Dragon Age: The Veilguard

List of All Abilities

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Abilities are active skills that the player can use in Dragon Age: The Veilguard. See the list of all Abilities, the effect of each Ability, and how to use them here!

List of All Abilities

Skill Effect
Heroic Leap Leap forward and deal heavy damage to any nearby enemies. Deals high Stagger and is likely to disrupt enemies. Detonates Weakened.
Driving Kick Focus all your strength and determination into one mighty kick. Deals a very high amount of Stagger and very likely disrupts the target. Detonates Weakened.
Titan Stomp Create a shockwave around you by slamming into the ground. Deals very high Stagger to nearby enemies. Applies Overwhelm.
Groundbreaker Shake and shatter the ground with your weapon, spreading cracks that explode after a short delay. Damage is applied on the initial strike and again a short time later. The secondary explosion applies Burning and is likely to disrupt enemies. Detonates Weakened.
Fury of the Forge Burning steel blades rain down on your enemies. Applies Burning on impact.
Cleaving Strike A large, sweeping strike pushes a damaging wave over the battlefield. Damage dealt increases with distance from the target while applying Bleeding on hit.
Spectral Bulwark Hone your guard and protect yourself from enemies foolish enough to attack. Enemies who hit you with a melee attack take damage and very high Stagger. Increases Defense by 50% while active.
Deadly Ground Create a Necrotic field at your current location. Enemies caught inside the field take constant damage until they escape. Grants Enhanced Damage while you are inside the field.
Whirlwind Unleash a whirlwind of steel that damages everything it hits and ends with a final massive blow. The final hit deals increased damage and Stagger. It is also highly likely to disrupt enemies.
Grappling Spear Harpoon your targets with a strong throw and drag them in for a closer encounter. Pulls your target toward you. Press Light or Heavy to perform a follow-up attack that deals Physical damage with a high chance to disrupt enemies. Applies Overwhelm.
Bloody Advance Throw a fan of blades that seek out and impale nearby enemies. Applies Bleeding . While enemies are still impaled, a charged Shield Toss will cause a burst of damage to nearby enemies. Applies Sundered.
Blight Bane Throw a Warden siege bomb that bursts into a cluster of explosives after a short delay. Launches multiple explosives with each capable of applying Burning to enemies in a small radius. Detonates Weakened.
Reaper Call forth an ethereal scythe that slashes and slices your enemies. Applies Siphon. Detonates Weakened.
Reeling Bolt Nock your bow with a special arrow that shocks and disorients enemies. Deals very high Stagger and applies Shocked to the primary target. Nearby enemies are pulled toward the target. Applies Weakened.
Storm's Path A Veil Jumper makes their own path. It just requires some creativity… or a lot of violence. Fire a massive blast from your Bow, damaging all enemies in the way. Detonates Overwhelmed.
A Thousand Cuts Assume a duelist’s pose, then rapidly slice and dice your opponent. Deals damage up to 16 times with an especially devastating final blow.
Fortune's Turret Throw down a mechanized turret that targets the closest enemy and peppers them with projectiles. When spent, the device explodes, dealing heavy damage likely to disrupt any enemies within range of the blast.
Toxic Dash Dash toward your target to land a deadly blow. Applies Necrosis to the enemy. Applies Sundered.
Explosive Trap Repurpose Antaam explosives for your own use. Throw down an explosive trap that detonates when enemies get too close. Highly likely to disrupt enemies. Detonates Overwhelmed.
Lightning Quiver Unleash a storm of electric bolts that spread across the battlefield, peppering random enemies. Fires up to 7 bolts that randomly hit enemies across a large area.
Rain of Decay Rain death from above. Damage is inflicted each second to all enemies caught in the area of this attack.
Explosive Daggers Unleash a barrage of sticky, explosive daggers. Fires 3 daggers that stick to their targets, then explode after a short time. Applies Sundered.
Hurricane of Blades Deals 350 Necrotic damage. Spin around in a ring of rapid strikes. Nearby enemies are hit up to 4 times. The final strike deals more damage.
Lightning Flask Throw down a flask of bottled lightning that explodes, unleashing a storm of pain on nearby enemies. Deals damage in a large area upon impact, while creating an aura that deals Electric damage and applies Shocked to nearby enemies.
Pilfer Add insult to injury by swiping a Potion when you slice up an enemy. Applies Bleeding on hit. The Potion is automatically consumed after being stolen. Detonates Overwhelmed.
Static Strikes Unleash twin bolts of lightning from your blades, shocking all enemies they strike. Fires 2 bolts, each dealing damage independently but traveling along the same path. Applies Weakened.
Frost Nova Freeze your enemies to the bone if they get too close. A wide area around you is Frozen.
Arcane Shot Conjure fiery arcane bolts that rip into your enemies. Launch up to 5 projectiles toward your target and any enemy unlucky enough to be nearby.
Ice Blast Hurl shards of ice, impaling enemies caught in the way. Deals damage in a tight radius around your target, leaving behind shards that render enemies Chilled when touched.
Wall of Fire Summon a flaming barrier, burning enemies foolish enough to cross it. Enemies incur damage and Burning each second they remain inside the wall.
Meteor Call down an elemental meteor that crushes and burns enemies in its way. Deals damage in an area around your target and applies Burning.
Chain Lightning Charge the air and fire a bolt of lightning that splits to hit multiple targets in a chain reaction. The bolt bounces up to 3 times, dealing damage to each enemy hit and rendering them Shocked.
Tempest Weave a powerful thunderstorm around you. Lightning strikes a random enemy within 8 meters of the casting zone every 2 seconds. Deals Electric damage to all enemies caught by the blast, rendering them Shocked.
Storm Surge Leap backward, stirring up a storm of elemental energy in your wake. Deals damage to all nearby enemies.
Dark Squall Harness elemental chaos, projecting a burst of entropic energy to knock your targets back.
Corrupted Ground Weave the threads of life and death, corrupting an area of the battlefield. Enemies caught inside succumb to its deadly aura. Deals minor damage and applies Necrosis each second enemies are exposed to the corruption.
Void Blade Harness the agility of the Antivan Crows, dashing forward in a flash of dark energy before landing a deadly slash that explodes a moment later. Deals damage twice.
Entropic Sphere Launch a sphere of entropic energy that damages all enemies in its path before exploding in a punishing final blast.
Spirit Bomb Drain the life out of enemies, then throw it back at them in an explosion of necrotic energy. Applies Siphoned and deals damage each second you are connected to a target, before a final blast deals bonus damage that intensifies the longer the target is exposed to it.

What Are Abilities?

Active Skills

Each class has a unique Resource that they accumulate in battle, which can then be spent to use Abilities. Abilities are usually attacks of varying elements and effects that can be employed to gain the upper hand in combat.

The abilities that a player can use are all tied to their Class and its Skill Tree, and need to be unlocked when leveling their character, making abilities more impactful due to how tied they will be to a player's build.

All Skills and Skill Trees

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Related Guides

Dragon Age The Veilguard - Skills

All Skills and Skill Trees

Skills by Class

Rogue IconRogue Skills Warrior IconWarrior Skills Mage IconMage Skills

All Skills Types

Abilities Passives
Traits Ultimates
Companion Skills


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