Dragon Age: The Veilguard

Spellblade Build and Best Skills

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Spellblade Mage Build and Best Skills
The Spellblade Mage Build is a build you can create for the Spellblade specialization in Dragon Age: The Veilguard. Learn the best skills to get, the best weapon and armor to use, the best companions to bring, and more!

Mage Guides
Best Builds Skill Tree
& Priority
Death Caller

The Best Spellblade Build for Dragon Age: Veilguard

Early-Game Spellblade Build

Skills 1. Meteor
2. Wall of Fire
3. Storm Surge
4. Destructive Light
Main Urthemiel's Ash
+10% Weapon Damage
Off-Hand Split-Hilt Dirk
+25% Stagger
Alt. Weapon Flamebranch
+20% Barrier Damage
Helmet Helm of Light and Shadow
+20% Electricity Resistance
Armor Defiant Plate
+20% Fire Resistance
Belt Tincture Kit
Amulet Halla's Grace
+25% Ultimate Damage
Ring 1 Amaranthine Loop
+25% Mana Regeneration
Ring 2 Graven Opal
+25% Mana Generation
Runes 1. Besiege
2. Ravage
3. Upend
Companions Lucanis:
Dragon Age The Veilguard - Debilitate Debilitate
Dragon Age The Veilguard - Abominate Abominate
Dragon Age The Veilguard - Soothing Potion (Lucanis) Soothing Potion (Lucanis)
Dragon Age The Veilguard - Heavy Draw Heavy Draw
Dragon Age The Veilguard - Soothing Potion (Harding) Soothing Potion (Harding)
Dragon Age The Veilguard - Shred Shred

For your early game skills, get Wall of Fire for some good Fire Damage, Meteor for inflicting Burning, and Storm Surge to help get out of tight spots.

Most of the enchantment choices do not matter too much in the early game so go with whichever gives damage, stagger, or mana generation buffs.

Endgame Spellblade Build

Skills 1. Meteor
+75% Damage vs. Armor
2. Storm Surge
Apply Shocked on Hit
3. Void Blade
+75% Damage While Shocking Weapons
4. Thunderous End
Main Mage's Gambit
+20% Final Attack Damage
Off-Hand Thorn of Misfortune
+25% Arcane Bomb Trigger Damage
Alt. Weapon Flamebranch
+1 Light Staff Projectile Count
Helmet Stinging Blow
+20% Advantage Duration
Armor Explorer's Suit
+15% Affliction Duration
Belt Warden's Straps
Amulet Crow's Perch Medallion
+20% Shocked Damage
Ring 1 Focus of the Veil
+25% Strike Ability Damage
Ring 2 Brass Root
+25% Blast Ability Damage
Runes 1. Escalate
2. Ravage
3. Scorch
Companions Taash:
Dragon Age The Veilguard - Dragonfire Strike Dragonfire Strike
Dragon Age The Veilguard - Spitfire Spitfire
Dragon Age The Veilguard - Dragon Dragon's Roar
Dragon Age The Veilguard - Debilitate Debilitate
Dragon Age The Veilguard - Eviscerate Eviscerate
Dragon Age The Veilguard - Abominate Abominate

When you reach Endgame, the Spellblade will have abilities for both Fire and Electric with a dual-element Orb that synergizes well with your kit, making you more versatile.

Other than that, the Spellblade focuses on inflicting Shocked and Burning simultaneously, while dealing huge damage with your Arcane Bomb.

