Dragon Age: The Veilguard

Treviso Treasure Chests

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Dragon Age The Veilguard - Treviso Treasure Chests

This is a list of all Treviso treasure chests in Dragon Age: The Veilguard. See how to get all the treasure and other collectibles in the area here!

Treviso Treasure Chests

Chests by Type
Unique Chest Regular Chest Small Chest

Unique Chests

# Image Possible Drops How to Get
1 Jenny's Belt

On the yard of the Dellamorte Estate, solve the puzzle and on the west side, a porticulli door should open where this chest is located.
2 Cordova's Toothpick
Etheric Remnant
On the very top of the rooftop area of Streets of Coins Financials, go inside a broken window and interact with the book case to locate this chest.

All Timelost Hoards Locations


# Image Possible Drops How to Get
1 Recruit's Simple Tunic (Light Armor)
Large Metal Chunk
Open door beside the Streets of Coin Financials beacon.
2 Ensign's Helm (Medium Helm)
Silver Music Box
To the right of the Fallen Chantry entrance.
3 Bloodletter's Twinblade (Longsword)
Silver Music Box
Fade-Touched Ore
Interact with a bookshelf and go down the ladder at Fallen Chantry
4 Azure Bow (Shortbow)
Oil Lamp
Fade-Touched Crystal
On a terrace in Fallen Chantry.
5 Crows Bill (Light Helm)
Silver Music Box
Imperial Weave
The chest can be located in a room in the east after you entered the Timelost Gateway.
6 Reinforced Longbow
Silver Music Box
Imperial Weave
On the south part of Streets of Coin Financials, go inside the room to locate this chest
7 Corvid Calling Mask (Medium Helm)
Silver Music Box
Green Bottle
Southwest of Streets of Coin Financials, interact with the stone to get to the chest on the other side.
8 Antivian Rapier (Longsword)
Silver Music Box
South of the Streets of Coin Financials, go next to the Gold Nug Statue where you can activate the stones and then go inside the room
9 Ochestrator's Long Coat (Light Armor)
Imperial Weave
Climb the trellis ladder beside the nearby Beacon and drop down from the rooftops to reach this chest.
10 Antivan Parade Helm (Heavy Helm)
Blacksmith's Tools
Use the ledge beside the nearby statue to shimmy across and drop down to this room.
11 Rialto (Rapier Lucanis)
Jeweled Brooch
Imperial Weave
Break the wooden planks blocking the path leading to this room in the Drowned District to reach a ladder that brings you to this chest.
12 Butcher's Screw (Rapier Lucanis)
Skein of Yarn
Open the door in this corner of the Drowned District to reach this chest.
13 Tusk of Glory (Axe Taash)
Jewelry Box
Flawless Crystal
Light up all four braziers in this area to open the locked gate. You will have to climb the nearby ladder and break planks and crates that block your path to find all of them.
14 Crow's Bill (Light Helm)
Oil Lamp
From the rooftop to the east, use Spite's Reach on the Veil Instability to access this chest from via a hole on the rooftop.
15 Balanced Epee (Lucanis Rapier)
Silver Music box
8 Pure Ore
Inside a building in Crow's Road Rooftops
16 Covert Leathers (Lucanis Medium Armor)
Snapped Chain
Behind a piece of furniture covered with cloth in Dellamorte Estates.
17 Butcher's Screw (Rapier Lucanis)
Chipped Mug
Inside the room with the piano in Dellamorte Estates.
18 Corvid Calling Mask (Medium Helm)
The Divine's Hat
14 Imperial Weave
On a balcony on the second floor of Dellamorte Estates.
19 Duelist's Coat (Medium Armor)
2 Royal Elfroot
Spawns next to Lucanis at the end of A Murder of Crows
20 The Mage-Killer (Lucanis Medium Armor)
Chipped Mug
9 Imperial Weave
Use Harding's field ability on the stone wall behind Mistress Trella in Heart and Central.
21 Orchestrator's Long Coat (Light Armor)
6 Imperial Weave
At the end of a terrace reached by climbing up a ladder and and hopping down rooftops in Heart and Central.

All Treasure Chest Locations

Small Chests

# Image Possible Drops How to Get
1 Snapped Chain

Between stacks of boxes in Grande Markets.
2 Amaranthine Loop (Ring)
Imperial Weave
Break boxes blocking an exit at Grande Markets.
3 Crush (Rune)
Vhenadahl's Tears
On a balcony in Streets of Coin Financials.
4 Duelist's Coat
Colorful Gems
At the end of the terrace near the zipline that leads to the Fallen Chantry.
5 Recruit's War Hat (Appearance)
Bear Carving
4 Pure Ore
Inside a small room just outside the Fallen Chantry.
6 Wanderer's Long Coat (Light Armor)
Venatori Crystal
Porcelain Flask
Etheric Remnant
Dropped by Porcia after defeating her in the Fallen Chantry.
7 Death Mask (Appearance)
Empty Coin Purse
Fade-Touched Crystal
In the southest corner of the room where you fight Porcia.
8 Nug Carving

Behind a door with curtains inside the chapel at Fallen Chantry
9 Reinforced Longbow (Longbow)
Cracked Lockbox
Venatori Ornament
Etheric Remnant
Defeat Nonus and Decimus at the Fallen Chantry
10 Bleeding Corvus (Ring)
Fade-Touched Ore
In front of a barricaded gate in Fallen Chantry.
11 Reinforced Longbow (Appearance)
Worn Hand-Pick
On the second floor of one of the buildings in Fallen Chantry.
12 Nevarran Vase

