Dragon Age: The Veilguard

List of All Passives

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Passives are skills that grant small bonuses to Players in Dragon Age: The Veilguard. See the list of all Passives, and the effect of each Passive and what they do here!

List of All Passives

Skill Description
Adrenaline Rush Attacks to activate Adrenaline: -2
Aftermath Unbroken Finale now also deals its damage in a large cone behind the target.The radius is doubled if you have Rally Party. This damage does not count as a Final attack.
Amperage Electric damage: +10%
Antivan Kiss Maximum Shocked stacks: +1
Maximum Burning stacks: +1
Arcane Defiance Electric Resistance: +10%
Necrotic Resistance: +10%
Arcane Strike Strike Abilities now hit with an Arcane Bomb.
Archer's Strength Projectile Abilities deal 25% bonus damage to targets at least 20 meters away.
Arm's Reach The effects of Smash Abilities cover a greater distance. The distance depends on the Ability.
Assassination Strike Abilities now deal a guaranteed Critical hit if the enemy has Low Health.
Bag of Tricks When you have Low Health, you do 25% more damage with Tool Abilities.
Balanced Flow Deal up to 30% more weapon damage and take up to 25% less damage relative to your current Momentum.
Baleful Blast Blast Abilities deal Critical hits to enemies with Low Health.
Battlecry Maximum Burning stacks: +1
Battlefield Awareness Control Abilities deal Critical hits vs. Knocked Down enemies.
Bigger Blast Arcane Bomb Damage: +15%
Blast Efficiency Blast Abilities cost 50 less Mana.
Blindside After a short delay, Charged attacks deal an additional 150 Physical damage.
Block Mastery Block Mana cost: -30%
Blood Poisoning Perfect Defense applies Bleeding to your attacker. If Necrotic Weapons is Active, this Ability applies Necrosis instead.
Bloodsucker Hitting enemies with a Tool Ability leeches 10% of the damage dealt.
Bloody Vengeance Charged attacks with Swords or Axes apply Bleeding to enemies.
Charged attacks with Mauls or Shields deal 15% bonus damage vs. Bleeding enemies.
Blunt Force Enemies are Knocked Down when their Armor breaks.
Bombastic Blast Abilities now deal 25% more Detonation damage. Arcane Shot now Detonates Sundered enemies.
Bonechiller When you have Low Health, Frozen is applied to all nearby enemies. This can happen only once every 120 seconds.
Breacher Blast Abilities deal 50% more damage vs Barrier and Armor.
Breathing Room The radius of Area Ability effect is increased by 50%.
Bulkhead For each equipped Control Ability, you gain 20 Defense.
Bulwark Physical Resistance: +10%
Bulwark (Penetration) Penetration: +15%
Burst of Speed Momentum generation: +10%
Calling the Shot Every eighth Arrow hit grants you Precision. Your Final attacks grant 3 Arrows.
Carom Enemies take 100% more damage and Stagger from environmental impacts.
Catalyst Defeating an enemy with a Projectile Ability grants Rally Party.
Charged Smash Smash Abilities are now Charged attacks. For Whirlwind, this applies only to the final hit.
Charging Spirit Staff Energy generates passively when you are not in combat.
Clarity in Suffering Whenever you take damage, you regenerate 5 Mana.
Close Quarters Combat Deal 15% more damage to all enemies within 10 meters.
Collateral Damage Hitting multiple enemies with a single Area Ability deals 10% more damage for each enemy hit.
Come Prepared Maximum Arrows: +2
Arrow regeneration: +20%
Compound Bow Your Bow’s base damage is added to all Projectile Ability damage.
Concentration Charged attack damage: +10%
Concussive Smash Hitting enemies with a Smash Ability permanently reduces their Defense by 20.
Conditional Surrender Primers applied by Control Abilities last 20% longer. Detonations triggered by Control Abilities deal 20% more damage.
Conductive Shot Projectile Abilities deal 100 Electric damage to enemies within 8 meters.
Conductivity Defeating an enemy with one or more Arcane Bombs still active causes the effect to jump to the nearest enemy within 10 meters.
Conductor Strike Abilities deal 10% more damage to an enemy for each stack of Shocked.
Controlled Infusion Using a Control Ability generates 35% of your Staff Energy.
Controlled Providence Each active Advantage increases your Control Ability damage by 10%.
Convert Energy Your Charged attacks now consume 25 Momentum to deal 25% more damage and Stagger.
