Dragon Age: The Veilguard

Taash Romance and Approval Guide

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Dragon Age The Veilguard - Taash Romance and Approval Guide

Taash is a romanceable companion in Dragon Age: The Veilguard. See how to romance Taash and get their approval with the right dialogue choices, and check out all their companion quests in this guide!

Taash Guides
Companion Build Romance Guide

Taash Romance Requirements

Does Not Have Any Requirements

Meeting Taash for the First Time

There are no requirements to begin romancing Taash. Players can start pursuing them as soon as they unlock them as a companion.

How to Romance Taash

Taash Approval Guide

Recommended Dialogue Options

Description Icon Situation
Tough and Non-chalant Tough To be used for general interactions
Cynical and Spiteful Cynical To be used when interacting against enemies
Honest Honest Attitude To be used when Taash is vulnerable and open about their problems - especially with their identity
Sentimental and Melancholic Sentimental

The table above lists the type of dialogue options that will most likely increase Taash's approval and explains which situations to use them in.

Dialogue Choice Symbols and Meaning

Dialogue Taash Approves Of

Quest or Location Prompter Prompt Choice 1 Choice 2 Choice 3 Choice 4 Choice 5
Where the Dead Must Go Emmrich What a fascinating place this Lighthouse is! What do you make of it? Better with an expert mage.
・Romance Emmrich
It’s better with more people.
・No approval changes.
It’s fine.
・No approval changes.
Beautiful. Surprisingly comfy.
・No approval changes.
No Options
No Outcome
The Dragon Slayer Taash Hey. Taash, I hope?
・No approval changes.
That looks painful.
・Taash approves.
Good to meet you.
・No approval changes.
No Options
No Outcome
No Options
No Outcome
Something Wrong Bellara Feels like we’re at war. A lot of little wars The gods move fast.
・Davrin approves.
That’s reassuring
・Harding approves.
So we fight back.
・Taash approves.
No Options
No Outcome
No Options
No Outcome
Something Wrong First Warden Stay away from the blight and the Wardens. How many times must you be told? We really found something.
・No approval changes.
How should I know?
・Taash approves.
Until I get through to you.
・No approval changes.
Your rules won’t save you. (Veil Jumpers Exclusive)
・No approval changes.
No Options
No Outcome
The Siege of Weisshaupt First Warden That’s an order, Warden!
Should You Knock Out or Reason with the First Warden?
Well. I tried talking.
・Lucanis greatly approves, Davrin greatly approves, Taash greatly approves, Neve greatly approves, Harding greatly approves, Bellara greatly disapproves, Emmrich greatly disapproves.
・The First Warden reappears in The Profane and the Lost quest and will be deranged.
Let’s be reasonable.
・Bellara greatly approves, Emmrich greatly approves, Harding greatly approves, Lucanis greatly disapproves, Davrin greatly disapproves, Taash greatly disapproves, Neve greatly disapproves.
・The First Warden reappears in The Profane and the Lost quest and still be sane.
No Options
No Outcome
No Options
No Outcome
No Options
No Outcome
Blood of Arlathan Harding I’ll let her know. Good fighting today.
・Bellara aproves, Taash approves.
We survived again.
・Neve approves, Harding approves.
Be ready to go.
・Lucanis approves, Davrin approves.
No Options
No Outcome
No Options
No Outcome
Fire on the Sands Taash Stupid birds. This is a fun side of you. (Flirt)
・Romance Taash.
Let me help.
・No approval changes.
This is unexpected for you.
・No approval changes.
We could be relaxing.
・No approval changes.
No Options
No Outcome
Fire on the Sands Taash Yeah? That’s rough.
・Taash approves.
・Emphatize with Taash
I understand that.
・Taash approves.
・Encourage Taash
No Options
No Outcome
No Options
No Outcome
No Options
No Outcome
Fire on the Sands Taash She’s like that. So, uncommon with men?
・Romance Taash.
She cares about you.
・No approval changes.
You talk like her.
・No approval changes.
Forget her.
・No approval changes.
No Options
No Outcome
Secrets of the Qunari Taash I was going to. Then we got here and she was... like that. There’s no hurry.
・Taash approves.
Tell me in advance next time.
・No approval changes.
You don’t have to tell her.
・No approval changes.
You’re worth standing up for.
・Taash approves.
No Options
No Outcome
Dragon Class Cutter This is stupid. I like when you talk shop. (Flirt)
・Romance Taash.
Cutter has something to prove.
・No approval changes.
・No approval changes.
We don’t need Cutter.
・No approval changes.
No Options
No Outcome
A Little Dragon Hatches Taash Fine. You’re the expert. You deserve kindness, Taash.
・Romance Taash
Seems like you did.
・No approval changes.
Sounds just like her.
・No approval changes.
What did you need?
・No approval changes.
No Options
No Outcome
A Little Dragon Hatches Taash I have to be a dragon slayer. And you are.
・No approval changes.
We’re doing thise here? FIne.
・Taash approves.
I’m so sorry, Taash.
・Taash approves.
No Options
No Outcome
No Options
No Outcome
A Little Dragon Hatches Taash What does she want me to be? She cares for you. So do I.
・Commit to an exclusive relationship with Taash.
Forget what she wants.
・Forgo romance and urge Taash to embrace Rivaini culture.
She’s using the Qun to help.
・Forgo romance and urge Taash to embrace Qunari culture.
No Options
No Outcome
No Options
No Outcome
Lighthouse Taash Ugh. Puzzles. (Inquire about traps) I like puzzles!
・No approval changes.
I hate random puzzles.
・No approval changes.
I cheat at puzzles.
・Taash approves.
No Options
No Outcome
No Options
No Outcome
Lighthouse Taash The Lords send that stuff back to the Qunari in Par Vollen. They pay the Lords a finder’s fee. (Inquite about Mother’s Job) There’s no corruption?
・Taash approves.
That’s generous.
・No approval changes.
That’s extortion.
・Taash disapproves.
No Options
No Outcome
No Options
No Outcome
Lighthouse Emmrich It’s a figure. Of. Speech. Taash. What’d you do.
・Emmrich approves.
Let’s calm a little, Emmrich.
・Taash approves.
I knew this would happen.
・No approval changes.
No Options
No Outcome
No Options
No Outcome
Lighthouse Taash Especially the ones with skin still on them. It’s good to clear the air.
・No approval changes.
Okay, let’s work it out.
・No approval changes.
Saw this corning.
・Emmrich approves, Taash approves.
No Options
No Outcome
No Options
No Outcome
Lighthouse Taash Nah. They were doing it. I don’t think so, and ick.
・Bellara approves.
Yes, obviously.
・Taash approves.
Maybe. Moving on.
・No approval changes.
No Options
No Outcome
No Options
No Outcome

