Dragon Age: The Veilguard

All Final Mission Choices

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Dragon Age The Veilguard - Who Should Do Each Job In The Last Gambit

You need to assign companions to three jobs during the Last Gambit quest, which is crucial to the ending of Dragon Age: The Veilguard. See who should you choose to remove the wards or protect others, fight mages or attack by surprise, and fight massive enemies or constructs here!

Notice Notice The Game8 team is still confirming other successful choices for this quest.
If you sent a companion that succeeded, but isn't listed down, let us know in the comments!

Who Should Do Each Job in the Final Mission?

Recommended Companions for the Final Mission

Choose the Right Person For The Job

Hints for the Final Mission Choices

Each choice presents the players with a hint as to what kind of skills are needed for the task at hand. This is a deciding factor for whether or not the chosen companion fails or succeeds at the assigned job.

As mentioned above, having good Strength with the Factions, as well as having your allies be Heroes of the Veilguard also helps boost the chances of survival. Both are secondary conditions that should not be overlooked.

Send Emmrich or Harding to Remove the Wards

Emmrich Image

For the first choice, the Veil Jumpers need someone well versed in magical wards or protecting others. Currently, Emmrich and Harding are confirmed to succeed at the task.

Ideally, the companion sent for the task must have the Hero of the Veilguard status, and the Veil Jumpers should have their Faction Strength at three stars. Missing either of these conditions increases the chance of failure.

Send Lucanis or Taash to Fight the War Mage

Meeting Lucanis

The second choice recommends selecting a Companion who can fight mages, or perform suprise attacks well. Lucanis has been confirmed to be able to succeed if all the previously mentioned conditions are fulfilled.

However, If players prefer to keep Lucanis in Rook's team, then Taash is also a viable option.

Similarly to the first choice, it is recommended that the chosen companion is a Hero of the Veilguard and that the Antivan Crows and Lords of Fortune be at max Faction Strength.

War Mage Differs Depending on Completed Quests

If players were able to finish "The Returned Relic Case" companion quest, they will face a different and slightly more generic looking Venatori War Mage instead of Aelia - the Venatori leader that was defeated in the mentioned quest.

Send Davrin or Emmrich to Fight the Juggernaut

Grey Warden Davrin

The final choice is looking for a Companion that knows how to fight large enemies, or constructs. Davrin can succeed at this task, and if players had an alternate for him in the first choice, Emmrich may also be selected.

As is with the prior two choices, send a Hero of the Veilguard to maximize the chance of success. For this choice, the Grey Wardens and Mourn Watchers are the factions needed to have full Faction Strength for better odds.

Juggernaught Differs Depending on Completed Quests

If players were able to finish the "The Sacrifice of Souls" companion quest, they will face a different juggernaught instead of the massive bone golem constructed by Hezenkoss.

Send the Less Preferred Companion

Rook Finalizes the Plans

As the selected Companions will not directly participate in the upcoming fights of the quest, it is recommended to send the Companions that are lower-levelled or who won't be selected by the player for battle.

Outcomes and Consequences of the Final Mission Choices

Summary of Choice Outcomes

Final Mission List of Criteria and Choices

Have Experience Dealing With Magical Wards or Protecting Others


Emmrich: Or someone to protect you as you work.
Choice Outcome
Send a Companion to help and protect the Veil Jumpers
・ Designated Companion joins the Veil Jumpers in disabling the warding crystals
・ Companion will become unavailable to select as a party member for the quest

Have Experience Fighting Mages or Attacking by Surprise


Lucanis: And one of us should be there as well.
Choice Outcome
Send a Companion to assist in fighting the Venatori War Mage.
・ Selected Companion follows the Antivan Crows and Lords of Fortune to take out the War Mage
・ Companion will become unavailable to select as a party member for the quest

Have Experience Fighting Massive Enemies or Constructs


Emmrich: We'll require further assistance. Rook?
Choice Outcome
Send a Companion to help take down the Juggernaut
・ Chosen Companion goes with the Grey Wardens and Mourn Watchers against the Juggernaut
・ Companion will become unavailable to select as a party member for the quest

Above is a summary of the outcomes and consequences of all choices. The options presented for each choice will differ based on the player's party, and that some Companions may be unavailable due to previous choices.

Either Neve or Bellara are unavailable based on who was sent to dismantle the wards in the previous quest, and either Harding or Davrin will be unavailable based on who was sent to lead the distraction.

Results of Choices are Variable

Re-select Companions in The Last Gambit

Several factors affect the results of the choices above, such as the hints presented during each choice, the player's Strength with the in-game factions, as well as if the Companions have the Hero of the Veilguard status.

Choosing incorrectly, or lacking in any of these factors makes the Companions more likely to fail. Conversely, picking the right Companion, having high faction Strength, and being Heroes of the Veilguard increases the odds for success.

Endings Guide

When Does the Choice Appear?

During The Last Gambit Quest

The Last Gambit Opening Cutscene

The thread of three choices appears at the beginning of The Last Gambit quest. Rook and their allies will convene to discuss their plan of attack, presenting the player with these choices throughout the meeting.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Related Guides


All Dialogue Choices Major Choices

All Major Choices and Consequences

Major Choices
Should You Bring Neve or Harding? Should You Free the Mayor or Leave Him?
Should You Help Minrathous or Treviso? Should You Accept or Refuse Makal Damas' Deal?
How to Convince Mythal Should Emmrich Become a Lich?
Griffon Choice Guide Should Lucanis Forgive or Imprison Illario?
Should Harding Honor the Titans' Anger? Should Taash Embrace Rivaini Culture or Qunari Heritage?
Should You Send Davrin or Harding To Lead the Second Team? Should You Send Neve or Bellara to Dismantle the Wards?
All Final Mission Choices Who Should Fight in the Front Line to Defend Divine's Manor?
Should You Fight, Trick, or Save Solas? Should Bellara Keep or Free the Archive?
Should Neve Protect Dock Town or Bring It Hope? -

All Choices with Minor Consequences

Choices with no Minor Consequences
Should You Challenge or Support Varric's Plan? Should You Knock Out or Reason with the First Warden?
Should You Turn the Lovers in or Warn Them? Should Maevaris or Dorian Become the Archon?
Should You Let the Wardens Try? Should You Punish Illario or Save Caterina?


12 Anonymousabout 1 month

I think they will die but they will have to be very under levelled.

11 Anonymousabout 2 months

Taash can protect the Veil Jumpers while they disable the wards (Confirmed with max faction strength and Hero status)


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