Critical Leverage Strike Abilities are guaranteed to do Critical damage vs. enemies more than 10 meters away.
Critical Power Gain Enhanced Damage on Critical hit kill.
Cryomancy Damage vs. Frozen targets: +15%
Frozen duration: +1 second
Daring Counter Defeating an enemy with a Strike Ability grants Deflect.
Dazzle Hitting multiple enemies with a single Area Ability grants Quickened.
Deadly Providence Defeating an enemy using a Duration Ability grants Precision.
Death and Decay Area Abilities now deal Necrotic damage. Corrupted Ground now deals increased damage when activated.
Death Blow Hitting a Weakpoint on a Staggered enemy deals lethal damage.
Death's Blessing Necrotic damage: +10%
Death's Touch While any Duration Ability is active, your Charged attacks also apply Necrosis to enemies.
Deathfrost Abilities that deal Necrotic or Cold damages increase the other type’s damage by 15% for 6 seconds.
Debilitating Shocks Takes 15% less damage from enemies who are Shocked.
Decaying Resolve Duration Abilities deal 25% more damage to enemies with Low Health.
Decisive Finish Agile attack damage: +10%
Charged attack damage: +10%
Final attack damage: +10%
Deep Cut Stagger on Weakpoint hit: +20%
Stagger on Critical hit: +20%
Deflection Lose only 1 Adrenaline charge when you take damage. With any active charges, you take 40% less damage.
Defy The Elements Fire Resistance: 10%
Cold Resistance: 10%
Degrade Deal 5% bonus damage for each unique Primer and Affliction on your target.
Demolisher Maximum Arcane Bomb stacks: +1
Depth of Fury Maximum Rage: +50
Desolate Malady Affliction damage: +10%
Desperation Gain bonus damage relative to the amount of health your target and you have lost.
Deterioration Penetration: +15%
Determination Maximum Momentum: +50
Devastation Affliction damage: +10%
Affliction duration: +20%
Double Shock Maximum Shocked stacks: +1
Double Shot Activating any Projectile Ability also launches a projectile, dealing 100 damage to a nearby enemy.
Double-Edged Bonus Ability damage also applies to Weapon damage at 20% of its value. Bonus Weapon damage also applies to Ability damage at 20% of its value.
Downfall Jump attacks guarantee Critical hits if the target is Knocked Down.
Dynamic Gains Maximum Momentum: +50
Early Frost Maximum Chilled stacks: +1
Eclectic Armorer While wearing different classifications of Helm and Armor:
Mana regeneration +20%
Ranged attack Mana cost -20%
Weakpoint damage +15%.
Electrical Burns Applying Burning also applies Shocked. Applying Shocked also applies Burning.
Elemental Catalyst Abilities gain +15% bonus damage based on the damage type of your Staff and Orb weapons.
Elemental Executioner Final attacks are Critical against enemies with Low Health.
Endless Fire Area Abilities now deal Fire damage. Blight Bane deals additional blasts.
Endure Lose 35% less Momentum when you take damage.
Enduring Rage Your Rage no longer decays below 50, allowing you to sustain it between fights.
Enduring Reach Duration Radius or Distance increases, depending on the Ability.
Energy Burst Abilities that deal Fire or Electric damage increase the other type’s damage by 15% for 10 seconds.
Enervation Damage vs Barrier: 20%
Enflamed Burning damage increases by 20% of your current Rage.
Enraged Rage generation: +10%
Essence Eater Performing a Takedown grants 250 health and 20 Ultimate.
Ethereal Control Abilities grant Deflect after you deal a Critical hit.
Even the Odds Each active Advantage increases your damage dealt by 10%
Executioner's Gaze Final attacks are Critical hits vs. enemies with Low Health.
Explosive Anger Spending Rage deals 200% of the cost as Fire damage to enemies within 6 meters.
Fade Conduit Maximum Mana: +50
Falter Using Control Ability attacks vs. enemies with High Health deals 100% additional Stagger.
Fiery Resolve Gain Flaming Weapons on Perfect Defense. Flaming Weapons lasts 50% longer.
Fighting Dirty Hitting enemies with a Strike Ability applies an Affliction aligned with the Ability's damage type.
Finale Final attack damage: +10%
Flames of Inspiration Defeating a Burning enemy grants Rally Party.
Flames of Victory Gain Flaming Weapons on a successful Takedown. You generate 25% more Stagger from weapon hits while Flaming Weapons is active.
Flare-Up Maximum Burning stacks: +1
Focused Retaliation Gain Precision after a successful Perfect Defense.
Fortifying Shots Defeating an enemy with a Projectile Ability grants Resistant. The duration of Resistant resets if it is already active.