Dialogue Taash Dispproves Of

Quest or Location Prompter Prompt Choice 1 Choice 2 Choice 3 Choice 4 Choice 5
The Siege of Weisshaupt First Warden That’s an order, Warden!
Should You Knock Out or Reason with the First Warden?
Well. I tried talking.
・Lucanis greatly approves, Davrin greatly approves, Taash greatly approves, Neve greatly approves, Harding greatly approves, Bellara greatly disapproves, Emmrich greatly disapproves.
・The First Warden reappears in The Profane and the Lost quest and will be deranged.
Let’s be reasonable.
・Bellara greatly approves, Emmrich greatly approves, Harding greatly approves, Lucanis greatly disapproves, Davrin greatly disapproves, Taash greatly disapproves, Neve greatly disapproves.
・The First Warden reappears in The Profane and the Lost quest and still be sane.
No Options
No Outcome
No Options
No Outcome
No Options
No Outcome
A Little Dragon Hatches Taash What does she want me to be? She cares for you. So do I.
・Commit to an exclusive relationship with Taash.
Forget what she wants.
・Forgo romance and urge Taash to embrace Rivaini culture.
She’s using the Qun to help.
・Forgo romance and urge Taash to embrace Qunari culture.
No Options
No Outcome
No Options
No Outcome
Lighthouse Taash The Lords send that stuff back to the Qunari in Par Vollen. They pay the Lords a finder’s fee. (Inquite about Mother’s Job) There’s no corruption?
・Taash approves.
That’s generous.
・No approval changes.
That’s extortion.
・Taash disapproves.
No Options
No Outcome
No Options
No Outcome

Taash Romance Quests

All Taash Companion Quests

Doing Taash's companion quests will significantly strengthen your bond with them. Here are all of their quests:

How to Get Hero of the Veilguard

Taash attains the Hero of the Veilguard status after completing the Lair of the Dragon King companion quest.

Do note that you are not required to be in an exclusive relationship with Taash for them to be a Hero of the Veilguard!

Embrace Rivaini Culture or Qunari Heritage?

Trigger Taash's Commitment Conversation

During A Little Dragon Hatches Quest

Time Prompt Choice
After After "The Siege of Weisshaupt" Quest Taash: So which is it? I'm interested if you are.
Express romantic interest in Taash (Does not commit to a romance).
During "A Little Dragon Hatches" Quest Taash: What does she want me to be? She cares for you. So do I.
Commit to an exclusive relationship with Taash.

The first half of the Commitment Conversation for Taash will appear after completing The Siege of Weisshaupt main quest. Head into their room to trigger an interaction.

After finishing the interaction, players will be given the A Little Dragon Hatches companion quest, and during this quest, the second half of the Commitment Conversation will be prompted.

Who Are You Romancing Next?

Lace Harding 150
Davrin 175
Bellara Lutare 210
Taash 118
Lucanis Dellamorte 346
Emmrich Volkarin 183
Neve Gallus 279

Taash Gift Location

Buy at Lords of Fortune Shop

Taash Gift in Lords of Fortune Shop

Players can find a gift for Taash in the Lords of Fortune Shop. The item is called Priceless Ancient Trinkets, costs 90 Gold and 10 Flawless Crystal, and can be given to Taash to start a companion quest that raises their approval.

List of All Items

Fit for a Dragon Hunter Companion Quest

Fit for a Dragon Hunter Quest

Head to the Lighthouse after purchasing the Priceless Ancient Trinkets and interact with Taash with the Give Gift prompt. They will comment on the gift and the quest will finish.

Who Does Taash Romance?


Meeting Harding for the First Time

Taash will romance Harding if players finish their questlines and do not commit to an exclusive relationship with them. If these conditions are fulfilled, players can witness romantic interactions between the two at the Lighthouse.

Harding Companion Guide

What Should Taash Get Harding?

Recommending either of the three options—CheeseArchery Gear, or Jewelry—as a gift for Harding will result in her and Taash beginning a relationship.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Related Guides


All Romance Options and Approval Guides

List of All Romance Options

Romance Options
Lace Harding Lace Harding Neve Gallus Neve Gallus
Bellara LutareBellara Lutare Lucanis DellamorteLucanis Dellamorte
Taash Taash Emmrich VolkarinEmmrich Volkarin
Davrin Davrin -

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3 Anonymous glorpabout 1 month

Taash is the funniest character. The way they called emmerich a skull "liker" 💀

2 Anonymous2 months

The argument at the lighthouse between Taash and Emmerich, they both DISAPPROVE if you choose the option to say "Saw this coming"


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