Far Cry 6

How to Get Oluso: Abilities and Skins

Far Cry 6 - How to Get Oluso.png

Oluso is a Stealth Amigo obtainable in Far Cry 6. Find out how to get Oluso with our detailed location info and map, as well as Oluso's abilities, how to use it in battle, and its available skins.

Oluso Overview

Oluso Basic Information

Oluso Image
Type Stealth Amigo
Passive Stealth Striker
Oluso uses the power of the Oluwas to slay enemies quickly and silently from the shadows.

How to Get Oluso

Finish the 3 Relic Treasure Hunts and the "Triada Blessings" Yaran Story. Return the relics to Oluwa Cave in Ventura Summit.

Upon returning the relics and completing the Yaran Story, Oluso will attack you multiple times. His mirror images will only take one bullet to disappear, but his real body will take around three to four bullets. Once he's down, revive him to acquire him as an Amigo.

Ida's Triada Relic

In the Ida's Triada Relic Treasure Hunt, get the idol deep within the Lunatico Caves. This is the closest idol from your starting point in Libertad HQ and the first island, Madrugada.

Oku's Triada Relic

In the Oku's Triada Relic Treasure Hunt, the idol will be inside a sealed well in Fort Oro in Valle De Oro. Getting the idol will require you to set off explosives using the buttons inside Fort Oro.

Mimo Abosi's Triada Relic

In the Mimo Abosi's Triada Relic Treasure Hunt, the idol will be inside a McKay Global Drilling Site in La Joya, El Este. The idol will be deep within the cavern accessible through a small flooded opening in the site.

Triada Blessing

After acquiring all three idols, you can now complete the Triada Blessings Yaran Story. Deliver the three idols back to Oluwa Cave to be granted an audience with the Guardian Spirit of the Oluwas.

Oluso Abilities

Abilities Description

Mimo Abosi's Luck
Even in the heat of battle, Oluso will stealthily succeed more often on enemy takedowns.
Unlock Condition: Have Oluso kill 12 enemies in a Restricted Area.

Rage of Ida
A successful takedown will strike fear into nearby enemies, causing them to flee.
Unlock Condition: Have Olusa kill 24 enemies using a takedown.

Mist of Oku
Oluso is surrounded by smoke when below 50% health, and is immune to all damage, difficult to spot, and regenerates health faster.
Unlock Condition: Have Oluso inflict Fear on 50 enemies.

How to Unlock Oluso Abilities

Strike Quietly and Quickly

Oluso is a Stealth Amigo that is also very aggressive, helping you take out enemies silently. It is best to put this to good use inside a Military Target or the Restricted Areas around Yara. There are plenty of FND soldiers that Oluso can take out, making Mimo Abosi's Luck easy to unlock.

Let Oluso Fight Enemies and Inflict Fear

Unlocking Rage of Ida and Mist of Oku requires you to play a mix of aggression and stealth. Oluso can perform takedowns and inflict fear during both scenarios, making it easy to find a comfortable playstyle to maximize his abilities.

How to Use Oluso

Oluso Delete-o

Oluso is probably the best combination for a Stealth and Combat Amigo. Oluso has the combat ability to takedown military fighters, but the best ability is his way of getting rid of evidence entirely.

Stealth Missions

Have Oluso pick down enemies one by one in the dark, this guardian spirit animal is capable of quick kills with minimal sound. The best part is that it will not leave any evidence that an attack is happening.

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