Frost Shield Enemies who inflict damage on you are Chilled.
Frostbite Damage vs. Frozen: +15%
Furor Charged attacks generate more Rage relative to Charge level.
Further Torment Deals 20% more bonus Stagger to enemies with an Affliction.
Good Arm When a Projectile Ability hits an enemy, the damage ignores all Resistances.
Greater Authority Control Ability cooldown is 20 seconds faster. Ice Blast now has a cooldown of 40 seconds instead of costing Mana.
Guardian's Reprieve Performing a Takedown heals you for 250 health and grants Deflect.
Hamstring Knock Down enemies when your Charged Arrow hits their legs.
Harder Hits Weapon damage: +10%
Ability damage: +10%
Heartseeker Area Abilities deal 20% bonus damage vs health.
Heavy Armor Mastery While wearing a Heavy Vitaar and Armor: Defense + 20%. You are now less likely to be disrupted when getting hit.
Heavy Hitter Heavy attack damage: +10%
Heavy Weaponry Heavy attack damage: +10%
Ice Shatter Charged attacks are Critical against Frozen enemies. A successful attack removes Frozen.
Ice Storm Cold damage: + 10%
Ignition Gain Flaming Weapons after defeating an enemy with a Weakpoint hit. Flaming Weapons deals +25% damage.
Imbued Duration Executing a Detonation on an enemy grants Shocking Weapons. The duration of Shocking Weapons is extended by 50%.
Imbued Reaction Perfect Defense grants Shocking Weapons. Shocking Weapons deals 25% more damage.
Imbued Takedown Performing a Takedown grants Shocking Weapons. Shocking Weapons now deal 25% more Stagger.
Improved Health Health: +100
Improved Throw Shield Toss damage: +10%
Improvised Ammunition When Tool Abilities expire or trigger, you gain 3 Arrows from the debris.
In the Fray Defeating enemies at close range resets the duration of any active Advantages.
Incite Violence Generate 15% more Rage from weapon attacks. This value is doubled vs. enemies suffering from an Affliction.
Inner Focus Successful Light attacks generate an additional 25% Mana. This value is doubled against enemies suffering from an Affliction.
Insidious Rot Maximum Necrosis Stack: +1
Inspired Takedowns Performing a Takedown now deals 25% bonus damage, grants Rally Party, and reduces your party’s Ability cooldowns by 50%.
Inspiring Control Defeating an enemy with a control Ability grants Rally Party.
Inspiring Strength Defeating an enemy with a Smash Ability grants Rally Party.
Invigorating Beam Your Ranged attack now deals Necrotic damage and leeches 10% of damage done, replenishing your health.
Invigoration Leech effectiveness: +20%
Keen Eye You generate 2 additional Momentum from Arrow hits. This bonus is doubled when hitting an enemy's Weakpoint.
Keen Insight Control Abilities deal an additional 150% damage in a 6 meter radius when activated. The damage type matches the Ability type.
Killer Instinct Stagger from Abilities: +20%
Knock Out Charged and charged bow attacks now deal a guaranteed Critical hit if the enemy has Low Health.
Let it Linger Shield Toss bounces now apply an Affliction based on your Shield’s damage type.
Light Armor Mastery While wearing a Light Helm and Armor:
Staff Energy charge rate +20%.
Staff Energy attack range +2.
Lightning Splash Hitting an enemy with an Area Ability also applies Shocked.
Lingering Decay Duration Abilities apply Necrosis on impact.
Living Decay Your Necrotic damage now has 50% Penetration and restores 2% of your health.
Mana Infusion Performing a Takedown grants 50 Mana and 33% Staff Energy.
Marked Target Duration Abilities are Critical vs. enemies suffering from Bleeding.
Marksmanship Charged Bow damage: +10%
Masochism You generate 4 Rage when taking damage.
Meditation Mana regeneration rate: +15%
Medium Armor Mastery While wearing a Medium Vitaar/Helmet and Armor:
Critical damage +20%
Final damage +20%
Charged attack damage +20%
Agile attack damage +20%.
Mighty Strike Strike Abilities deal 100% bonus Stagger vs. enemies suffering from an Affliction.
Momentous Occassion Generate 25% more Momentum from Final attacks. The effect is doubled when you have Adrenaline.
More is Better Maximum Arrows: +2
Mortal Wounds Weakpoint damage: +10%
Mortalitasi Actions that consume Mana now consume health when Mana is depleted.
Multiplicity Projectile Abilities launch an additional projectile. The damage type charges based on your equipped Staff.
Necessary Steps Primer duration: +20%
