Far Cry 6

The New Revolution Mission Walkthrough and Rewards

Far Cry 6 - The New Revolution.png

This is a walkthrough for The New Revolution, a mission in Far Cry 6. Learn more about the objectives of this Operation, available rewards, as well as tips for completing the mission!

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The New Revolution Basic Information

Mission Type
Quest Giver Jonrón
Location Sierra Perdida - Just outside Patriotas Peak
Rewards 150 XP
Meet with La Moral's leader Yelena and see if there is a way to become allies.
Jonrón has lost faith in The Legends and thinks that La Moral would be a better ally to Libertad. Jonrón wants you to meet her boss Yelena and really get to know La Moral. Upon meeting Yelena, you decide to volunteer for a rescue mission as a way to pay her back for the medical supplies you took.

How to Unlock The New Revolution

This mission is unlocked by completing the Take Your Medicine mission. To accept it, talk to Jonron who is just outside Patriotas Peak.

Take Your Medicine Mission Walkthrough and Rewards

The New Revolution Mission Walkthrough

Become Allies With La Moral

Meet La Moral's Leader
Make your way to the marked location on your map. On your way there, Jonron will call you and explain that there is a strict curfew in effect, so make sure you approach the area during the day.

When you arrive in the city, Jonron will send you pictures to help you find the secret headquarters. Using the pictures as hints, you will find the secret door on a wall with a painting of some sort of sea monster. Approach the door and go inside to trigger a cutscene.

Follow the marker to trigger another cutscene where you meet Yelena Morales, the leader of La Moral.
Rescue the Hostages
After a brief cutscene, you volunteer to help La Moral by saving some of their captured members. Go upstairs to the marker and talk to the guerrilla there. He will take you to a farmer who can fly you to the captured La Moral members. Ride the horse and follow him. When you arrive at the farm, talk to Calixto who is marked on your map to fly to the boat.

When you get close to the ship, jump out of the helicopter and while using your parachute, scout out the ship.

The area is heavily guarded already so if the alarm goes off you are in for a difficult fight.

In the water on the north end of the ship is a small boat you can climb on. From there, look up and grapple onto the ship and stealth kill the guard talking on the phone. Disable the alarm.

Sneak to the other side of the ship and take out that alarm as well. Now that both alarms are disabled, you can take out the remaining soldiers without having to worry about reinforcements coming.

Take out the rest of the soldiers then and free the prisoners.

The captives are marked on your map as 2 light blue dots. Approach them to free them. Once free, they will tell you where more captives are being held. Head to the marker to free them.

After saving them, Yelena will send boats as back up to help with your escape.
Defend the La Moral Guerillas
Immediately after talking with Yelena, Admiral Benitez will launch a counter attack and begin an aerial assault on the ship. Use the mounted machine guns on the side of the ship and the anti-aircraft canons to take out the planes.

Once you destroy all of the planes, Yelena's boats will be able to pick you up and take you to safety. Abandon ship and climb aboard the boat Yelena sent for you.

Using the machine gun on Yelena's boat and defend yourself from the attacking boats and soldiers on the shore as you make your escape.

Take out the remaining enemy troops to complete the mission.

Tips and Strategies

Avoid Battling in the City

In Concepcion, on the way to find La Moral, soldiers will attack you if you are seen. Their ranks include an attack helicopter and a tank, which will make your life significantly harder if you try to engage the troops. Simply stay out of contact with soldiers and head to La Moral as quickly as possible to avoid any fuss.

Free the Prisoners ASAP

Once the prisoners are free, they will aid you in battle making this fight much easier.

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