Dragon Age: The Veilguard

All Classes and Builds

Dragon Age The Veilguard - All Classes and Builds

Dragon Age: The Veilguard has three classes: Warrior, Mage, and Rogue. See all the classes together with their strengths and equipment, their unique class specializations, what classes are, and if you can change your class in Dragon Age: The Veilguard!

All Dragon Age: The Veilguard Classes

All Classes
Warrior Mage Rogue


Strong and resilient, warriors are the bulwark of the team. They are at the front-line, taking and dishing damage, drawing aggro from enemies and deploying crowd control abilities.

Warriors use ther Rage class resource to activate abilities. Rage is built up by dealing and absorbing damage.

Warrior Class Equipment

Warriors, being the tank of the team, carry heavy armor and can use a one-handed weapon together with a shield for more defense, or a two-handed weapon to carry out more damage.

Warrior Class Specializations

Specialization Description
Champion Favoring a defensive fighting style, Champions rally allies and use their shields for defense and offense.
Reaper Focusing on life-steal to stay in the fight, the more damage the Reaper takes the more powerful they become.
Slayer Favoring an aggressive style, Slayers specialize in two-handed weapons with heavy attacks and quick movements.

Warrior Class Abilities and Builds


Mages use their mastery of the arcane to turn the tide of battle for the party. They can barrage foes with waves of elemental damage for offense, as well as buff allies, bolstering defenses and offense amplifications.

Mages use their Mana class resource to activate abilities. Mages regain Mana passively over time.

Dwarves cannot be mages because they are disconnected from the Fade, the source of magic in Thedas, making them unable to use it.

Mage Class Equipment

Mages wear magically infused robes, while not protecting much from physical damage, can give significant buffs to the mages spells. They can swap between a staff for long range attacks, and an Elemental Orb + Mageknife combo for close range fighting.

Mage Class Specializations

Specialization Description
Death Caller Death Callers use necromancy magic to drain enemies of their health, enhancing the mage's abilities.
Envoker Envokers specialize in ice magic, freezing their enemies and taking control the battlefield.
Spellblade Preferring to be up-close, Spellblades use both their melee and magic prowess to fight.

Mage Class Abilities and Builds


Quick and agile, rogues rely on their speed, agility, and stealth prowess to maneuver around the battlefield, and strike at enemies with a flurry of slashes and arrows.

Rogues use their Momentum class resource to activate abilities. Momentum is built up when rogues succesfully dodge and parry enemy attacks.

Rogue Class Equipment

Rogues can carry dual-wielded blades to quickly deal massive amounts of damage up-close, and can also opt to deal damage from afar using bows, as well as sabotage enemies with traps and tools.

Rogue Class Specializations

Specialization Description
Duelist Dual-wielding two blades, Duelists are the quickest on the field, using dodges and parries to avoid damage and dish it right back.
Saboteur Saboteurs use all sorts of traps and contraptions to control the field, making it hard for enemies to get any advantageous footing.
Veil Ranger Favoring to fight at range, Veil Rangers use their mastery of the bow to dispatch enemies from afar.

Rogue Class Abilities and Builds

What are Classes in Dragon Age: The Veilguard?

Rook's Foundation

In Dragon Age: The Veilguard, the class you choose will be the foundation of Rook's combat style, abilities, and Rook's overall role to play in your party. The class you pick greatly shapes how your game experience will be, not just in combat, but in the story itself.

Unique Lore for the Classes

Each class is also deeply woven into the lore of Dragon Age. The different classes you can choose have unique affects on aspects of Rook's background. Depending on your class, characters can dialogue with Rook differently, and interactions can play out in unique ways.

For example, mages have always been controversial in the entire lore of Dragon Age, subject to persecution and feared by many. If you were to pick a mage, you would experience that controversy first-hand.

Can You Change Classes in Dragon Age: The Veilguard?

No, Class Choice is Permanent

In Dragon Age: The Veilguard, the class you pick at the start of the game is permanent. Similar to other installments of the franchise, there is no way to change it in-game.

As mentioned earlier, your class is deeply tied to your character and the game's lore, allowing potential inconsistencies in the story if there were a way to change classes.

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