Spellblade Skill Priority

Skill Tree Progression

Order Skill Description
1 Fade Strike
Use your speed to unleash a powerful attack with any weapon after using Fade Step. Also unlocks an additional follow-up attack while sprinting by pressing Light or Heavy attack.
2 Downfall
Jump attacks guarantee Critical hits if the target is Knocked Down.
3 Wall of Fire
Summon a flaming barrier, burning enemies foolish enough to cross it. Enemies incur damage and Burning each second they remain inside the wall.
4 Velocity
Stagger from weapon attacks: +20%
5 Essence Eater
(Antivan Crow)
Performing a Takedown grants 250 health and 20 Ultimate.
6 Deterioration
(Antivan Crow)
Penetration: +15%
7 Imbued Reaction
(Antivan Crow)
Perfect Defense grants Shocking Weapons. Shocking Weapons deals 25% more damage.
8 Staggering Charge
(Antivan Crow)
Stagger from Charged attacks: +20%
9 Storm Surge
(Antivan Crow)
Leap backward, stirring up a storm of elemental energy in your wake. Deals damage to all nearby enemies.
10 Finale
(Antivan Crow)
Final attack damage: +10%
11 Spirit Blade
(Antivan Crow)
You can now use your Heavy attack at the end of a Light Attack Chain to conjure a blade and project it a short distance. The blade consumes an Arcane Bomb. Requires Orb and Dagger.
12 Return Fire
Use a Light or Heavy attack after a Perfect Defense to perform a counterattack.
13 Bigger Blast
Arcane Bomb Damage: +15%
14 Inner Focus
Successful Light attacks generate an additional 25% Mana. This value is doubled against enemies suffering from an Affliction.
15 Wildfire
Fire damage: +10%
16 Meteor
Call down an elemental meteor that crushes and burns enemies in its way. Deals damage in an area around your target and applies Burning.
17 Demolisher
Maximum Arcane Bomb stacks: +1
18 Flames of Inspiration
Defeating a Burning enemy grants Rally Party.
19 Bombastic
Blast Abilities now deal 25% more Detonation damage. Arcane Shot now Detonates Sundered enemies.
20 Thunderous End
Conjure a deadly avatar of the storm to seek vengeance on your enemies. Deals heavy damage and applies 2 stacks of Shocked to enemies within a large radius.
21 Void Blade
Harness the agility of the Antivan Crows, dashing forward in a flash of dark energy before landing a deadly slash that explodes a moment later. Deals damage twice.
22 Finale
Final attack damage: +10%
23 Blast Efficiency
Blast Abilities cost 50 less Mana.
24 Deterioration
Penetration: +15%
25 Arcane Strike
Strike Abilities now hit with an Arcane Bomb.
26 Medium Armor Mastery
(Antivan Crow)
While wearing a Medium Vitaar/Helmet and Armor:
Critical damage +20%
Final damage +20%
Charged attack damage +20%
Agile attack damage +20%.
27 Bulwark
(Antivan Crow)
Physical Resistance: +10%
28 Energy Burst
Abilities that deal Fire or Electric damage increase the other type’s damage by 15% for 10 seconds.
29 Veil Blasts
Apply 15% of your current Mana as bonus damage for Blast Abilities.
30 Spirit of Vengeance
You can now throw your Spirit Blade a second time by pressing Heavy attack when it returns to you. Requires Orb and Dagger.
31 Demolisher
Maximum Arcane Bomb stacks: +1
32 Orbital Burst
When triggering an Arcane Bomb, deal 100% of the damage in a 6 meter radius. Also deals significant Stagger to targets.
33 Conductivity
Defeating an enemy with one or more Arcane Bombs still active causes the effect to jump to the nearest enemy within 10 meters.
34 Breacher
(Antivan Crow)
Blast Abilities deal 50% more damage vs Barrier and Armor.
35 Staggering Strikes
(Antivan Crow)
Strike Abilities deal 50% more Stagger.
36 Wrath
Critical Damage: +10%
37 Battlecry
Maximum Burning stacks: +1
38 Elemental Executioner
(Antivan Crow)
Final attacks are Critical against enemies with Low Health.
39 Shellbreaker
(Antivan Crow)
Damage vs. Armor: +20%
40 Veil Flurry
Hold Light attack at the end of Light Attack Chain and release at the right moment to unleash your Orb in a circle around you.
41 Antivan Kiss
Maximum Shocked stacks: +1
Maximum Burning stacks: +1
42 Electrical Burns
Applying Burning also applies Shocked. Applying Shocked also applies Burning.
43 Shocking Tactician
Achieving maximum Shocked stacks on an enemy triggers an Electric burst in an area around them.
44 Underestimated
(Antivan Crow)
Light attack damage vs. health: +10%
45 Pressure Point
(Antivan Crow)
Landing a Critical hit with Strike Abilities grants Quickened.
46 Baleful Blast
(Antivan Crow)
Blast Abilities deal Critical hits to enemies with Low Health.
47 Concentration
Charged attack damage: +10%
48 Perfect Cast
Releasing a Charged attack the moment it reaches the maximum charge level increases its damage by 50%.
49 Shocking Strikes
Using Strike Abilities applies Shocked to nearby enemies.
50 Precision Strikes
Strike abilities land a Critical hit against enemies who are Knocked Down.
51 Reclamation
Mana restored after defeating enemy: +8
52 Amperage
Electric damage: +10%
53 Debilitating Shocks
(Antivan Crow)
Takes 15% less damage from enemies who are Shocked.
54 Traumatize
Takedown damage: +15%
55 Nexus Shock
Hitting enemies with at least 3 stacks of Shocked causes a chain of Electric damage that strikes up to 2 additional enemies within range.

