Far Cry 6

Scrounger Coat Location: Stats and Effects

Scrounger Coat is a Gear found in Far Cry 6. Find out more about this item, including its stats, sets, and where to find Scrounger Coat.

Scrounger Coat Overview

Basic Information

Scrounger Coat Image Slot
No telling how many previous owners this coat has had.

Scrounger Coat Effect

Effect Effect Description
Resolver Scavenger Acquire additional crafting materials.

Scrounger Coat Set

Scrounger Coat is a part of the Scavenger set. Check out the other set pieces below.

Scavenger Set Pieces

Slot Gear Effect
Head Gear Scrounger Helmet Tag containers through walls.
Chest Gear Scrounger Coat Acquire additional crafting materials.
Wrist Gear Scrounger Gloves Gather ammo and pesos from dead soldiers from much further away.
Leg Gear Scrounger Jeans Improves repair tool power. Automatically repairs vehicles when inside. Can repair auto-turrets.
Foot Gear Scrounger Shoes Automatically gather nearby items while in a vehicle.

Scavenger Set Pieces and Effects

How to Get Scrounger Coat

Scrounger Coat Location

Gear pieces are usually obtained from Libertad crates. A Libertad crate's content can be random and you might get Supremo-Bond or a different gear instead of this one. High-rank gear pieces are obtained from Criptograma chests.

Full Map Zoomed Map
Libertad crate on a roof in Armonia.

Criptograma Chest Locations

Purchased from Shops

You can purchase Scrounger Coat from Juan's Arms Dealers (marked by a green icon with a shopping cart) or from Bandidos Barracks (a Camp Facility built via the Construction Desk) using Yaran Pesos.

Juan's Arms Dealers Player Rank
Bandidos Barracks Bandidos Barracks Level

Take note that some gear might disappear from the shops upon reaching a higher rank. If the gear does not appear even after meeting either requirement stated above and you don't have it in your arsenal, you'll have to find the gear from a Libertad crate.

Bandidos Barracks Guide

Far Cry 6 Related Guides

Far Cry 6 Gear Partial Banner.png

List of Gear

List of Chest Gear

Currently UnavailableAdventurer's Vest Far Cry 6 - AltairAltair's Robes Far Cry 6 - AnglerAngler's Vest
Far Cry 6 - Breach and Clear VestBreach and Clear Vest Currently UnavailableBushwhacker Vest Far Cry 6 - Caveira VestCaveira Vest
Far Cry 6 - Clown BodyClown Body Currently UnavailableCyber-Jacket Far Cry 6 - Dark Tech HoodieDark Tech Hoodie
Far Cry 6 - Decontaminant JacketDecontaminant Jacket Far Cry 6 - Fuego CoatFuego Coat Far Cry 6 - Fuego Coat MK IIFuego Coat MK II
Far Cry 6 - Fugitive JerseyFugitive Jersey Far Cry 6 - Hazmat SuitHazmat Suit Far Cry 6 - Hazmat Suit MK IIHazmat Suit MK II
Far Cry 6 - Impact VestImpact Vest Far Cry 6 - Impact Vest MK IIImpact Vest MK II Far Cry 6 - MarksmanMarksman's Jacket
Currently UnavailableMiami Strip Coat Far Cry 6 - Moto Urbano JacketMoto Urbano Jacket Far Cry 6 - Munitions JerseyMunitions Jersey
Far Cry 6 - OluwaOluwa's Heart Far Cry 6 - Padded VestPadded Vest Far Cry 6 - Parkour HoodieParkour Hoodie
Far Cry 6 - Posh JacketPosh Jacket Far Cry 6 - Primal VestPrimal Vest Far Cry 6 - PrisonerPrisoner's Shirt
Far Cry 6 - Revolutionary VestRevolutionary Vest Far Cry 6 - Rioter VestRioter Vest Far Cry 6 - Rioter Vest MK IIRioter Vest MK II
Far Cry 6 - Scrounger CoatScrounger Coat Far Cry 6 - Soft-Target VestSoft-Target Vest Far Cry 6 - Soft-Target Vest MK IISoft-Target Vest MK II
Far Cry 6 - Soviet CoatSoviet Coat Far Cry 6 - Steel Plate VestSteel Plate Vest Far Cry 6 - Street Surgeon VestStreet Surgeon Vest
Far Cry 6 - Synthpop BomberSynthpop Bomber Far Cry 6 - Tactical VestTactical Vest Far Cry 6 - Tea Time JacketTea Time Jacket
Far Cry 6 - Techmaster VestTechmaster Vest Currently UnavailableTrapper Vest

All Gear Types

All Gear Types
Head Gear Chest Gear Wrist Gear
Leg Gear Foot Gear
Gear Sets


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