Far Cry 6

All Miscellaneous Items and How to Get

Miscellaneous items are other items with various uses and effects in Far Cry 6. Learn how to get these items as well as how to use them!

List of Miscellaneous Items

Item Description
Far Cry 6 - Spec Ops KeySpec Ops Key Can be obtained by completing Insurgency Challenges after the main story.

Used for opening guerrilla Dead Drops in Special Operations.
Far Cry 6 - Los Bandidos RecruitsLos Bandidos Recruits Acquired by saving hostages, defacing posters, destroying FND Convoys, and completing Yaran Stories.

Recruits can be send on operations at Los Bandidos Boards in Guerrilla Camps.
Far Cry 6 - Spray CansSpray Cans Can be found in Jewelry Boxes scattered across Yara.

Colorgul pigments that can be used in the Arsenal menu or at the Workebench to acquire a new appearance to your weapons and Supremos.
Far Cry 6 - Grapple KitGrapple Kit Allows for the use of Grappling Hook points.

Used to latch onto Grappling Hook points, allowing you to climb up and down.
Far Cry 6 - ParachuteParachute Allows for a safe landing by slowing individuals down in a fall.

While falling, deploy the Parachute to land safely on the ground.
Far Cry 6 - Fishing RodFishing Rod Used for catching fishes.

Equip and use to catch fish across Yara. Upgrade and modify the Fishing Rod at a Tackle Box to catch rarer fish.
Far Cry 6 - Repair ToolRepair Tool Used to repair damaged vehicles.

Equip and use the Repair Tool to repair damaged vehicles – The Repair Tool can be accessed using the Weapon Wheel.

How to Use Miscellaneous Items

Each Item Has Different Uses

Far Cry 6 Other Items

These items are obtained and used in different ways than the rest.

Spec Ops Keys are obtained from completing Insurgency Challenges, Los Bandidos Recruits (which are not really items) are obtained mainly from rescuing hostages, while Spray Cans are mainly from Jewelry Boxes.

Tools like Grapple Kit and Repair Tool will prove useful while exploring Yara and unlike the items mentioned above, Tools can be used without limit.

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