Far Cry 6

How to Get Guapo: Abilities and Skins


Guapo is a Combat Amigo obtainable in Far Cry 6. Find out how to get Guapo with our detailed location info and map, as well as Guapo's abilities, how to use it in battle, how to unlock his self-revive ability, and its available skins.

Guapo Overview

Guapo Basic Information

Guapo Image
Type Combat Amigo
Passive Ancient Survivor
There's a reason Guapo's kin never went extinct. He passively recovers health to keep fighting and self-revives after being downed in combat.

How to Get Guapo

You can get Guapo by doing the quest "Juan of a Kind" in the town of Armonia.

For this quest, you'll need to bring Juan Cortez to Clara's Camp. After completing the operation, Juan will initiate a new Operation, "Du or Die" so you can test out your new Amigo. Prepare to take down enemies along with your new trusty companion - Guapo.

Operation Walkthroughs
Juan of a Kind Du or Die

Guapo Abilities

Abilities Description

Body Regulation
A superior cold-blooded specimen, Guapo will automatically regenerate health during combat.
Unlock Condition: Have Guapo revive himself 5 times

Cornered Beast
Never one to back down in a fight, Guapo becomes more resistant to damag ewhen his health is below 50%.
Unlock Condition: Have Guapo regenerate 3,000 Health in combat.

Reptile Metabolism
Tapping into eons of evolutionary combat experience, Guapo's auto-revive now restores 90% of his health.
Unlock Condition: Have Guapo eliminate 50 targets

How to Unlock Guapo Abilities

Play Aggresively and Let Him Take Damage

Unlocking Guapo's abilities require you to play aggressively instead of going for a stealthier approach. This allows him to eliminate enemies and take a lot of damage during fights. This can be very dangerous, which is why bringing in the right Supremo and weapons will keep you ready for any fight. An aggressive playstyle can help you unlock Cornered Beast and Reptile Metabolism faster.

Self-Revive Takes Time

When Guapo takes too much damage, he can be knocked down. However, you can keep on fighting and wait for him to revive himself using Body Regulation. This is very useful during intense fights, since you wouldn't need to go out in the open and help out your Amigo. However, self-revive can take while to activate, which means you need to hold off enemies while waiting for Guapo to return to the fight.

How to Use Guapo



You can use Guapo by aiming at a target then whistling. Doing this will let him know which enemy to attack.

However, do remember that Guapo attacks automatically when you're in combat.


One great thing about using Guapo is that he doesn't require a lot of attention. His abilities help him stay healthy for a long time. Guapo can also revive himself after taking a fatal blow so you don't have to worry about him dying.

Guapo takes his sweet time to revive himself though. When he dies, just give him some time to revive himself. He'll surely be back in the field again once he's healed.

Avoid Stealth Missions With Guapo

We recommend leaving Guapo behind when you're doing stealth missions since he can attract unwanted attention and might compromise your mission.

Guapo Skins


Guapo Appearance

Commando Appearance

Maximas Matanzas

OG Appearance

Carnaval Appearance

Guapo's skins are automatically unlocked once you have him as an amigo.

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