Far Cry 6

All Wildlife Hunting Spots: Locations and Interactive Map

Wildlife Hunting Spots are areas where you can find animals for meat in the game Far Cry 6. Find out more about each hunting spot with our detailed locations and interactive map guide here!

Wildlife Hunting Spot Interactive Map

Animal Hunting Spot Legend
Far Cry 6 Hunting Spot Map Icons.pngAmerican Crocodile Far Cry 6 Hunting Spot Map Icons.pngBlack Hawk Far Cry 6 Hunting Spot Map Icons.pngCougar
Far Cry 6 Hunting Spot Map Icons.pngCoyote Far Cry 6 Hunting Spot Map Icons.pngDeer Far Cry 6 Hunting Spot Map Icons.pngDuck
Far Cry 6 Hunting Spot Map Icons.pngHare Far Cry 6 Hunting Spot Map Icons.pngHutia Far Cry 6 Hunting Spot Map Icons.pngJaguar
Far Cry 6 Hunting Spot Map Icons.pngMongoose Far Cry 6 Hunting Spot Map Icons.pngPelican Far Cry 6 Hunting Spot Map Icons.pngVulture
Far Cry 6 Hunting Spot Map Icons.pngWid Hog Far Cry 6 Hunting Spot Map Icons.pngYaran Crocodile Far Cry 6 Hunting Spot Map Icons.pngYaran Trogon

All Wildlife Hunting Spot Locations

American Crocodile Hunting Spot Locations

Hunting Spot Locations

Location: Arroz Flatands - Cruz Del Salvador

Black Hawk Hunting Spot Locations

Hunting Spot Locations

Location: Monjas Valley - Lozania

Location: Oku Creek - Barrial

Cougar Hunting Spot Locations

Hunting Spot Locations

Location: Fuego Valley - Lozania

Coyote Hunting Spot Locations

Hunting Spot Locations

Location: Mogote Foothills - Costa Del Mar

Location: Ida's Refuge - Aguas Lindas

Location: Bandido Escarpment - Noventarmas

Location: Almendras Hills - Esperanza

Location: Catalina Ridge - La Joya

Deer Hunting Spot Locations

Hunting Spot Locations

Location: Ventura Summit - Quito

Location: Palma Forest - Lozania

Location: Bandido Escarpment - Noventarmas

Location: Promise Peaks - Sierra Perdida

Duck Hunting Spot Locations

Hunting Spot Locations

Location: Serpentino Park - Costa Del Mar

Location: Ventosa Peninsula - Barrial

Location: Catalina Ridge - La Joya

Hare Hunting Spot Locations

Hunting Spot Locations

Location: Cobre Shores - Aguas Lindas

Location: Oku Creek - Barrial

Location: Robustas Hills - Sierra Perdida

Hutia Hunting Spot Locations

Hunting Spot Locations

Location: Tobacco Valley - Costa Del Mar

Location: Cielo Gardens - Noventarmas

Location: Promise Peaks - Sierra Perdida

Jaguar Hunting Spot Locations

Hunting Spot Locations

Location: Lapida Mogote - Sierra Perdida

Mongoose Hunting Spot Locations

Hunting Spot Locations

Location: Tobacco Valley - Costa Del Mar

Location: Sabiduria Valley - Cruz Del Salvador

Location: Savannah Fields - Sierra Perdida

Pelican Hunting Spot Locations

Hunting Spot Locations

Location: Dorada Cove - La Joya

Vulture Hunting Spot Locations

Hunting Spot Locations

Location: Fuego Valley - Lozania

Location: Muerte Point - Barrial

Location: Isabel Steppes - Conuco

WIld Hog Hunting Spot Locations

Hunting Spot Locations

Location: Oasis Plains - Aguas Lindas

Location: Del Toro Port - Noventarmas

Location: Mirador Cape - La Joya

Yaran Crocodile Hunting Spot Locations

Hunting Spot Locations

Location: Serpentino Park - Costa Del Mar

Location: Cielo Gardens - Noventarmas

Location: Fernando Valley - Conuco

Yaran Trogon Hunting Spot Locations

Hunting Spot Locations

Location: Almendras Hills - Esperanza

Location: Aguda Cliffs - Costa Del Mar

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