Far Cry 6

Sundown Mission Walkthrough and Rewards

Far Cry 6 Sundown.png

This is a walkthrough for Sundown, a mission in Far Cry 6. Learn more about the objectives of this Operation, available rewards, as well as tips for completing the mission!

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Packing Heat Sundown Bury the Hatchet

Sundown Basic Information

Mission Type
Quest Giver Carlos Montero
Location Costa Del Mar - Montero Farm
Rewards 300 XP
Save Carlos's guerrillas.
Jose Castillo has captured some of Carlos's guerrillas and plans to execute them in Verdera Square. Go in with a small team and make sure that does not happen.

How to Unlock Sundown

This mission is unlocked after completing the Blood Ties and Packing Heat missions. To accept it, talk to Carlos Montero who will be at Montero Farm.

Sundown Mission Walkthrough

Stop the Executions

Reach the Church in the Town of Verdera
Head to the location marked on your map to reach Verdera.
Find the Sniper Rifle Inside the Bell Tower
As the area is under military control, you need to avoid being detected and make your way to the bell tower.

The building is easily approachable from the north. There are some ladders on the northern side of the building that you can climb to get on the roof that will take you directly to the bell tower. When in position, get the sniper from the bag and a cutscene will play.
Carry Alejandro to Safety Before he Dies
Pick up Alejandro and follow Espada to safety. Whenever a fight breaks out, drop Alejandro or use your secondary weapon and gadget mods to help Espada kill the enemies. After navigating through the city a bit, a cutscene will play.
Defend Philly's Truck
The prompt "fight or run" will appear on the screan but it doe not really mean much as you need to stay in Philly's truck and defeat the attacking enemy vehicles to clear the mission. If you do not have rockets or blast rounds, spam whatever grenades you have to take out the vehicles as fast as possible. After destroying many enemy vehicles and getting some distance, a cutscene will play and the mission will be complete.

Completing this mission will increase the military presence throughout Yara.

Tips and Strategies

Use Rockets

If you have a rocket launcher, using it while you escape on Philly's truck will make things much easier for you. You will also have unlimited ammo for this part of the mission so no need to worry about using your shots carefully.

Blast Rounds

You will have to take out a lot of vehicles at the end of this mission. The blast rounds will make this task very simple.

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Operation Walkthroughs

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Isla Santuario
2 The Lucky One
3 Juan of a Kind
4 Du or Die
5 Fire and Fury
6 Fuel the Revolution
7 Libertad Rises
8 The Guerrilla
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11 Blood Ties Precious Cargo Pics or it Didn't Happen
12 Clear the Air Break the Chains The New Revolution
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14 Packing Heat Hype Bomb National Treasure
15 Sundown Radio Libertad Knuckleball
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23 - Angel De La Muerte The Deported
24 Paradise Lost
25 Dead Drop
26 Against The Wall
27 The Lion's Den
28 The Battle of Esperanza

List of Operations (Main Quests)


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