Open the Timelost Gateway in Streets of Coin Financial and go east. The chest is in front of the room
13 Crow's Perch Medallion (Amulet)
Antivan Basket
Imperial Weave
On the yard of the Dellamorte Estate, solve the puzzle and on the west side, a porticulli door should open where this chest is located.
14 All Mother's Corpse (Amulet)
Antivan Basket
Fade-Touched Crystal
Go inside a broken window in the Crow's Road Rooftops, where you'll see a few Venatori.
15 Grey Emblem (Amulet)
Bear Carving
Imperial Weave
On the south part of the Streets of Coin Financials, interact with the magenta light so Spite could create a brigde to get to this chest.
16 Crow's Perch Medallion (Amulet)
Empty Coin Purse
Southwest of Streets of Coins Financials, there is a door you can open north of the bar where this one out of two chest is located
17 Gold

Southwest of Streets of Coins Financials, there is a door you can open north of the bar where this one out of two chest is located
18 Amaranthine Loop (Ring)
On the rooftop of the Streets of Coins Financials.

All Treasure Chest Locations

Other Treviso Collectibles

Collectibles by Type
Fen'Harel Altar Evanuris Altar Memento

Fen'Harel Altars

# Fen'Harel Altar Location Treasure Location
East of Heart and Central.

All Fen'Harel Altar Locations

Evanuris Altars

There are no Evanuris Altars in Treviso.

All Evanuris Altar Locations


Memento Location

Contract: The Next March

Found on a table inside the Cantori Diamond.

Contract: The Next Blight

Collected from a small round table in the Cantori Diamond.

Qun on the Rocks

On the ground next to a crate in the Drowned District

Antivan Sprig

On the ground near some bushes in Grande Markets

Grappaling Hook

On the floor near some bushes in Crow's Road Rooftops

Viper's Breath

In a corner on the floor in Crow's Road Rooftops

Halla's Resolve

Bought from a Qunari merchant in Grande Markets for 500 Gold.

Pillars of Kal-Sharok: Stone

Bought from a female human peddler in Grande Markets for 500 Gold

Pungent Perfume

Bought from a female human peddler in Grande Markets for 500 Gold

Council of Spirits

Bought from a female human peddler in Grande Markets for 500 Gold

Seal of House Laskar

Bought from male human peddler in Grande Markets for 500 Gold

A Fool and His Skull

Bought from a female elven merchant in Grande Markets for 500 Gold

Pillars of Kal-Sharok: Voice

Bought from a female elven merchant in Grande Markets for 500 Gold

Contract: The Next False Avatar

Bought from Fletcher at the Cantori Diamond for 200 Gold.

Elven Cider Jug

Bought from Fletcher at the Cantori Diamond for 450 Gold. Requires shop rank 3.

Contract: The Next Empire

Bought from Fletcher at the Cantori Diamond for 850 Gold. Requires shop rank 4.

The Writ of Free Commerce

Just outside the room with the treasure chest in the Drowned District

Dew of the Dales

On a dock in the Drowned District

Vint-6 the Common Red

Next to a chest found going up a ladder in the Drowned District.

Daisy Fun-Time Lemon Gin

At the roof of a building in Grande Markets

Maferath's Embrace

Near a zipline on top of a building at the Streets of Coin Financials.

The Offer of Honor

From where you start the Bloodbath quest, climb the nearby ladder, and then move forward to the rooftops.

The Writ of Antivan Will

At the courtyard, before opening a large gate during the Bloodbath quest.

Vial of Vile

On the rooftop of the Streets of Coin Financials.

The Ravens of Antiva

On the rooftop of the Streets of Coin Financials, head to the broken window and interact with the bookcase to open. You should locate this memento behind the statue

Mask of the First House

On a chess board inside Dellamorte Estates.

Mask of Torrenti, Blight-Ender

On a round table beside a sofa in Dellamorte Estates.

The Mask of All Talons

On a table under a painting of Treviso in Dellamorte Estates.

Mask of the Last Talon

Inside the room with the fireplace in Dellamorte Estates.

Orlesian Masterwork Linen

Bought from Fletcher in the Cantori Diamond for 500 Gold.

The Northern Everywhere

Bought from Fletcher in the Cantori Diamond for 500 Gold.

The Heartstrings

Bought from Fletcher in the Cantori Diamond for 500 Gold.

Call of the Carnival

Bought from Mistress Trella in Heart and Central for 500 Gold after freeing her during Statuary, Fine Art, and Antaam.

With First Hands

Bought from Mistress Trella in Heart and Central for 500 Gold after freeing her during Statuary, Fine Art, and Antaam.

Sign of Shaper's Respite

On a balcony in Heart and Central.

All Memento Locations

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Related Guides

Dragon Age The Veilguard - All Locations

List of All Locations

All Locations
Lighthouse Crossroads Elven Ruins
Ritual Site Dock Town Treviso
The Ossuary Rivain Coast Griffon Aerie
Hossberg Wetlands Necropolis Halls Arlathan Forest
Weisshaupt Deep Roads Isana Negat
Profane City Tearstone Island Arlathan Crater
Thalsian's Forum Hall of Valor


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