The skills above make sure you get to the Spellblade specialization the fastest way possible. We added a mix of Fire and Lightning damage with this skill progression, with more focus on Fire since that's where the Arcane Bomb buffs are found.

Make sure to get all the Ability Upgrades in Antivan Crow as this will be beneficial towards Staggering, making Critical Hits, and gaining Advantage buffs.

Best Spellblade Weapons

Early Game Endgame
Main Weapon Urthemiel's Ash
+10% Weapon Damage
Mage's Gambit
+20% Final Attack Damage
Off-Hand Split-Hilt Dirk
+25% Stagger
Thorn of Misfortune
+25% Arcane Bomb Trigger Damage
Alt. Weapon Flamebranch
+20% Barrier Damage
+1 Light Staff Projectile Count

Spellblades can work well with either Fire or Electric weapons due to their innate versatility between the two elements. Our Offhand recommendation focuses on Heavy attacks for early game, and Arcane Bombs for late game.

When you reach endgame, fire damage is still your priority but with the added Mage's Gambit that can swap between Fire and Electric. This should help you be more flexible for difficult fights later in the game.

Best Spellblade Gear

Early Game Endgame
Helmet Helm of Light and Shadow
+20% Electricity Resistance
Stinging Blow
+20% Advantage Duration
Armor Defiant Plate
+20% Fire Resistance
Explorer's Suit
+15% Affliction Duration
Belt Tincture Kit Warden's Straps
Amulet Halla's Grace
+25% Ultimate Damage
Crow's Perch Medallion
+20% Shocked Damage
Ring 1 Amaranthine Loop
+25% Mana Regeneration
Focus of the Veil
+25% Strike Ability Damage
Ring 2 Graven Opal
+25% Mana Generation
Brass Root
+25% Blast Ability Damage

While it does not matter what you equip in the early game, anything you come across with Fire or Electric Damage and Strike Ability Damage can lead you towards building your Endgame gear.

Make sure you pick up Focus of the Veil and Brass Roots as these will significantly boost the damage for all your Electric spells.

Best Spellblade Runes

Rune Pros & Cons
Early Game
Besiege • Probably the best rune to slot in the early game.
• Bypasses Barrier attack damage penalty altogether, making sure you are breaking it the fastest way possible.
• Use this if enemies have the blue barrier meter up.
Ravage • A straight up damage boost against enemies.
• Deals +50% damage when the enemies are reduced to their red health.
• Great for finishing off enemies.
Upend • Converts all your resistances to offensive damage bonuses of the same type.
• Works well with the armor enchantments we slotted in!
End Game
Escalate • Enhances your next ability with more damage.
• Great for maxing out the damage of your highest damaging abilities.
Ravage • Use only when Barriers/Armor is destroyed.
• Ideal for finishing off enemies.
Scorch • Can work in tandem with Shocking Weapons.
• Great for inflicting Burning.

In the early game, your runes will be mostly for damage boosts since most of your abilities can shred Barriers/Armor.

By endgame, Ravage will still be viable for damage boosts but is paired together with Escalate now, while Scorch will work in tandem with Shocking Weapons.

Best Spellblade Companions

Early Game Companions

Companion Build
Lucanis DellamorteLucanis Skills:
Dragon Age The Veilguard - Debilitate Debilitate
Dragon Age The Veilguard - Abominate Abominate
Dragon Age The Veilguard - Soothing Potion (Lucanis) Soothing Potion (Lucanis)

Main Weapon: Crowkeeper
Keepsake: Butcher's Screw
Armor: Wings of Antiva
Lace HardingHarding Skills:
Dragon Age The Veilguard - Heavy Draw Heavy Draw
Dragon Age The Veilguard - Soothing Potion (Harding) Soothing Potion (Harding)
Dragon Age The Veilguard - Shred Shred

Main Weapon: My Regards
Keepsake: Secrets and Memories
Armor: Spelunker's Gear
Trinket: Orlesian Sovereign

Lucanis and Harding work well together since their abilities are capable of doing Primer + Detonation combos.

