Far Cry 6

Stealing Home Mission Walkthrough and Rewards

Far Cry 6 - Stealing Home Walkthrough.png
This is a walkthrough for Stealing Home, a mission in Far Cry 6. Learn more about the objectives of this Yaran Story, available rewards, as well as tips for completing the mission!

Stealing Home Basic Information

Mission Type
Quest Giver Freddy Fonseca Jr.
Location Cruz Del Salvador - Segunda
Rewards 100 XP
Fuerza Beisbol
Baseball Bat
Freddy Jr. - Bandidos Leader
Retrieve the stolen gear of Freddy's father.
My papa's gear was stolen from his shrine by the army. Freddy Fonseca Sr. was a legend – the Maestro of the Malecon – and inspiration to Yarans everywhere. Secure a win for the home team and bring his stuff back to his shrine.

How to Unlock Stealing Home

You'll be able to unlock Stealing Home by capturing the FND Special Forces Base and getting a Jersey off of the wall in the Armory of that facility – you'll then need to talk to with a fellow Guerrilla at various checkpoints or bases to receive an invitation from Freddy. Alternatively, you can get this quest by waiting until a Guerrilla tells you of Freddy's request.

Stealing Home Mission Walkthrough

Find the Stolen Gear

1 Far Cry 6 - Stealing Home Starting Location.png
Find Freddy Sr.'s Stolen Gear
When you arrive at Segunda Field east of the town of Segunda, Freddy Jr. will task you with finding his father's stolen baseball gear.
Head into FND Bases
Freddy Sr.'s gear are all stored inside of FND bases across three of Yara's regions. You'll have to come to each base to either steal the gear back stealthily, or commence a full raid to capture each base.

You'll have to search for three items: a Jock Strap, a Jersey, and a Glove.
3 Far Cry 6 - Jock Strap Location.png
Infiltrate Espinosa University
The Jock Strap can be found in the Espinosa University campus in Madrugada.

Once inside, head to the third floor where you'll find the armory. The Jock Strap is posted beside a Hazmat Suit on the left wall when you enter.
4 Far Cry 6 - Jerseys Location.png
Infiltrate the FND Special Forces Base
The Jersey can be found in the FND Special Forces Base in northeast Valle de Oro. Once you have stolen the keycard to the armory or captured the base entirely, enter the armory in the building next to the structure with a signal tower at the top.

You'll find the Jersey next to several lockers on the left wall when you enter.
6 Far Cry 6 - Glove Location.png
Infiltrate CCE Electrical Station 31
The last of the gear, the Glove, can be found in a locked storage room just outside of the main building in the CCE Electrical Station 31. It is posted on the wall directly in front of the door you enter through.
Bring the Gear Back
Once you have all of the gear, head to the town of Feroza and place the gear on Freddy Sr.'s shrine.

Obtainable Items

Rewards from chests are highly randomized so your rewards may differ.

Item Description
6P13 Auto.png6P13 Auto Location:
FND Cache in the same room as you get the Glove.

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