Far Cry 6

All Resolver Materials and How to Farm

Resolver Materials are used in improving your weapons in Far Cry 6. Learn how to farm each Resolver Material as well as how to use them!

List of Resolver Materials

Item Description
Far Cry 6 - Gun PowderGun Powder Sintering powder that can be found in FND Caches at military sites or stolen from military Supply Drops by following the yellow smoke.

Used to improve weapons at the Workbench.
Far Cry 6 - Supremo-BondSupremo-Bond ABS filament that can be found in Libertad Crates on guerrilla paths or stolen from military Supply Drops by following the yellow smoke.

Used to build Gadgets and improve Supremos at the Workbench.
Far Cry 6 - Recycled FastenersRecycled Fasteners Can be found in scrapyards and garages or by trading in animal meat.

Used for basic Supremo and weapon improvements at the Workbench.
Far Cry 6 - Industrial CircuitsIndustrial Circuits Can be purchased from Lola or by trading in animal meat.

Used for advanced Supremo and weapon improvements at the Workbench.
Far Cry 6 - Durable SealsDurable Seals Can be found in scrapyards and garages or by trading in animal meat.

Used for Supremo and weapon improvements at the Workbench.
Far Cry 6 - Recycled GlassRecycled Glass Can be found in junk piles and workshops or by trading in animal and fish meat.

Used for basic Supremo and weapon improvements at the Workbench.
Far Cry 6 - Industrial CompositeIndustrial Composite Can be purchased from Lola or by trading in fish meat.

Used for advanced Supremo and weapon improvements at the Workbench.
Far Cry 6 - Durable PlasticDurable Plastic Can be found in junk piles and workshops or by trading in animal and fish meat.

Used for Supremo and weapon improvements at the Workbench.
Far Cry 6 - Vehicle ScrapsVehicle Scraps Can be found by destroying and scavenging various military vehicles.

Used for Ride Improvements at the Workbench.

How to Use Resolver Materials

Improve Weapons in Workbenches

Far Cry 6 Upgrading weapons

Resolver Materials are items that can be used on upgrading Weapons and Supremos at the workbench.

The best way to farm Resolver Materials (other than Vehicles Scraps) is by doing and completing Bandido Operations.

How to Use the Resolver Workbench

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