Far Cry 6

List of Leg Gear

This is a list of Leg Gear available in Far Cry 6. Learn what Leg Gear are found in the game, their stats and effects, and how to get each of them below!

List of Leg Gear

Gear Effect Set
Munitions Pants ImageMunitions Pants Sidearm Pocket: Slightly improves sidearm ammo reserve. Ammo
Fugitive Jeans ImageFugitive Jeans None: None Casual
Rioter Pants ImageRioter Pants Armor Piercing Protection: Improves armor piercing defense. Armor Piercing
Fuego Pants ImageFuego Pants Fire Protection: Improves fire defense. Incendiary
Hazmat Pants ImageHazmat Pants Poison Protection: Improves poison defense. Poison
Street Surgeon Scrubs ImageStreet Surgeon Scrubs Combat Medicine: Improves general defense after using a healing syringe. Medic
Parkour Shorts ImageParkour Shorts Parkour Rush: Greatly improves move speed after sliding. Traversal
Scrounger Jeans ImageScrounger Jeans Super Tool: Improves repair tool power. Automatically repairs vehicles when inside. Can repair auto-turrets. Scavenger
AnglerAngler's Pants Fish Pro: Scavenge additional fish meat. Fishing
Soft-Target Slacks ImageSoft-Target Slacks Soft-Target Protection: Improves soft-target round defense Soft-Target
Impact Slacks ImageImpact Slacks Blast Protection: Improves blast defense. Blast
Clown Limbs ImageClown Limbs Shell Pocket: Improves shotgun ammo reserve. Circus
Breach and Clear Pants ImageBreach and Clear Pants Tactical Pocket: Improves SMG ammo reserve. Special Ops
Revolutionary Pants ImageRevolutionary Pants Bounce Back: Begin regenerating health sooner after taking damage. Leader
Dark Tech Pants ImageDark Tech Pants Stealth Material: Reduces movement noise. Stealth
MarksmanMarksman's Pants Sniper's Pocket: Improves sniper rifle ammo reserve. Sniper
Trapper Slacks - -
PrisonerPrisoner's Pants Move Speed For Noise Reduction: Greatly improves move speed, slightly impairs movement noise. Outcast
OkuOku's Deliverance As Above So Below: Improves weapon damage to enemies below you. Triada
Primal Pants ImagePrimal Pants Big Quiver: Improves arrow reserve. Animal
Moto Urbano Bottoms ImageMoto Urbano Bottoms Show Off: Greatly improves move speed after sliding. Moto Urbano
Posh Trousers ImagePosh Trousers Medium Sidearm Pocket: Improves sidearm weapon ammo reserve. Rule Britannia
Soviet Trousers ImageSoviet Trousers Master Mechanic: Improves repair tool power.
Automatically repairs vehicles when inside.
Can repair auto-turrets.
Synthpop Leggings ImageSynthpop Leggings Move Speed For Noise Reduction: Greaty improves move speed, slightly impairs movement noise. Chromatic
Tea Time Hose ImageTea Time Hose Stealth Material: Reduces movement noise. Watch Dogs Legion
Caveira Fatigues ImageCaveira Fatigues Travel Light: Greatly improves movement noise while holstered. Rainbow Six Siege
Cyber-Pants Sniper's Pocket: Improves sniper rifle ammo reserve. Blood Dragon
Bushwhacker Jeans Tough Scales: Greatly improves aquatic animal defense. Croc Hunter
Miam Strip Slacks Greed: Improves amount of pesos looted, impairs ammo reserves. Miami Strip
Adventurer's Slacks Hunter Protection: Improves animal defense. Jungle Expedition
Steel Plate Leggings ImageSteel Plate Leggings Heavy Foam: Improves blast defense, impairs move speed. Panzer
Paddock Pants ImagePaddock Pants Hunter Protection: Improves animal defense. Dino Park Ranger
Techmaster Pants ImageTechmaster Pants Remote & Proximity Damage Booster: Improves proximity explosive and C4 damage. Tech
Fuego Pants MK II ImageFuego Pants MK II Major FIre Protection: Greatly improves fire defense. MK II Incendiary
Soft-Target Slacks MK II ImageSoft-Target Slacks MK II Major Soft-Target Protection: Grealty improves soft-target defense. MK II Soft-Target
Rioter Pants MK II ImageRioter Pants MK II Major Armor Piercing Protection: Greatly improves armor piercing round defense. MK II Armor Piercing
Impact Slacks MK II ImageImpact Slacks MK II Major Blast Protection: Greatly improves blast defense. MK II Blast
Hazmat Pants MK II ImageHazmat Pants MK II Major Poison Protection: Greatly improves poison defense. MK II Poison
Tactical Slacks ImageTactical Slacks Ninja: Greatly reduces movement noise while crouched. Covert Strike
AltairAltair's Trousers As Above So Below: Improves weapon damage to enemies below you. Altair's

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List of Gear

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