Make sure to use Soothing Potion whenever you can since the Spellblades like to get up close and personal.

Endgame Companions

Companion Build
TaashTaash Skills:
Dragon Age The Veilguard - Dragonfire Strike Dragonfire Strike
Dragon Age The Veilguard - Spitfire Spitfire
Dragon Age The Veilguard - Dragon Dragon's Roar

Main Weapon: Golden Locus
Keepsake: Jade Cleaver
Armor: Strong Arm
Trinket: Numbing Herbs
Lucanis DellamorteLucanis Skills:
Dragon Age The Veilguard - Debilitate Debilitate
Dragon Age The Veilguard - Eviscerate Eviscerate
Dragon Age The Veilguard - Abominate Abominate

Main Weapon: Trevisan Poignard
Keepsake: God's Foil
Armor: Corvid Cloak

For endgame, Taash becomes viable due to the increased Fire Damage and Burning affliction, while Lucanis now applies Shocked and can detonate Overwhelmed on his enemies which works in tandem your kit.

How to Play the Spellblade

The Spellblade is a specialization for the Mage that uses blades imbued by magic instead of the generic elemental staves. They also fight in melee range and therefore play like a Rogue more than the stereotypical Mage that casts spells from long range.

Use The Mageknife or Spellblade

Dragon Age Veilguard - Spellblade uses Mageknives and Spellblades

The Spellblade uses the Mageknife or Spellblades as their primary weapon. It is a dagger-like weapon imbued by magic and is usually paired with an elemental orb. The orb slotted with the Mageknife dictates the element associated with it.

List of All Main-Hand Weapons

Create and Trigger Arcane Bombs

The main bread-and-butter combo for a Spellblade is their utilization of Arcane Bombs by accumulating Arcane Marks on enemies. Arcane Marks are accumulated using the dagger's Light attacks with three (3) Arcane Marks producing an Arcane Bomb.

Trigger Arcane Bombs with Heavy Attacks

When Arcane Bombs are primed on enemies, Spellblades must trigger them for big damage! Arcane Bombs are triggered using Heavy Attacks or the Spinning Blade move on the fourth attack of the Light Attack chain when the Spirit Blade skill has been unlocked.

Take note that normal Heavy Attacks have a winding animation that leaves you exposed to attacks, so be careful. Also, getting attacked mid-combo resets the Light attack chain count so the spinning blade move won't trigger if you get interrupted.

Parry Attacks for Extra Damage!

Because Mageknives and Spellblades are considered melee weapons, they have access to a parry. Spellblade users can parry attacks by tapping the block button as the attack is about to hit them. The game conveniently shows an indicator on top of the Rook's head when they are about to be hit, and the parry window is when the indicator is glowing Yellow.

Use Crowd Control At All Times!

Crowd Control is extremely important in Dragon Age: The Veilguard, and thankfully the Spellblade have access to a bunch of Crowd Control skills. The most important one is Storm Surge which interrupts enemies from attacking while causing the Rook to leap backwards, creating a safe distance when in a pinch.

Storm Surge also applies Overwhelm, so you can order your capable companions to trigger that for bonus Stagger damage!

Switch to Staff When Attacking from Range

Dragon Age Veilguard - Use Staff for Ranged Damage

If you find yourself in a situation that prohibits you from getting close to an enemy, you can switch to your Staff to deal damage from long range. This won't be as effective as the Mageknives, but it is helpful in minimizing DPS loss.

List of All Off-Hand Weapons

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Related Guides

Dragon Age The Veilguard - Classes and Builds

All Classes, Specializations, and Best Builds

List of Class and Specialization Builds

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Mage Class
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Rogue Class
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2 Anonymous2 months

Also number 50 is missing the wrath prereq. And some of the skill choices are questionable. I would suggest going to killer instinct via Tempest, not perfect cast. Also why do you take medium armor mastery, and then use heavy pieces? I would suggest Deathblow helmet and and Garb of Kinship if you want to make use of medium armor bonus.

1 Anonymous3 months

In the Skill Priority list there is an error. Number 48 Perfect Cast to number 49 Shocking Strikes is impossible because you are skipping the passive Killer Instinct that connects those two nodes.


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