Far Cry 6

Fetch Quest Mission Walkthrough and Rewards

Far Cry 6 - Fetch Quest Walkthrough.png
This is a walkthrough for Fetch Quest, a mission in Far Cry 6. Learn more about the objectives of this Yaran Story, available rewards, how to use the Mysterious Key, as well as tips for completing the mission!

Fetch Quest Basic Information

Mission Type
Quest Giver Chorizo
Location Costa Del Mar - Montero Farm
Rewards 100 XP
Unlocks Chorito as Amigo
Follow Chorizo around.
Chorizo has something to show you! Where is it? What is it? I should follow him to find out.

How to Unlock Fetch Quest

Far Cry 6 - How to Unlock Fetch Quest.png
Fetch Quest unlocks automatically after finishing the Yaran Story Who's A Good Boy.To accept the mission, simply head to Chorizo once more and pet him.

How to Use the Mysterious Key

While following Chorizo, you'll be able to find a Mysterious Key through one of the many items he digs up. This key is used on a chest in Isla Santuario, on Guau-Guau Island. Simply travel to the island and open up the chest to get its reward.

How to Use the Mysterious Key

Fetch Quest Mission Walkthrough

Follow Chorizo

Pet Chorizo
To begin and accept the mission, you must first pet Chorizo.
2 Far Cry 6 - Follow Chorizo.png
Follow Chorizo
The little dog will afterwards have you following it as it digs around the ground and breaks into houses. It will dig up or point you towards various chests that you can open for rewards.

Once you have followed Chorizo around for a while, he will do his final dig, ending the mission.

Obtainable Items

Rewards from chests are highly randomized so your rewards may differ.

Item Description
Far Cry 6 - Supremo-Bond.pngSupremo Bond Location: Montero Farm
First box Chorizo digs up.
Far Cry 6 - Gunpowder.pngGun Powder Location: Montero Farm
Second chest in the second building Chorizo brings you to.
Chorizo's Tag Location: Montero Farm
Last chest Chorizo digs up.

Far Cry 6 Related Guides

Yaran Stories Partial.png

All Yaran Stories (Side Quests): Locations and Full Map

Yaran Stories

Yaran Stories
Isla Santuario
1. Triada Blessings
2. Supremacy 3. Who's A Good Boy?
4. Fetch Quest 5. Spur of the Moment
6. Over Easy 7. Backseat Driver
8. Stealing Thunder 9. Heavy Metal
10. Model Citizen
Valle de Oro
11. Boom or Bust 12. Wing and a Prayer
13. Tanks for the Likes 14. Stealing Home
15. Shock Therapy 16. Big Papi in Little Yara
El Este
17. The First Love 18. The Seeds of Love
19. Man's Best Enemy 20. Pecking Orders
21. Wingman 22. Everything to Lose
23. Nothing to Hide 24. Undercover Stud
25. Tricks of the Trade 26. Loose Ends
27. Turn the Party 28. We're (Un)Jammin'
29. Paint the Town

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Valle de Oro
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