Far Cry 6

Wingman Mission Walkthrough and Rewards

Far Cry 6 - Yaran Story - Wingman.png
This is a walkthrough for Wingman, a mission in Far Cry 6. Learn more about the objectives of this Yaran Story, available rewards, as well as tips for completing the mission!

Chicharron Mission Walkthroughs
Man's Best Enemy Pecking Order Wingman

Wingman Basic Information

Mission Type
Quest Giver Reinaldo Alvarez
Location Sierra Perdida - Vacía Coast Military Archives
Rewards None
Help Chicharrón destroy the army's monument.
Chicharrón is displeased with the fact that the military has a monument to celebrate its achievements. Following Chicharróns lead, you must help him ruin that monument.

How to Unlock Wingman

This mission is available after completing the Pecking Orders mission. To accept it, talk to Reinaldo Alvarez who can be found outside the Vacía Coast Military Archives.

Wingman Mission Walkthrough

Ruin the Military Monument

Protect Chicharrón
Follow Chicharrón on another rampage through Yara and help defend him from the threats that he encounters.

You will eventually reach the Naval Service Monument where Chicharrón will wreak havoc.
Secure the Area
Kill all the soldiers and protect Chicharrón as he wrecks the monument. There will be multiple wave of enemies so be ready for a big fight.

Once all the soldiers are dead, a cutscene will trigger and the mission will be completed, unlocking Chicharrón as a new Amigo.

Before leaving the area, in a red box on the southern wall there is a M60 NV light machine gun.

Obtainable Items

Chicharrón (Amigo)

Far Cry 6 - Yaran Story - Wingman - Chicharron Amigo Reward.jpg
After completing all three Yaran Stories, you will receive Chicharron as a permanent Amigo as a reward for completing the mission.

M60 NV

On the southern side of the monument next to the fence there is a red box. Open the box to get the M60 NV.

Tips and Strategies

Use the Army's Weapons Against Them

During the fight at the monument, a truck with a mounted machine gun will pull up. Instead of blowing it up, kill the driver and gunner then man the machine gun for yourself. It stops in a perfect position to get a clear shot on all the surrounding enemies. Enjoy mowing them all down!

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