Far Cry 6

Du or Die Mission Walkthrough and Rewards: Fort Quito Key Solution

Far Cry 6 - Du or Die.pngThis is a walkthrough for Du or Die, a mission in Far Cry 6. Learn more about the objectives of this Operation, how to get and what to do with the Fort Quito Key, how to get the Yaran Contraband, available rewards, as well as tips for completing the mission!

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Juan of A kind Du or Die Fire and Fury

Du or Die Basic Information

Mission Type
Quest Giver Juan Cortez
Location Quito - Clara's Camp
Rewards 100 XP
Hamilton Khaki Field
Meet with Juan's contact to steal depleted uranium.
Juan has tasked you with gathering some rare and important materials to help aid in your battle against Castillo. To get these materials though, you will have to infiltrate a guarded fort.

How to Unlock Du or Die

This mission is unlocked after completing the Juan of a Kind mission. To accept this mission, talk to Juan who is standing around the workbench at Clara's Camp.

Du or Die Mission Walkthrough

Meet With Juan's Contact and Steal Depleted Uranium

Talk to Juan's Contact
Traversing through the jungle, make your way to the marked location.

When you arrive, gather the materials scattered around the area and climb to the top of the tower to get open a blue chest. Juan will tell you to follow the guerrilla path to find his contact.

Follow the blue arrows until you meet Juan's contact, Raiza. Raiza will tell you that you are going to steal depleted uranium. You will then receive the Parachute and continue on with the mission.

To the left of Raiza, there is a ladder. Climb it to reach a blue chest.
Follow Raiza
Follow Raiza while she teaches you about bribing double agents until you reach your destination.

Bribe the soldier and he will tell you where some weapon caches are. Killing the soldier gives you no rewards or penalties.

Follow Raiza to the top of the tower to learn about scouting.
Steal the Depleted Uranium
Use the Parachute you received from Raiza to get down from the top of the tower. There are multiple entrances to the fort. There is a zipline to the south which will give you access to a room that has an Armory Key.

There is an underground tunnel from the north which will let you sneak in unnoticed. You could also go in guns blazing through the front door.

Approach the fort and take out the guards as you see fit. There are a lot of items scattered about the fort so it is recommend to explore around a bit.

If you don't already have it, kill the officer to get an Armory Key. Once you have the key, the armory will be marked on your map. Go inside and get the depleted uranium then escape the fort.

You can get the Autocrat pistol in the underground area of the fort.
Deliver the Depleted Uranium to Juan
Take the uranium to Juan and he will make some new equipment for you.
Use the Workbench to Build a Gadget
Follow the instructions on screen to build a gadget for your newly acquired Supremo, thus completing the mission.

Obtainable Items

Rewards from chests are highly randomized so your rewards may differ.

Item Description
Parachute (Tool) Given to you from Raiza after meeting her for the first time.
The Autocrat ImageThe Autocrat Location: Fort Quito
In the underground area of the fort, there is a caged off area. Break the boards on the south side of the fence to get inside and open the red case.
Sea Shell Location: Fort Quito
After going through the front door of the fort, it will be inside a red bag on the bookcase directly in front of you.
Tostador ImageTostador Location: Clara's Camp
A gift from Juan upon completing the mission.
Exterminador (Supremo) Location: Clara's Camp
A gift from Juan upon completing the mission.

Tips and Strategies

Best Route

Even though Fort Quito is not a military target you can capture, the easiest way to "capture" the fort is through the small cave on its north side. You can easily swim inside the fort and silently take out the guards without raising any alarms.

Fort Quito Key

There are two keys to the armory in Fort Quito, but only one is needed to obtain the Depleted Uranium.

Using the zipline to the south of the fort to enter will take you immediately to a room with the Armory Key. However, players who missed this key can find another one by killing the lead officer of Fort Quito.

Yaran Contraband

There is a locked door in the deep underground area of Fort Quito labeled on the map with the phrase Yaran Contraband. Confusingly, this door cannot actually be opened with the aformentioned Fort Quito Key. Instead, the player must break the boards on the right side of the cage to get inside and retrieve the Autocrat Unique Pistol.

How to Open the Locked Door in Fort Quito: Is There a Key?

Traveling Long Distances

There are many horses near Clara's Camp that you can ride to speed up the travel time. Players also have the option of marking a destination on the map and having the horse auto run to the marked location.

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