Necrotic Fog Spending Momentum deals 150 Necrotic damage to enemies within 6 meters.
Nexus Shock Hitting enemies with at least 3 stacks of Shocked causes a chain of Electric damage that strikes up to 2 additional enemies within range.
Noxious Presence Control Abilities release noxious fumes that apply Necrosis to nearby enemies.
Opportunity Shocks When your Momentum is above 66%, Bows deal up to 75 additional Electric damage. The closer to a Perfect Shot, the stronger the effect.
Orbital Burst When triggering an Arcane Bomb, deal 100% of the damage in a 6 meter radius. Also deals significant Stagger to targets.
Overdraw Abilities cost an additional 50 Mana but gain 50% Penetration.
Overhand Smash Smash Abilities now deal an additional 50% damage vs. Armor and deal 50% more Stagger.
Overwhelming Tactics While your Momentum is 100 or higher:
Charged Light attacks apply Bleed if they are not already suffering from it.
Charged Heavy attacks apply Necrosis if they are not already suffering from it.
Perseverance While at Low Health, gain Deflect whenever you Perfect Dodge or perform Perfect Defense in response to an attack.
Physical Strikes Strike Abilities now deal Physical damage.
Piercing Strike Strike Abilities grant 50% Penetration.
Poisoned Blades Strike Abilities apply Necrosis for each unique Primer on the target.
Poisoned Reply Perfect Defense grants Necrotic Weapons. Necrotic Weapons deals 25% more damage.
Poisonous Precision Defeating an enemy by hitting their Weakpoint grants Necrotic Weapons. Necrotic Weapons lasts 50% longer.
Pounce Gain 50 Momentum and regain 25% of your Arrows after performing a successful Takedown.
Powerful Rebuttal Gain Precision after a successful Defend.
Precise Malady For each equipped Duration Ability, Arrow regeneration increases by 35%.
Precise Power Gain Enhanced Damage after defeating an enemy by hitting their Weakpoint.
Precision Shot Dealing a Critical hit with a Projectile Ability grants Precision.
Precision Strikes Strike abilities land a Critical hit against enemies who are Knocked Down.
Pressure Point Landing a Critical hit with Strike Abilities grants Quickened.
Prism of Resistance You gain 10% Resistance to the damage type of each mapped Ability.
Prolong Affliction duration: +20%
Providence Advantage duration: +20%
Pump the Primer Primers are 20% more effective.
Punisher Damage dealt by Strike Abilities vs. enemies with Low Health increases by 25%.
Quick Control Hitting an enemy with a Control ability permanently reduces their Defense by 5.
Quick Fix Defeating an enemy with a Tool Ability grants Quickened.
Quick Recovery Mana regeneration restarts 25% faster when paused by spending Mana or taking damage.
Quick Strikes Defeating an enemy with a Strike Ability replenishes 25 Rage.
Quickened Strikes Final Staff attacks reduce the cooldown of your Abilities.
Rancor Rage takes 50% longer to begin to decay.
Ready Guard Gain Deflect at the start of each encounter.
Ready Shots Arrow Regeneration: +20
Reckless Shot Projectile Abilities deal 25% more damage but consume 10% health.
Reclamation Mana restored after defeating enemy: +8
Refract Maximum Deflect stacks: +1
Reinforced Defeating an enemy with a Control Ability grants Deflect.
Reinforcement Each of your active Advantages increases damage dealt by 10%.
Resistant Blasts Defeating an enemy with a Blast Ability grants Resistant.
Restless Spirits Defeating an enemy under the effects of Duration Abilities spawns a Necrotic bolt from the corpse that seeks out a nearby enemy.
Ricochet Shot Shield Toss bounces: +1
Ring of Fire Burning is now also applied to enemies around the target.
Rolling Momentum Whenever you activate a Tool Ability, you gain 25 Momentum.
Salt in the Wound For all active Afflictions for enemies hit by Control Abilities, receive 1 additional stack.
Salvaged Arrows Arrows gained after defeating an enemy: +2
Seething Pitch Shield Toss now generates 2 additional Rage on impact. Striking Weakpoints doubles the effect.
Sharper Edge Penetration: +15%
Shattering Control Control Abilities deal 75% more damage vs. Armor.
Shattering Throw Shield Toss damage: +10%
Shield Toss bonuses: +1
Shellbreaker Damage vs. Armor: +20%
Shield Bearer Shield damage: +10%
Shieldbreaker Breaking an enemy's Armor or Barrier with a Smash Ability grants Enhanced Damage.
Shock Mastery Maxium Shocked stacks: +1
Shocking Malady Shocked duration: +20%
Shocking Strikes Using Strike Abilities applies Shocked to nearby enemies.
