Dragon Age: The Veilguard

All Companion Quests Guide

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Dragon Age The Veilguard Companion Quests Guide
Here is a list of the companion quests in Dragon Age: The Veilguard. Check out all the quests for each companion here!

Quest Guides
Main Quests Companion Faction and Region

Companion Quests

Get to Know Your Companions

Companion Quests are side quests that flesh out the 7 main companions in the game. It gives you an opportunity to reveal more about their backstories, while also increasing their bond and rewarding unique equipment for them.

Lace Harding

Lace Harding

All Harding Companion Quests
An Unfamiliar Sense The Waiting Stone The Heart of the Titan
The Eternal Hymn

Neve Gallus

Neve Gallus

All Neve Companion Quests
A Study of Dock Town The Cobbled Swan Case A Clear Mind
The Returned Cultist Case

Bellara Lutare


All Bellara Companion Quests
Echoes of the Past The Demon's Bargain Hummingbird's Lament
Through the Shadows The Forest of Spirits

Lucanis Dellamorte

Lucanis Dellamorte

All Lucanis Companion Quests
Coffee With the Crows Bidding Farewell Inner Demons
Bloodbath A Murder of Crows



All Davrin Companion Quests
Fit For a Warden How to Train a Griffon A Friend in Need
The Profane and The Lost Home Roost



All Taash Companion Quests
Fire On the Sands Slaying the Fangscorcher Lair of the Dragon King
Words of Fire

Emmrich Volkarin

Emmrich Volkarin

All Emmrich Companion Quests
Walking the Graves Arrangements House of the Dead
The Sacrifice of Souls Heir to the Dead Will and Testament

All Companions

Should You Do Companion Quests

Companion Quests are Important

Hero of the Veilguard

Doing the Companion Quests is a must, especially if you plan to romance one of the companions. Even if you don't, the rewards you get from the Companion Quests, especially the equipment, are a huge advantage.

Also, if you're after the good endings, then you have to have completed enough companion quests to turn your Companions into Heroes of the Veilguard, which will prove helpful in the final battle.

Reaching the Heroes of the Veilguard status on your companions unlocks a special skill and Legendary Armor for said companion, making their questlines worth doing.

Hero of the Veilguard Guide

Earn Trophies and Achievements

After finishing the final quest of each Companion Questline, you will receive an achievement for that particular companion, so doing all of the Companion Quests are a must if you want to get all of the game's achievements.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Related Guides

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