Far Cry 6

Best Armor (Best Gear)

Far Cry 6 Best Gear.png
Armors in Far Cry 6 go hand in hand with the many different weapons found across Yara. Find out what the best gears are to match your playstyle, whether it's as a stealthy assassin or a bullet absorbing tank in combat!

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Best Rocket Launchers Best Pistols
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Best Armor Sets and Builds Best Armor (Best Gear)
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Best Head Gear

Marksman's Goggles

Gear Effect Set
MarksmanMarksman's Goggles Thrifty Shooter: Headshot kills refund the round. Sniper

This head gear is a must for any player who enjoys sniping. The Marksman's Goggles will replace a bullet in your guns magazine when landing a headshot. This means the more accurate you are, the less you will have to reload

Prisoner's Scarf

Gear Effect Set
PrisonerPrisoner's Scarf Face Your Foe: Enable takedowns on alerted enemies from the front. Outcast

The Prisoner's Scarf allows you to initiate a takedown on alerted enemies from the front. This essentially means you now have an instant KO on all enemies no matter what the situation is.

Senor Sonrisa Mask

Gear Effect Set
Senor Sonrisa Mask ImageSenor Sonrisa Mask Guerilla Defender: Improves soft-target, blast, and armor piercing defense. None

The Senor Sonrisa Mask Gives you a little bit of everything in the defensive department to keep you alive in any situation. This head gear gives you soft-target, blast, and armor piercing defense.

Ida's Sigil

Gear Effect Set
IdaIda's Sigil Night Sight: Highlights allies, soldiers, and animals at night. Triada

Ida's Sigil makes this list for its ability to give you amazing night vision. This head gear highlights allies, soldiers, and animals at night. No longer will you need to wonder where you are being attacked from in the dead of night

List of Head Gear

Best Chest Gear

Dark Tech Hoodie

Gear Effect Set
Dark Tech Hoodie ImageDark Tech Hoodie Chameleon: Slow down detection speed without affecting soldier suspicion. Stealth

The Dark Tech Hoodie is a must for anyone who likes to get in close and be stealthy. This chest gear slows down detection speed without affecting soldier suspicion. So if you are in the middle of a base and trying to line up a nice headshot just meters away from the enemy, you will have more time before they see you trying to kill them.

Prisoner's Shirt

Gear Effect Set
PrisonerPrisoner's Shirt Guerilla Scavenger: Acquire additional gasolina, metal, and medicine. Outcast

The Prisoner's Shirt is the best out of combat armor piece in the game. This chest gear allows players to acquire additional gasolina, metal, and medicine, making it a necessity to those who want to upgrade their camp facilities as fast as possible.

Revolutionary Vest

Gear Effect Set
Revolutionary Vest ImageRevolutionary Vest Guerilla Defender: Improves soft-target, blast, and armor piercing defense. Leader

The Revolutionary Vest is great for all around defense. This chest gear improves soft-target, blast, and armor piercing defense making you durable for any kind of fight.

List of Chest Gear

Best Leg Gear

Parkour Shorts

Gear Effect Set
Parkour Shorts ImageParkour Shorts Parkour Rush: Greatly improves move speed after sliding. Traversal

The Parkour Shorts are great for getting around Yara and swiftly moving from cover to cover. This leg gear greatly improves move speed after sliding making it a useful piece of gear in and out of battle.

Scrounger Jeans

Gear Effect Set
Scrounger Jeans ImageScrounger Jeans Super Tool: Improves repair tool power. Automatically repairs vehicles when inside. Can repair auto-turrets. Scavenger

The Scrounger Jeans are meant for those of us who like to travel and fight using vehicles. This leg gear improves repair tool power, automatically repairs vehicles while you are inside them, and lets you repair auto-turrets. Your vehicles will thank you for wearing these jeans.

Dark Tech Pants

Gear Effect Set
Dark Tech Pants ImageDark Tech Pants Stealth Material: Reduces movement noise. Stealth

The Dark Tech Pants are great for the player who loves stealth. This leg gear reduces movement noise making it harder for enemies to hear you while you are sneaking around places you are not supposed to.

Oku's Deliverance

Gear Effect Set
OkuOku's Deliverance As Above So Below: Improves weapon damage to enemies below you. Triada

Oku's Deliverance is overall great gear throughout the game. This leg gear improves weapon damage to enemies below you. So if you can imagine every fight that takes place with you in a watch tower or on a roof,which there are a lot of, your weapons will do increased damage making things much easier for you.

List of Leg Gear

Best Foot Gear

Scrounger Shoes

Gear Effect Set
Scrounger Shoes ImageScrounger Shoes Auto Scavenger: Automatically gather nearby items while in a vehicle. Scavenger

The Scrounger Shoes are another useful piece of armor that is great outside of battle. This foot gear automatically gathers nearby items while in a vehicle. No need to expend all that extra energy getting out of your vehicle to loot the dead when wearing these babies.

Dark Tech Boots

Gear Effect Set
Dark Tech Boots ImageDark Tech Boots Assassin: Improves move speed while crouched. Stealth

The Dark Tech Boots are another must have for the player who enjoys playing in stealth. This foot gear improves move speed while crouched so you can sneak around the enemy much faster than before.

Breach and Clear Boots

Gear Effect Set
Breach and Clear Boots ImageBreach and Clear Boots Sleepwalker: Greatly reduces movement noise during nighttime. Special Ops

The Breach and Clear Boots are yet another stealth players dream gear. This foot gear greatly reduces movement noise during nighttime making it even easier for you to sneak past or up to unsuspecting enemies.

List of Foot Gear

Best Wrist Gear

Techmaster Band

Gear Effect Set
Techmaster Band ImageTechmaster Band Security Expert: Improves alarm disable sleep
Enables alarm sabotaging using the triangle button.

The Techmaster Band is one of the most fun pieces of equipment as it unlocks a nice ability for taking FND Bases. This wrist gear improves alarm disable speed and enables alarm sabotaging. This is great because when an enemy thinks they are calling for backup, they will be met with death instead.

Dark Tech Gloves

Gear Effect Set
Dark Tech Gloves ImageDark Tech Gloves Gadget Sniper: Throwing knives and throwing axes lock onto targets. Stealth

The Dark Tech Gloves are great for stealth and for action packed fighting. This wrist gear makes throwing axes and throwing knives a lock onto enemies. This means as long as you aim near the head of a stationary or even moving target the projectile will hit its mark resulting in a 1-hit K.O.

Canadian, Eh?

Gear Effect Set
Canadian, Eh? ImageCanadian, Eh? Poison Is Money: Receive Pesos for killing an enemy with poison. None

The Canadian, Eh? is good piece of armor to keep on if you like to make use of poison. This wrist gear rewards you with Pesos for killing an enemy with poison. The best part is that the enemy only needs to be poisoned as they die, so you can poison them then kill them with the weapon or gadget of your choice.

List of Wrist Gear

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Arsenal Guides
Best Weapons Best Sniper Rifle
Best Supremos Best Resolver Weapons
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Best Gadget Mods Best Rifles
Best Shotguns Best Submachine Guns
Best Bow Best LMGs
Best Armor Sets and Builds Best Armor (Best Gear)
Best Amigos -
Trophy Guides
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Stay Cool Guide Termination Phase Guide
Hidden Cash Guide Death From Above Guide
Heated Conflict Guide Not So Tough


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