Far Cry 6

Wing and a Prayer Mission Walkthrough and Rewards

Far Cry 6 - Wing and a Prayer Walkthrough.png
This is a walkthrough for Wing and a Prayer, a mission in Far Cry 6. Learn more about the objectives of this Yaran Story, available rewards, as well as tips for completing the mission!

Wing and a Prayer Basic Information

Mission Type
Location Noventarmas - Bandoleros Mountain
Rewards 100 XP
Save the people.
Please, they're going to kill Marisol and everyone who tried to help us. They're going ot burn them to death unless you can save them!

How to Unlock Wing and a Prayer

You'll be able to unlock Wing and a Prayer by talking to other Guerrillas around Valle de Oro with an exclamation marker over their heads. They will inform you that Isabela needs your help, which marks the location for the mission on your map.

Wing and a Prayer Mission Walkthrough

Meet Isabel

1 Far Cry 6 - Drive to Bandoleros Mountain.png
Drive to Bandoleros Mountain
Once you have managed to get an invitation to meet Isabela, drive towards Bandoleros Mountain near the center of Valle de Oro. The place where Isabel can be found is in a small house overlooking the valley below.
2 Far Cry 6 - Los Langostinos Cafe.png
Head to Los Langostinos Cafe
Once you have met Isabela, you'll have to rush to the Los Langostinos Cafe in the valley below. If you have a Wingsuit, you can jump off the makeshift platform on the roof of the building and fly your way down to the objective.

Once you arrive, eliminate the enemies and free the Guerrilla on the platform overlooking the rest of the balley.
3 Far Cry 6 - Save Marisol.png
Save Marisol
The Guerrilla will tell you that Marisol is being held deeper in the valley. You'll be able to see the bell tower where she is being held – Wingsuit your way down there and eliminate the enemies before freeing Marisol to end the mission.

Obtainable Items

Rewards from chests are highly randomized so your rewards may differ.

Item Description
Far Cry 6 - Gunpowder.pngGunpowder Location:
FND Cache on top of the Bell Tower.

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