Dragon Age: The Veilguard

All Romance Options and Approval Guides

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Dragon Age The Veilguard - All Romance Options and Approval Guides

Dragon Age: The Veilguard has 7 romance options you can commit a relationship with. Check out the details of all romanceable companions, how to get their approval, and the answers to all frequently asked questions about the romance system here!

Romance Guides
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All Dragon Age: The Veilguard Romance Options

Lucanis Dellamorte the Assassin

Faction Romance Option Details
Antivan CrowsAntivan Crows Race: Human
Voice Actor: Zach Mendez
Romance Requirements:
・Start flirting after a Sea of Blood
Save Treviso instead of Minrathous
・Commit after Inner Demons

Pursuing Lucanis would mean experiencing a more vulnerable kind of romance. Rook's remarks often strips Lucanis' veil of broodiness, revealing a troubled soul that Rook cares for.

Lucanis Romance and Approval Guide

Neve Gallus the Detective

Faction Romance Option Details
Shadow DragonsShadow Dragons Race: Human
Voice Actor: Jessica Clark
Romance Requirements:
・Start flirting after The End of the Beginning
Save Minrathous (Recommended)
・Commit during A Clear Mind

Neve's questline conveys a relationship built around trust and partnership. While flirting does not happen often in her quests, her dialogues with Rook portrays a relationship built on a strong foundation between them.

Neve Romance and Approval Guide

Lace Harding the Dwarven Scout

Faction Romance Option Details
Inquisition Race: Dwarf
Voice Actor: Ali Hillis
Romance Requirements:
・Start flirting after The End of the Beginning
・Commit during A Bond Rekindled

Harding's route is wholesome, showcasing her openness and honesty to her thoughts and feelings. Rook's flirting can often lead to cute and flustered moments with her, offering a more youthful vibe over the rest of the options.

Harding Romance and Approval Guide

Bellara Lutare the Veil Jumper

Faction Romance Option Details
Veil JumpersVeil Jumpers Race: Elf
Voice Actor: Jee Young Han
Romance Requirements:
・Start flirting after In Entropy's Grasp
・Commit during a Hummingbird's Lament

Flirting with Bellara often leaves her tumbling over her words, creating a romance that's incredibly adorable. Her questline often hints towards her inexperience with romantic relationships, creating a vibe that's refreshingly light as opposed to the main story's troubles.

Bellara Romance and Approval Guide

Emmrich Volkarin the Necromancer

Faction Romance Option Details
Veil JumpersMourn Watch Race: Human
Voice Actor: Nick Boraine
Romance Requirements:
・Start flirting after Where the Dead Must Go
・Commit during Arrangements

Emmrich's romance is more sensual, featuring intimacy via deep conversations over life and death. He reciprocates flirting when prompted, and generally has a more refined and elegant vibe to his quests over the rest of the cast.

Emmrich Romance and Approval Guide

Davrin the Monster Hunter

Faction Romance Option Details
Grey WardensGrey Wardens Race: Elf
Voice Actor: Ike Amandi
Romance Requirements:
・Start flirting after A Warden's Best Friend
・Commit during A Friend in Need

Romancing Davrin is thrilling and intense, often reciprocating Rook's flirtatious remarks. He does not shy away from expressing romantic interest for Rook, and clearly shows enjoyment over the thrill of the chase.

Davrin Romance and Approval Guide

Taash the Qunari Warrior

Faction Romance Option Details
Lords of FortuneLords of Fortune Race: Elf
Voice Actor: Jin Maley
Romance Requirements:
・Start flirting after The Dragon Slayer
・Commit during A Friend in Need

Taash is a dominating person, and it shows through their interactions with Rook while pursuing them. They make it clear that they assert dominance over Rook, which can lead to surprisingly spicy moments!

Taash Romance and Approval Guide

How to Romance in Dragon Age: The Veilguard

Romance System Explained

Veilguard's romance system is pretty straightforward. Unlike Inquisition, you aren't locked out of romancing characters for Rook's class, gender, faction, or race.

While you can romance anyone you want, you still need to build your Bond Level before you lock in on them. You can deepen your bond with characters by:

Bringing Them With You

Change Companions Party Screen
Spend as much time with your romantic interest as you can. Having them with you as you go through the campaign gives you more chances to choose dialogue options they approve of.

All Dialogue Choices & Consequences

Flirting With Them

Flirting with Neve
Every now and then you get the chance to express romantic interest by choosing the dialogue option with a heart symbol. Keep an eye out for the option during Lighthouse one-on-ones and quest conversations!
Dialogue Choice Symbol Meanings

Choosing Dialogue They Approve Of

Some dialogue choices affect character approval. Your responses can get one of four approval levels: Greatly Approves, Approves, Disapproves, and Greatly Disapproves (uh-oh).

You can usually tell which response a character will like, but some approval effects are harder to predict. Fortunately, we have a guide for all choices and their effects.

Doing Their Companion Quests

Companion Quests
Veilguard characters lead their own lives and have their own personal experiences. You can do character's companion quests to improve your relationship.

If you do enough of a character's Companion Quests, they initiate the commitment conversation. Companion quests completed after that conversation won't affect romance anymore, but will help that character achieve Hero of the Veilguard status instead.

Hero of the Veilguard Guide

Giving Them Gifts

Buying a Companion Gift

Giving companions gifts is a great way to let them know you've been on your mind! Check out a character's faction and head over to that faction's shop to look for the perfect gift.

All Gifts for Each Companion

Romance FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

Who to Romance?

Bellara and Emmrich

The best companion to romance is heavily based on your preference. However, when it comes to Dragon Age: The Veilguard's story, there are several romance options we highly recommend that you choose to romance!

Best Romance Options

When Do Romances Start?

Recruited Lucanis

You can start flirting with a companion after recruiting them. With this, make sure to check all available dialogue options and always select the dialogue option with a heart icon.

When Do Romances Lock in?

Committing to a Romance Option

If you do enough of a character's Companion Quests, they'll initiate the commitment conversation that will make or break your relationship.

Just make sure they're the right fit for you, because choosing to commit to a character during that conversation locks you out of other romance options.

Can You Romance Multiple Options?

Harding and Neve

As long as you don't commit to a relationship with a character, you're free to try and romance anyone at anytime. You only get locked out of other options if you commit to someone on one of their Companion Quests.

Will Companions Romance Each Other?

Harding Close Up

If you did not commit to an exclusive relationship with a companion and finished their questline, they will romance another companion or an NPC instead. For example, Taash will romance Harding if you do not commit to them!

Which Companions Romance Each Other?

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