Shocking Tactician Achieving maximum Shocked stacks on an enemy triggers an Electric burst in an area around them.
Shot Chaser Using a Projectile Ability deals an additional 10% damage relative to the number of possible Shield Toss bounces.
Siege Breaker Tool Abilities deal 25% more damage vs. Armor and Barrier.
Slam Performing a Takedown generates an additional 20% Ultimate and 50 Rage.
Sly Strike Gain 250 health and 10% Ultimate by performing a successful Takedown.
Sniper's Precision Damage from Projectile Abilities cannot be reduced while Precision is active.
Some Motivation Deal 4% more damage per your maximum Arrow count.
Spell Slinger Projectile Abilities deal 25% bonus damage to targets at least 20 meters away.
Spill Blood Maximum Bleeding stacks: +1
Spirit of Hunger Killing an enemy spawns a Necrotic projectile that follows enemies.
Staff Mastery Staff Light attack damage: +25%
Maximum Staff Energy charges: +1
Staggering Blade Sword Stagger: +20%
Staggering Charge Stagger from Charged attacks: +20%
Staggering Finale Stagger from Final attacks: +20%
Staggering Strikes Strike Abilities deal 50% more Stagger.
Staggering Toss Shield Toss converts 25% of your current Rage into Stagger.
Staying Power For each active Duration Ability's effect, you take 5% less damage from all sources.
Storm's Call Achieving maximum Shocked stacks on an enemy triggers an Electric burst in an area around them.
Striking Precision Hitting an enemy with a Strike Ability grants Precision. The duration of Precision resets if it is already active.
Strong Draw Charged Bow damage: +10%
Supercharged Projectile Abilities deal 75% more damage vs Barrier.
Swift Death Gain Quickened after defeating an enemy with a Critical hit.
Swift Infusion Staff Energy: Empowers Staff attacks with bonus damage and applies an Affliction when full.
Swift Rebuke Gain Momentum when you Perfect Dodge or perform a Perfect Defense.
Tear Down Hitting an enemy with a Duration Ability permanently reduces their Defense by 5.
The Best Defense Gain 50% of your Defense as bonus Shield attack damage.
Third Degree Maximum Burning stacks: +1.
Time Management Effects of Duration Abilities are increased by 50%.
Tipped Arrowheads Maximum Arrows: +2
Traumatize Takedown damage: +15%
Trick Shot Every fifth Arrow that strikes a single target splinters into projectiles that may hit nearby enemies.
Triple Threat Equipping an Ability of each damage type increases Ability damage by 25%.
Two Fires After using a Projectile Ability, your Staff attacks fire an additional bolt at your targets for the next 6 seconds.
Underdog's Bite Hitting 3 or more enemies with an Area Ability grants Enhanced Damage.
Underestimated Light attack damage vs. health: +10%
Unending Quiver Activating any Ability grants 2 more Arrows.
Unyielding Focus Using a Duration Ability grants Immovable.
Veil Blasts Apply 15% of your current Mana as bonus damage for Blast Abilities.
Velocity Stagger from weapon attacks: +20%
Victory Rush Defeating an enemy with a Takedown grants Necrotic Weapons. Your attacks also apply 25% bonus Stagger.
Vile Projectiles Projectile Abilities now deal Critical damage to enemies suffering from Necrosis.
Violent Catharsis Expending Rage heals you for 100% of the Rage spent.
Vitality Health: +100
Health leech effects: +50%
Wear and Tear Damage from Area Abilities gain 30% Penetration.
Wildfire Fire damage: +10%
Withering Charges Light Staff attacks reduce an enemy’s Resistance to your Staff’s damage type by 5% for 10 seconds.
Wrath Critical Damage: +10%
Zone of Concentration After triggering a Duration Ability, wait 5 seconds to regain 25 bonus Mana.
Zone of Destruction Hitting 3 or more enemies with an Area Ability grants Enhanced Damage.
Zone of Infusion For every enemy hit with an Area Ability, you generate 10% Staff Energy.

What Are Passives?

Flat Bonuses and Skill Augments

Passives are skills that augment the Rook's stats and other abilities, instead of being directly used in combat. These can provide flat bonuses like health, or grant other Skills additional effects when activated.

While minor in effect when compared to other Skills such as Abilities, Traits, and Ultimates, passive bonuses can add up and provide sizable increases to damage and survivability when leveled properly.

All Skills and Skill Trees

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