first house on your left to find Hermoso just inside a pen.

La Bala De Plata

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1 Head to Vacia Coast as shown above. Be careful as you take the path as it will eventually lead to a checkpoint. As you see the checkpoint coming, get off your vehicle/horse and head into the mountain area to your right.
Follow this path and the marker which will then take you to La Bala De Plata's home (as well as Chicharron's).

El Gallo Magnifico

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1 El Gallo Magnifico is part of the quest line of Everything to Lose. To unlock the mission you must first finish the operations quest, Meet the Legends. See the map above for the Yaran Story quest location.
2 Far Cry 6 El Gallo 01.pngOnce you get there, talk to the lady and she will inform you of four farms that needs help. If you do, she will help Libertad. Head to the southeast one to find a farmer in distress about his rooster.
3 Far Cry 6 El Gallo 02.pngTake the shed key from inside his house (on the table near the entrance) and open the shed to find El Gallo Magnifico.

Ubisoft Connect Rooster Locations

There are a total of six additional Roosters available for free download simply by connecting your account to Ubisoft Connect. Note that obtaining these Roosters is not required to obtain the Recrooster Trophy.

From the in-game Store, navigate to Ubisoft Connect, and create an account or connect your already existing account. Doing so will grant you access to a variety of bonuses including these six unique Roosters.

  • El Dragon
  • Toasty
  • Frosty
  • El Rival
  • El Rebelde
  • Sargento Gallo

How to Find Roosters

Hidden in Cages

Roosters in Crates.jpg

Roosters can be found in Cages around the Map. When the player is close to a Cage, it will show up on the Minimap, so be sure to hunt for the Cage and free the Rooster inside.

Buy Rooster Map Intel

Buy Rooster Map Intel.jpg

The in-game Store features Map Intel items which will cause extra icons to appear on your Map. Purchasing the Roosters Map Intel item from the Utilities tab of the shop will reveal all the Rooster locations on the player's Map, making it much easier to find each Rooster.

Purchased with Far Cry Credits

The Rooster Map Intel costs 300 Far Cry Credits. The player can obtain 300 Far Cry Credits automatically upon leaving Libertad Isle for the first time after Libertad Rises. However, this is the only point at which the player can obtain free Far Cry Credits currently known. Additional Far Cry Credits are only obtainable as microtransactions with real currency, so spend your Far Cry Credits wisely.

How to Unlock the Recrooster Trophy

The Recrooster Trophy is unlocked when all of the 13 Roosters hidden around the Map are obtained.

The 6 Roosters which are obtained for free from Ubisoft Connect are not required to unlock the Recrooster Trophy.

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1 Jecebover 3 years

Tell me you haven't made a guide without telling me you havnt made a guide, its legit as simple as exact map and screenshot of location


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