Far Cry 6

Grapple Kit Guide: Where to Get and How to Use

Grapple Kit is one of the Logistics in Far Cry 6. Read on to learn how to use this item and our recommended methods to farm Grapple Kit!

Grapple Kit Basic Information

Grapple Kit
Far Cry 6 - Grapple Kit
Category Logistics
Subcategory Tools
How to Get Allows for the use of Grappling Hook points.
Uses Used to latch onto Grappling Hook points, allowing you to climb up and down.

How to Get the Grapple Kit

Obtained During Main Story

You can get the Grapple Kit shortly after arriving at the beach during the mission The Lucky One. From the beach, follow the trail up towards your next objective where you will see the Grapple Kit on the ground – use it to scale up the mountain side.

How to Use Grapple Kit

Used to Climb, Descend, or Swing

Far Cry 6 - Grappling Hook Point.png
At various spots in Yara, there will be Grappling Hook Points that you can use to climb or descend up or down heights, or to use to swing towards something that you can stand on.

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